Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/59

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45 TITLE 6.·—·—1EXEC§U7'Ilf?E DEPARTMEN1 aime. (R, S. Q 347; Mar. 3, 1.917, c, 163, § 1,133 Stat. 1110; to Fm 37, 1925, c. 364. Titi¢ II, 43 Stat. 1025.) , o1 gsm. Assistant to Attorney Geqeml.-——-1*he President is xm- tk m»:·iml to appoint, by and with the advice ambconscnt ot 11 mv sémate,1 an assistxmtto the Att0rney_Gené1‘a1, whose salary, Z! ,;,;,1; me at the rate of $9,000 per annum. (Mar. 3, 1903, 4;, lt}06, 21

1_ 32 Stat. 1062; OGL 22, 1913, c. 32, 38f·S¤1t,._ Q18;_Feb. 27,s-1

]e•:5, 0. 364, ‘”TiU% U. 43 $t&t.1`1%.) ._ " » »_ tk

295. Assistant Attorneys Gemral.—eThere shall be in the De—1 S1

p;e¤m¤··xfof Justice1isix,0t1iccrs, 18§1`l1€d in the law; called pz ysismut Attoruéys General, ,wh0° Shall be appointed by the cl lwgaiimzt, by and with the adviéc and consent of nie Senate, °t1 and Simi! assist the ·Att0rnc;*§Gc;10ml and Soliéitor General in lu {gw pvz·£m·uiahc·e of their. duties,\·Each_0t them .is‘ep§itlgd to wi? d1 sumrg: of $7,500 a year, S. § 348:·Ju1y 1 1, 1890, c._667, c. g 1, 26 suit, 1265; July 11fi,11$14,r c. 1141, V} Stat. 4971; Liar;. 16C

1, um'. c. 163, §.1,`39 Stat.1110; Mar, , 919,jc.-86,§,,1,~40 _T

Fmt, 1254.) . " ~; _ 1 V - . 11 - 296. A§s§.sta¤t··_Att0méy _Ge¤ei·al i¤‘chu·ge of customs mat4_ a· ters; deputy; spbcial :ttpi·neys.»·—There shall be appointed by. S tho 1*resident,,by and wiuj the advice :ind-c<msent ot the Senate, ti am Assis1tunt"A_tt0rnéy Gguerhl, who exercise tunciions, u ,,»£1his utticgvuuder the supervision a c0u.trbl of the Atturm-:y_ ta a;,·»w¤·a1 of the u¤1¤ea smms,1¤¤a who shall be paida salary. of p

<e~.¢uxa per imnum-: dud there shull1z1ls0~_be appointed by the »c·

.»\1:m·1:·u<·y General-1.61 thé~~Unit2<l1Stat¢s a- Deputy Assistzint A

{zu·rnl+y General, »_1and. font attorneys.- Sai
} attorneys _.shall 0

mm ·.m¢\e¤* the immediate direction ot said? Assistant Attorney 3 Y <_,;·~m_»z·:al, or. 12l`C&S€1 of his ·absence·10r n jvaqancy in his oiiiéze, t< m¤k·r the dircctimx of said Deputy Assistant Attorney -Gen¢rg_1, QV and said Assistant Attorney General, Deputy iAssist;1_n@ Att0r+ Q -s‘ my 4;e·ner§, and httomeys shall h§1'€=C]181‘g€ of j t1;é interests 1* M uw G0\'£*I'HIllQ!}I in .1111, matters of tenppraiscmeut and c1as,sig,· S t3·;;m··z1 qt imported goods and df all litjgpiqu incident ,tl1cret0, Q , am sha!} represent the Government - in-1 all thi c031rt,s»Q1a11d p 1 i,¤~‘f<»rc all tribunals wherein ther 111ter&sts of the Govcrmxgéut 6 1‘<·<;uit‘e: stick l`€p11€88I1£|l(i·0il..1 ‘1 _1 1 1 11 ‘ 1 a 1 mnt the Attorney General 1may, whenever vin .bis·0i)iui0x1 th? ,0 puieliv mxuest lfQ(]$1u’E8-· it, employ nud·ret&ig_, irftlw Dameof .0 me rama Stmes, such special attorneys and counselors, at law t· in mv conduct éf customs @3% as he maythiuk neécssaryto H %%*%i!‘Y_’Si1id·AS8iH£lIlt Attorney ,Generé1, in the discharge 01 any 0 V8 the} duti1e$ iHCH1IQlb®t1 updn hinyaxxd his said-subpbdiuateé, hud I1 Simi stipulate with; inch attorneys and counsel amountof ff •r~mpensation1 amlxvnhall have supervision bf thé}f'.,COIld\l<`3£ Q§ud1,¤

