Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/587

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,573 · A ·‘ TITLE .19.:cvl - of uw- provisions of action 141 qt thi; title éhall pe asubjgct to ‘ seizure ma iorfeitdrq yd: violatioitct the laws; Q (Sept. j 21, 192, c; ’1‘it1qIV,l !'528(b)., 42_1Stat."975.) _ A _ ~ - W yslsame; Aes1ing·i¤‘¤&· reg¤iri¤g‘re¢xpo;t or degtructimt ‘cf ¤r`;;qbIitenti¤p or iemoval df l trade-nairk: dtisixu §¥¤£td.>——-Any» jdealiug in any such uierchaudlso may pe wjoined from dealing therein i with-in the United States 0:- may. be expbrf 01; destroy? such _ merchandtsd ·01·_ to —remova‘ j01‘ 't>bHt€1'&tB.·$lléh traddmark and shall be Rabid .1*62, tliaisauz dBi!1&K9S;"y8I1d profits provided l my wrongful use of a trade-;:i¤x·kQ undér the pzjqvisions qt sec-‘ mms 81ft0'_109,_ ihcluslviyqi ·'.l‘it1e·· 15.‘_‘ (Sept. 21, 1922, c; 356, ·` Title IV, §'526(c), 42 SQL 975;) " ' - 8 Smcur. Iixovrsmzvs ma_Am¢1s,si6N 62 .Wx;m_n3AwAL mom ‘ I Boz·m£¤_ Wgnudust wrr;10m· -PA1fl@E1*lT;0F DUH ” ` _144. Admission witbqut pnymgixt of. dat?. lmdcr bond, fdr export•ti01;.—The following, articles, ‘wheu· abt ‘_ imported im- _ saldor for. on approval, m¤!·1bé‘ ddmlttcd into the->.'United l States under suc}; tales and .1"éZ\1l¤tib¤ as .tha‘ Qecfctdri dt t the Trgeasury may prescribe, Withb1:it’ thé payment of duty under bond (Ihr their exportétion six month; trbm the date of impdrtatiotlt `·· _ `°x·· " - _ . = Q- (1) Machinery ci: other articles tb be altered or repaixiedy 8 (2) Moddis ot womaxfs wéqrihg apparel imported by manu- ’ factumrs for use solely dsqmodels in their _0W$1 utablishmeintg, · andxmt for qélc; » __ .~ · " .. `_ _ (3) Mdldefs pdtterm for use in the,manufacture— ot castlngs"; (4) Sdmblcs mlel; for use ini taking orderqdtor merclmhdisé ;· (5) Article; intended éclcly tovexpgrimental purposes, , and

upo¤ satistaétdry proof tot the Sccretaxjy that any suéh ixjticle

has heed dwtrdyéd became dtlts u.qe_tcx· experimental pinrpqsest » such bond mir be mnceled without the dpaymdnt qt duty; " , - ('8)_ Autompbilas, motor cycles, bicycles, ,ai¤planes, girslnips, balloons, motor bpat §,-mcigg` shells and similar tebicles and craft, teams and saddle bmsmp, all ottwbich are brought tem- -p0g·ax·llyQ ~i¤£o_ the United States by nonfdsldeuts ‘fo1‘ tqnirlrigt purposes, vcr. fdr the purposw ot taking wrt in races or other specidc contests; f _ ;_ t t ~ _ _ ‘ _ ‘ (7 ; Locomqtives, cdrs and cgiachcq, dud Jrc~pal1*‘ equipment belonging to milroads. brought demporarlly into the Uriited States for tlié pukrpdae ot clearing 0bstructloué,‘dghti11g· dma, or making emergency repairs qu lines the propcfty ot railroads within the United Stntw: and , l _ _ " (8)‘ Containers my ¢;~0mp d {dad; which comply with the law; and mgulntlbm for the transp0rtati¢.m* bt such -cé¤tginsrs in the U¤it&· States. (Sept. 21, 1922; c. .,358, Titlejlll, I $08, ‘42_S{§t.938.)' . ; f " ° 15. Supplies for vmaels in foreign trdde or trade bétveen Atlantic Pa¢:l8c.--·—-.g\l1$ artlelu ot foreign or tlqmestic pr0·· ‘ duction needed and actually withdraévu. {mm` bonded {ware? house; and bedded mauutnctdring wuréhodsdh to: mpplies (not " including equipment) qt. %la qt thq Uhitod States ’ex;;¤$ed in tdvgigu trade, or in tradé betyyéen tlid Atlantic and · Pncidd mrts of tha United States; or tprjcoustmction, equipment; rq-J palm mad suwlies of mmls at the United Statm employed in the dsherleb or iu. thé whaling busi@, may be m, withdmhn {wm said bonded wavelxoiises, tmc oi duty of of t¤tqrnal·r¢v- dune tax, an thqcdso may ba, under auch mgulzttimtls as th€~ Secretary ot the('1‘x·ga.s31ry may prescribe; but no {such article `shall be landed at may port of thd United Emma. ·(Jtm¤ ·%, 1884, cl lm, { 18, 5 Stat. 57; Jude 19, 18&,’¢. 421, { 15, 24_ Stat. 82; July 24, lwl, c.·11, { 14,`&0 Btatt W7.), ; · Q 146. Supplim to wgr vga]: ‘f1‘$£‘¤f duty,.-—-’1‘!ge ;I¥l'iYi1GSG df purchasing imbplles from public warehoum. dime of duty, and txjom bonded myuutactdrinx wamghousesg treo dt duty 8 m·* dt intemdl·rqve¤;ua tax, as tha, case may bs. shall be lexténded, E under such ul‘$§!1l§l`i0i'l8{I.3 the Secretdry ci the Treasm: shall t

