Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/554

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_ W _ , \ \ §, 121 i mrrnie 19.-one PAR: 215. Gas retorts, `20` per centnm ad valoreui ;e lava; tip! for burners, 10 cents per gpo is per centnm ed yalorem ;- and '@1i€Sid clay supporters, ,éo¤&@g of rings, rods, and _ t other? {argue ifor gas mnntles, 35 pers centnm and valorem. K Plum. 216. Cerbons- and electrodes, ot whatever material oomposedr end wholly or. nortly me.m1feemred,_·for producing eleotrie ere light; electrodes, composed wholly 01*15 part ot enrbon or grurihite, and wholly, or partly manufactured, for furnace or electrolytic purposes; brnshegs; lot whatever xnaterial composed, had wholly or mrtly menufnétured, for motors, generators, or other électrichl nmchlnesior `appliances; plates, rods; and other forms, of whn_tever material eoxnpoeed, and wholly or partly manufactured. `for mnnufactprlng into `the aforesaid brushes; and articléé of wnres conxposed- wholly or in part of carbon or graphite, `wéholly or partly manufactured, not specially provided for, 45 per` centnm atlfvalorem. -‘ Pen. 21} Plain green or colored, `molded `or pressed, and dint, lime, or lead. glass·bottles,_ vlols, andbcovereel, or uncovered demljohns, rand cerboys, any of the foregoing, Hlled or nnnlled, not specially provided for, and , whether their com tents be dntiable or free- (except such as contain me¤c1;¤¤meg subjecteto qn~ 8d'V8l(l1'QlI1—1‘8t€ of duty, ‘or‘-to a_ rsitei ofdnty based in whole or in part-upon the value thereofgvmhich shell beglntiable at the rate applicable to their contents), ehall dnty z1s,follows:·If holdingimore than one bint, 1 cent per ‘ponnd§ if holding not more than one pint and not leesmhhn one-fourth of ·a pint,. 1% centsl per pound; if holding leée than one-fourth of a pint, 50 cents per gross: Provided, —_Thot the ~— terms f‘ bottles," "_via1_s," "·jers,’?"‘ demijohnsf and "_carboys,’_’ . asxnsed herein, shall be reetrictetlto suchhrtlclee when suitable . for use and of the character ordinakily entiployeyl for the; holding or transmrtation of merchandise, and notes appliances or implements in chemical or other operations, and shall not include bottles for table service had thermostatlo bottles. ~° Pur: .218. Biological, chemioal, metallurgical, phernincentlcnl, end surgical iurticles end utensils of- all kinds, including all seientiiio articles, utensils, tubing Wand rode, whether; need for experimental purposes ln hospitals, laboratories, schools or universities, colleges, or otherwise, all of theforegolng, hnlshed for unnniehed, oomposed wholly or in chleflvalue- of glues or paste, or a combinationof g1dss·und· paste, 65 per oentum nd valorein; illuminating articles, offevery description; ineludlng chimneysf globes, shada, and prisms, for use-ln connection with nrtillclnl illumination; all of.the`f_fo1iegoii1gg hniehedy- or nnhnlshed, composed wholly, or ln chief kialne of glass or paste, or a combination of glass and paste, 60 per eentnin ad'- vhlorém; ell glassware commercially known ins pletedor caeed glass, composed of two or- npre lnyers of clear, `)opnqueQ colored, or eemltranslneent glass, or comblnotions of the same, 60 per centum ad valorem ; _ table and kitchen `articles and utensils, and all articles ot every description not specially provided tor, composed wholly or in chief val-ne of glaze or fpelste, or {zombinations oflglase end; paste, blown or` partly blown-in the mold or otherwise, or colored, cut, engraved, etehed, frosted, gilded, ground (except such grinding as is! neceseeryyfor Htting rtoilpert or for purposes other than ornumontntion), painted; printed in any manner, send-blasted, sllverod, 'stalned; or dec0r‘atedVor ornamented in any ’ma.!mer, whether Hlled or undlled, of whether their contents be dntihble or free, 55 per centum. nd _vulm’·em: table and kltehen articles and ntmglls, composed wholly or in chief value of glass or paste, or a combination of gloss and paste, when Qpressed ana tmpollahed, whether not dovoratetl or ornemented in any manner or groundlexcept exxoln grinding as le necessary for Bttlng stoppers or for pur pews other than ornamentation), whether Hlled here u¤¤1led..0l whether their contents be rlutlnble or tree, 50 per nd vnlnrem: Prozrizlod. That any or !'he‘!l‘ticle$ apecmed Ll-thié puruigruplx, ·if containers of merchandise subject} to an Id

rons norms ‘ 540 valorem rate ofjlnty or to at rateof duty fin ihole,.o1·‘in part `upon the value-. thereof, Shall be dntinbie at the rote appli- — enble to the§r_co·ntentn, but not less than the rate for in this, paragraph: Provided jsorthor, That for the purposes oi this chapter, bottles. with cot-gags stonpern shell with their t. étoppers be·aeemeq1_e¤nredes. t _ ‘ · ·_ ‘ l