¤···<·¢·i·¢`liug$. (Jxine 10, 1&90, 10,,1407, ,30,26€Stat. 142
  1. Aug. 5,11

.7 M5:. v. 6, 528, 36 Stat. `1Q8;“1l·`eb, 27,1193%,1c, 364,743 ,Stat.‘10i4. ) d , 297. Solicitors for! depdrtm¢1;ts.——g-There @#1 be in the De- H 1·:::·rmLt.1o£ Justice g soligitbr {Br each ciftlne State,·_Treasury,· ,( 1zm·rin1··, Coamucpm, and Lébor 1I)€[)¢lTtl11§l1L·*$,· and a' Solicitor __ of ]Allt9I'!}8]1H€`\?9Yl1l€,1 wbrrshall be appointed by the Présldent, 1 lg by uudwitb the advice mid consent oftlic Seuhtc,. The 0mcc1*s~ n · munm in this sectirm ,sl1a1l e;¢e·k·cise"thein· fmictiouq umler we ti; »u;¤·rvfsi0¤ and éontrul ot the head of the Departmentjof Jpg- , _,5E··€·. (B,. S._,§§ 3443, June 19, 181*8, c.132Q,,§q 1, 2Q Stiut. f 2%;- Bing; 3, ,1@1; ¢, 541, { 1, 26 St¤t.,9e15;§¤1%_18, 1904. <!·_ 0 W3, § 1,~33 Stat. 135; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, , 1 ,`37 Stat. 738 ;, `E J=1!y’16,·1Q14, gz, 141, {11, 38 Stat. 5497.) g 11 , » 1 g , ::98, Specibl assistant Ito Attcméy Gcueralg to npsint in v _ xgmtal cascsr-—-‘TE‘hc.1emp10y1ué¤t bi a spieciul aésiktam; to the At- 1 1?••¤’lH‘)' General to assist in the defense of cases,asninst.the1 v

\`m11¤·¤r States arising_0ut;10t the trazmpormtidu ut me mails, 1:
 rem! in (1t h($I' (ji1FB$ gg matwrs gaxactiug thalpggtal mveziues,  is x
 ,=¤ut\u»;·izeg1, (July 28,19116, c, 261, $11, @1 sm.,41a.1 , 1   1 I

, ; ~ 299, .0$ciala fqr ipveniiggticm of ··¤§¢ial matter; in Dapnrte t - mésits of Jus¢i4:e,gM Stl$¢•;-1-*-Fo! Qnvxgigatiim regardmglothé —t ,1 vial mattersiunder the, mutrclpt the Depaitmeut of Jtnsticc Q 1:11111 the D0pm•,(,m¢13`t of St&,té_ gs directed bfthé Lt- L

