Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/566

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§ x 122]. J 'TITLE? 19.-——C'USu Pm. 785. Lentils, one-half 6f 1 cent per pound; lupiues, one- . bali of 1 cent per pound. · , ` `· BA1:. 766.·`Mushrooms`, fresh, —0r dried or otherwise prepared or preserved, 45 ner. éengum hd W valor;-gm; trumes; firesh, ·or ,(]1‘i€d op otherwise prepared or preserved, 25 per ceutmn Cad valorem. __'. ·_ _ " ` P.m.‘_767. Peas, green or dried, 1 ccnt'pcr {pound; pcaég split, 1 ]}’—1.C9l1CS pe: pound; peas, prepared of preserved in any man- `ner, 2 centsper pound, ’ _` · . ° _ N »‘PA¤. 768. Oniong, 1 cent per pound; garlic,. 2 cents per pound. - .` · ” ° · _` ~ ~/JFAR. 769. `Whiteor Irish potatoes, i50·-qzcuts pcroonc hundred puubudsg dried, `dehydrated, or desiccated potatoes, 2%, cents per péund; potato i10ui*, 2% cents per pound. _ _ PA1z._ 770. Tomatoes in their natural state, 0ne·half 0t_ 1 cent per pound; tomato paste, 4{rpcnj ccgtum ad valorcm; alto ther, prepared or preserved in any manner; 15 per ccntum ad valorem. X . ‘ . u ‘~ 5 ` Pm. 771. Turnips, 12 cents per one hundred pounds, u . P41:. 772. Vegetables in their natural `staté, _‘n0f specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valoiém: Propidcd, That in the assessment ofdutics on vegetables no segregation or qllow-` mace of any kind Shall be made for. toreggn matter nr impurities mixed therewith; _‘-°_ · · PAR. 773. Vegetables, if cut, sliced, or otherwise rednceeldn size, or if parched or roasted,. or it pickled, or packedl in salt, brine, oil, or prepared or preserved in any other wny and Knot specially provided tor; sauces of all kinds, not specially pro}. vided tar; soya beans, prepared or preserved in any manner; bean stick,_mis0, bean cake, and similiar products, not specially provided for: soups, pastas, balls, puddings, hash, and all similar tqrms, composed of vegetables,·or_0f‘vegétables and ment or fish, or both; not specially provided for, 35 por ceutum ad vulo‘rem. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ PAR. 174. Acorns, and chicoxjy and dandelion roots, crude, 1*/; cents per pound: ground, or otherwise prepm¢éd,_3 CGI1tS»])(’!.' pound: all `cotfee substitutes aud adnlterants, and codecs es—- _ sauces, 3 cents per-pound. · _ ‘ A . ` Pm. 775. Chocolate and cocoa, sweetened 0; unsuecfcned, powdered, or otherwise prepared, 17%. per cenkum ad valorem, but not less than 2 cents per pound: cacao butter, 25 par cantum nd valorem. — ` Pm. 776. Ginger robt, caudiéd, or otherwise prepared or preserved, 20 per ccutum ad valorcm. n ( ' Pau, 777. Hay, $4 per ton: straw, $1` per ton, - PAR. 778. Hops, 24 cents per pound; bop extract, $2;40 pct poujnd; lupulin, 75 cents per pound. _‘ . . Pm. 779. Spices `and spicé &ccds:QAz1isc'see¢'ls, 2 cents per pound; camwuy seeds, 1 cent; pen: p0uud;·cardux110m seeds, 10 céxma per pound; cussia, éassia buds, and cassia véra; unground,

  • 3 cents por pound; ground, 5 cents pér pound; cloves, ungmund;

3 cunts per pound; gl?O(ll'ldQA6 cents per pound 3. ,010% stems, ungmund‘ 2 cents per pound; ground, 5 cents per pound; cinnamon and cinnamon clups, uugmund, 2 centsyper pound; Klfcund, 5 cents per pound; curfunder souls, one-half of 1 Qcent pei; puuml: cummin seeds, 1 cont pcrllwund; fcnxm1:seé<Is, 1 cent _ por pound; ginger root, not preserved or cundied, ungrciund, ·2 cunts wr pound; ground, 5 cents per pound; mace, ungmund, 4 trexnts pm- pound; ground, 8 cents »_per pound; Bombay, or wild ma<·e—·, uugrpund, 18 ccntslpcr pound: ground, 22 cents per pound; unuxturd seeds '(whole). 1 cent pur pound; mustard, ground or pm;mred_ in bottles or otherwise, 8 cents per pound; xmiuwgs, ungruund, 2 cents per pound; ground, 5 cents per pmiud; p»¤·ppm·, capsivum pr wd pepper or cayenne pepper, and paprika}, uugmuml, 2 conn pq-r pound: ground, 5 cénts per pound; hla1<·k un: whitv p<epp·e1·, uxngmuud, 2 cents per pound; gwund, 5 cents por pound; piuwnnm (anllspicc), uugrouud, 1