 EPAR. 219. Cylinder,  crown,. and sheet glass; by whatever

procesemnde, end for whatever used, enpolished, im eiceeding one `hnndred end Mty square inches, ,1% icents per pound; -~ dbove that, and not enneding three jqhnndred and [ etghty*—four° sqnnre_`inehee,·1§§ cents ner pound; nboie that, · -_and notiexceeding seven hnndred und, twentysqnnre inches, 1% 2 eents per ponndynbove that, smdlnoth exeeedlng eight.-hundred end sixtyetour square inehes, 1%- cents perponnd : gabove that, and not exceeding one thousand two hnndred square inches, —2,¢e¤fs perpound; above that, and not exceeding two thousand o fourhundred sqnnrelbinches, 2% -cents_per pon~nd‘: `ahore that, · 21,9 beets ponndi Provided, That nnpolished cilinder, · crown, and sheet glazes, imported in boxes, shell contain fifty square feet, -nsineai*ly· os sizes will permit, end the duty shall be computed thereon accordingdto the netnnl. weight _.ot `glass. f __’·. ·‘\_ ( · t ` , Phu. Qylinder, crown,. and shwt gloss, hy whatever proeese made,-polished, not exoeediugthree hundred end eighty- ·"fourfeq{1are inches, 4 eentsper equare footgtahore that. and not exceeding seven, hundred and tiérenty square inches, 6 cents per square foot.: above thnf, and not exceeding one thousand four ohundred and \forty_sqi1nre"inches,,12"eente per square foof; ahovelthat. 15 (‘QIltS`p(+1’· squnre°f6ot._ l i _' · ’ v `PAR. 221. Fluted, t1folled,`.rlbbed, ori reughplnte gaze, ee the shine containing n` wire ne¢m~;g__`w1tn1¤_·"1¢ee1r _(not_ lncliuding crown. cylinder, —or sheet glnss), not exceeding `three hnndred and eighty-foqr square 'inchee, three-fcnrths of I cent per squnre t foot'; nll above that, eents per squnm foot: em sh hated, rolled} ribbed; _0r rough plate glass, wesgnm; over one hundred. _ jxonnde `per one hundred square 1'eet, shall pay an édditional " duty on the excess. at the same "rntes herein imposedr Pro- ’ oided, That allot the nbove plate glass, when ground, smoothed. », or otherwise obscured, shrill be subject to the same, me ot duty ‘? ins cnet polished plate glass unsilvered. _ - _ ¢ ,_ E- , K; “Phu, 222. Cast polished plete? glass, finished or nndniehed, X and nnsilvered, not exceeding three hundred and eighty-tour , squnrelinchee, 12% cents per‘squn_re foot : above that, end not ’ exceeding seven hundred and twenty eqnmre inehes. 15 cents

   moore footck ell, nbore thnt, _1?’%§ _·cents» per "sqnnre foot.

l Plate glnss deecrlhged. in this paragraph contadnlngn xvlre·!ne>t- ,» ting within `-itself, not exceeding three hundred end eighty- '. {cdr senate inches, is cents }per square foot; above that, and ’ not exceeding seven hundred endtwenty ._.equnrei inches, 17% . cents peroequnre loof; nlllnhove that, 20 cents per square toot. . _ ~ PAB. 2234, Cast polished plate glass, silvered, cylinder and \ ·\ derown glass, silvered, uml looking-— pla?-éetiexéeeding, in ` l one hundred and forty-four eqnnre inches and not exceeding » three hundred end eigl1ty=fonr éqnnre inches, 13% cents per •_ nqnnre toot; hbove that; and not exeeeding seven hundred end- I, twenty squere..inchee,t16.eent_s per sqdnre toot; nbove that. r_“ 21. cents per square foot: Thet none of the foregoing M shall pay less duty than 85 per centmn nd ;vnlo_rem :‘ Provided _ l further, That D0&ib0klDk·K18SS:p1&t&S or gloss, silvered, when l framed, ehnllpayn less rnte of ddtir than that lmposed open U eimiler· glnee zo! like demription not frnnned. but shn‘H__pny in e_ addition thereto upon such frames the rate of duty epplienble

thereto when imported separate, · _ .`

- Phe, E4; Case polished platejglnw, sllvered or`, nnsllvered, r' ind ciltnder, crown, and uhm glam, by whatever. proc¤ made, I sllrered or unsilveféd. pollw or unpollshed, when, bent, a ground, obscured, frosted, sanded, enameled, beveled, etched, l· entboséed, eniraved, __ colored, painted, orna-