es, 01·*F1c·1·:1zs·§ ANI) mu·1,0YEEs_ § 306 lrmy General, the Attorney Geneml is 2.l\.1thL3§‘l.Z€d to appoint Elicialslwho shelf be vested with the authority necessary im ne executionrof such duties. (Mar. 1, 1921, c. 89, § 1, 41 Stat. L75; Mar. 4, 1921, c. 161, Q 1, 41 Stat.1410; Jupe 1, 1922, c. 34, Title II, 42 Stat. 613; Jen. 3, 1923, e, 21, Title II, 43·Sl;e.t. L7; Feb. 27, 1925, c. 3PA, Title 11,-43 Stat. r102’3'.) l 300. Omcials for detection and prbeecution of crimes.-~E4»r ne detection; and pmsecuticm ei crim@ against the United V tutes, and fdr the acquisition, cellectien. elzxssiflcetioxi, l end ~ reserv:1tion“ eitcrlminal identification records hud their exlnangé with the qiiicials of States, cities, and other institutions, 18 Attorney General is autllmized tel amwig; eflicials who shall e vested with_t11e authority necessary for t . executiegroi such uties. (Mar. 1`, ~1921, mw; { 1, 41 sm.»11v5; Mar. 4, 1921, l 1§_1, 5 1, 41_ Stat. 1419; June 1, 1922. c. Q04, Title II, 42 Stat., 13; J an. 3.1923, c. 21, Title II, 43 Stat. 217; Feb. 27, l925, c. 364, ‘itle II,'43 Stat; e`1027._)i _ __ e ,_». ‘ . '» 301._—0ilicial3 for. investigation? of ·&cial sets, records; and ._ ceeunts of m$Y8hll8;` attorneys, clerks of eeurtsi. United — mates commissioners, referees; and 'trust¢es.·—-Yee? the iuveeé . lgatiqhl of th»e`0tHeii1l acts,“reé`0rds, and aeeeunts W0fTH¥81`Sh8lS, ttm·neys,e and clerks of the United States courts; and the erritorial courts; aud. United States cemmiseisiners, torvwliicb urpose all the official papers, records, and deckets ei sai;} effiersl w_it1i0u.t- exception, be examined by the agents of the tttorney General at any time, and for thejnvestigitien of the ffleinl acts, records, hud accounts] of referees and tr{et.ees,__ when reqeested by the presiding judge of suc}: rcéuits, the At-- l1mey_(} authorized to appoint qihciéis who shall be ested, with the ;uth0rity,—1iece$s¤ry. for the execution of uchduties, l(Mar.T"1, 192{flc. W, { 1, 41 Stat. 1175; Mar. 4, 921,1:. 161-,/51, Q1 Stiu;.v141Q; June.1, 1922, c.‘204,'Title II, 42 itat. 613; Jan. 3, -1923, c. 21j Titlell, Stat. 217; Feb. 27, 19%, .364, "1‘itle II, 43 Stat.iI027.)e " r l _ 302. ”’IYive§ing expcme; ildlI\lhSi§t¢ll£8 of e&eri.———Whes:·) ver the Sq1ielt6r Genera1,l an eettqmey,. am assistant attorney, ~ Y specja1'&seiS£¤pt t0'tl:1e'A tt0ruey”Genera1,e er amy other e!!icer I the Department. ei Iustiee is sem: by the Attorney General 0 any State, District, Territery; or eemxtry to attend te any ieér eret of the U¤ited.`Sts, the persorrso- sent-shall receive, in .ddl_t{en` to his selary and the ueceessery ex l " es at travel, his .ctue1 ezklienses, ixrcurred for s»ubsistence,E€!i1<it.l‘ie exeeed $6 errlday while absent {rem the seat ei government; the account · hereef to be vérlfiedvibi anderit. (R. S. 5 370; March 4, ,1923, ..273, 42§tat.1503.)· · _ ·_ * 1 .  » 3032 Opinimitaml advice of A Attorney General; ea Presb lent,.———=l‘hel’.*£gtt0rney General; shall give his advice and elpiniqu l ln" questiens of law, whesxerer reqmilred by the. President. `

 S see; 1·‘ee.r_27, 18*:7,. c. ee, { 1, 19 ls;.e.é._241.) [   ‘

l 304.; Same; tcheeds of cx¢¢utive‘&p§rt¤ents.—The Il€$l(l|0f by executive department may require the eplnleq of the Att¤r· ley Geneml on any questions ei law milsing in the eclmitnistre.-— lon of his deparnnentg (R. S. S 356.) i l - » 805. Publieetien of.*epinie1rs.—~The. Attorney General shall l 'rom time ee time cause to be edited, andlprinted- at the Gurzruntient Printing Oilice; euleemon et one tbeusend copies ef lI.ICh~_.0f theepiuiens of the lmé eEeers herein authorized to bel rlveu as he may d€?€ll1llVY8l\l8bl8_lI0!Q preservetieb in volumes, which shall be, as tg. size, quality of p¤per,_prmtmg, m1d__bl¤<l—· , ng. of urniferm style and appeerainee, ¤s ¤ear1y- as practicable, vit11lv0lumel8 et suehleplniens, published, by Hubert Farm l lim, the year 1868; ‘ Each volume eentain proper headn0tes,‘a»_c0mp1ete.and £¤lt-index,* arid _¢.such‘ footnotes tes the Ltterney“Genei·n,l may eppreve. · Stxch velumee shall be dise 1fibu»ted·iq.lsuch_—mu¤¤er as. the‘Attern_ey Generelmey from-

lme`t0 t_lme;Drese1i·ibe. (R,. S.- {383.) Q r .
     Legal services fer departments.-¥-’.[`1le omeers of the De- l

rartmént 01 iunder tbetdinectieh of the Atturney Gen-