Tous nvwms 552 · cent per pound; ground, 3 cents per pound; wlmoleplmientosx, 0 packed in brine or in oll, or prepared or preserved in any manner, 6 cents per pound; sage, unground. 1 cept pe; pound ;. ground, 3 cents per pound; mixed spices. _ and Spices and spice seeds not specially provided tor, including all herbs or herb leaves in glass or other small packages, for culinary use, 25 ' per centum ad valoremc Provided, That in all the foregoing no allowance shall be mode for dirt or other foreign matter: .Pmvided further, That the importation of pepper shells, ground ` · cr unground, is hereby prohibited; I ‘ " ‘ PA:. 780; Teasels, 25 per ceutugn ad hvaloremf scrmoULm.e.-srrmrs, wmns, Arm o·rnnn'nnvnuo¤s· PAR. 801. Nothing in this schedule shall be construed as in any manner limiting or restricting the provisions ot Title 27 .—(the. National Prohibition Act, as amended). . ’ _ ‘ Thelduties prescribed in Schedule 8 and imposed by subtitle I shall be ln addition to the internal-revenue taxes lmpowd under existing law, or any subsequent-Act. · ~ - _ _ W Pu. B1·_a_ndy and other eplrlte mnnufectnrednor distilled from "graln or "other materials, cordials, liqneurs, errack, abpsin the, kirscliwasser, ratada. and hitters ot all kinds (except Angootura bitters) containing `splrlts, and compounds and preparations of which distilled spirits are the cénlponent me terlal of chief value and not specially provided tor, $5 per proof gallon; Angostura bitters, $2.60 per proc! gallon. ' lvm. 803. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, $6 per Pgallon.. ' , PA:. 804. Still wines, including ginger wine or ginger cordial, vermuth, and rice wine or sake, and similar beveragm not specially provided for, 81.25 per gallon: Provided, {Brat any oi-. Lhelforegolng articles specified ln this paragraph whenixnported eontaining more than 24 per centum rot alcohol shall be as.Qspirlt·s hud pay duty aceordingly. . ·_ _ · a _ Pu. 805. Ale, porter, stout, beer, and fluid malt. extract, $1 per gallon; malt extract, solids or condensed, 60 per centunn ad valorem. · A 5 5. ° a Pax. 806. Cherry juice, ne juice, or prune wlne,’and all » other fruit julces and irult rupo, not specially. provided tor. containing less than onehalt of 1 per centum;o£*alcol1ol, 70 cents per gallon; containing one·ha.l£ ot I per centnm orimore of alcohol, 70 cents per gallon and ln addition thereto $5 per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein; grape juice, grape sirup, and other similar products of the grape, by whatever name known, containing or capable ot- producing less than 1 . per centum of alcohol, 70 cents per gallon; containing or cepnblo ot producing more than 1 per centnm ofnlcolxol, 70 cents per gallqg, and ln addition thereto $5 per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein or that can be produced therefrom. _ Pan. 807. Ginger ale. ginger peer, lemonade, soda. water, and similar beverages containing no alcohol, and beverages. containing less than-one-halt ot.1 per centnm ot alcohol. not specially provided for, 15 eents per gallon. _ 8 Pu. 808. All mineral wntere and. all imitations ot natural mineral waters, end all artlllelal mineral waters not specially provided tor, 10 cents per gallon. A . Pgs. 800. When nnylartlcle provided for ln this schedule is imported in bottles or jugs, dnty shall be collected nipon the _ bottles or jugs at onethird the rate provided on the bottles or jugs if inzporml enfrpty or separately. _ _ _ ` Pan. 810. Each and every gauze or wine gallon of measurement shall becoxinted as at leaetone prooflgallon: and the standard for determlnlngthe proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of any klnd when imported ahnll the same as that which is detlnedin the laws relatlngto internal revenue. The Secretary ot the Treasury. in his discretion, may authorize the Iaseertnlnment ot the proof ot wines, eordlals, or other liquors