srous·vm•ms `§\ 148 prescribe, to tho vossolg or wo.: of amy nhtioo lu pontts of tho ° ·U¤itod Statw which may roclprochto such privilogos towarcl tho vossolsiot war ot,tho Stotos in its ports. (Sépt. 21,1922, o.` Title.`II1,·§ wQ,‘42· Stat. 938.) _ _ · · .147,. Admission- free of. duty of merchhmlsc of awaken and qBaud`ohod7·#o¤¤oloZ—Wben_évor {ny yossol loclou with morchanl diso,_ in whole or in port subjectdto duty, has been sunk in any Qrivor, harbor, [boy, or wateré _ subject to tho. jixrlséictién of the _U;litéd·Stat'os, aild within its limits, for tho period of two years and tsl aboml0nod_ .by[tho[ow¤or thereof, any peémnl who may xralso such Ishall be permitted to bring any merchandise · roéoiorod therefrom ixlto thé Port noarést to the [ place l whoro such vessel was so ralsed fréo from the Payment ot any duty thoxjoupon, but oudo: such (regulations as the Secretary of tho . _T1Y€&8l1l.°Y may prescribe. (Sept., ,21, 1922, c. 358, Title II1,‘ § 310, 42 Stat. 938.) * j h ~ — h ‘ _ fB}<ois:n YVLBEHOUBES 148. Moxgufactqriug ,wsr¢o¤¤eo;* of. manufacturers; »manufoctg·o of spirits not porsittod.—>All articles lDéD11f8.¢CH1fGd[ill whole or in pitt of imported mqtoriols, of ot uiaterialo sulijéot to iutomalwovonué tax, and lixtondod fof oxportatiou wfithoixt chaigecl with·duty, and without hav- · ing an ihtomalgrovonoo stamp thereto, Quik undef meh I‘0g\118¤0l1S_&8_Ché Secretary ot `tho Trmury my pxwribo, in ordop to be so mamxfacturodi and exported, ho mow sho mmmtacturéd An bonded fwarohouxa similar.? to thoso known ond doslknatod in Treasury Rogxditions gs bonded wafohoosoo, class fslx._·Tl1o mapufactoror of suolxxgticlolq shall Arst givo §otlsihctory bonds for tho faithful of all the- provmom of low of such rogulotioni as shall~bo p:ooo1:ihod by tho ` Secretary 613 tho Txfoosmy. The mouuiocturo oi dimllléd spirits `f;·om* pain; starch, molo.ssos,’f ”or ought], iEIEdiB§ all dilutions or mixtures ot them or olthoxj ot them, shall not be pomilttod in such manuztocturing warehouses. · · - Q , _ Exemption f1‘¤¤J¢\ltY·¢f goods manufactured in vnrohooses upon. ro¢xport§t§o¤.——Wbo¤ovo;h ewdo mooufsotugod io. any hooded worohouoo ootablmhod tmdor tho provisions ot tho pro- t weeding paragraph sliall `booxoortod directly tho¤ofrjom*orh shall _bo dulyj ladoh fof transportétion and immediate oxporgatioo ll§d&1‘..thB‘ supei·vLslou_ ot tho prom! QEQBK who shall boo duly) doslguatod for that purpose, ouch goo<1s’ oholl ho oxompt from doty ood {mm tho roquiromonts zwotiog to rovohoo qtoompo _ Mntoriqlo, etc,. mod in ma¤of¢¢t¤:·o of goods fog mei: a- tion {ros of d¤ty.+-Any materials owd in tho E3B\1fS€U»¥lt’B of such goods, and any pockom ooxorlngs, vwsols, brands, had labels used In potting up tho sono mayo tmdortho regulations ot tho ·Socrotoryoot__tho Treasury, be conveyed without the my- ment of revenue tax or {lot: into on:} maoufoctomloog. yvo:~oh'"ouso, and mportod mtg, undo: aforesaid i·ogu· `* lotlogs, be troosiorrod without tho emotion ot duty _ {rom any bomlod whrohooso into any bonded maoufocturinig mmhooao; but this priyilogo shall not be hold to- apply to ioiplomohtol moohlxiory, or hmmratué to be uwd ln tho oonstmotioo ` poi? ot any bonded Bl&§1¤.f§C§H[lB$#,%’8PEh0&§Q· oritoxi the pxjosocution ortho business qrrlod on thorot¤.’ · - o , o

Withdnyvsl of   goods fox oxportstiogi withh drqvéalv of Fbykprpductn for domestic consumption;. deotroctloo

o of unto; sopenlslm by t o · ono o¤oer.·—-—Articlos on materials l _ lvod iutobuoh bomliod m¤1mfa¢¢¤1’i¤Z warehouse orortlclos monutnctuwd therefrom may be withdrawn or rongovod thoro·` from for cllxjoqt-ohlpémoot. and oxport•.tioo_ or for transportation and immediate oxportation in bond —to‘ foreign `ioogotrios » on to the Phllippioo Iolahds gmdor tho supervision of tho omcor doly" dosignhtod thorofor by the collector of tho port, , who shall certify to such shipment and exportation, or ladohlng for trhosportotioo, os tho choo may ho; doooribing_ tho orticloo by thoi: pink or otherwise, tho quantity, the dato o£,oxpol·tation,.