Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/604

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§ `347 — ,, TITLE Y9.§-0UST 1 (2) Snclrperson makes a verilied `decldratien `tnwrriting ·¤ . that he is _;ma»ble·t0‘ progiuce Such ie¥¤i¢&·i¤d (¤) lméfl Y evsiitna seller'; or shlpper’s' invoice, or (b)_ it he isnot- in session of _ e se1ler’s or shippefso invoice iles therewith n Qtntee 1 » ment of the value? orthé §l*iCé‘[)&{d,·_iH't]1Q.{Q1fm of an invoice; < and, 1 , _ " (3) `Snclz person gives a_ bond in epena.1 sum to be hxed by _'< the Secretary of the ‘YT·1*easury‘ ter the `productiou of such cer- ” fi titled invoice within six mouths, and the payment ot the peusfl. G

 sum so ‘ iixed as liqnidnted damages in the evmt such" invoice

` is not so-produced. (Sept; 21, 1922,c. 356; Title IY,~§ `484_(b),~ t 42Stat.960.)~ ’· » K` 4, ‘ W ~ — ‘~ t .347. Same; bill of lnding to- be produced{ exeeptione.=—The; "I "`consignee shall preduce the bill of lading at the time ut make 1 in;:entry,e1(cepttl1z1t#—— T JT { . A ;_; _ -U,° _ S1) It thelcellector is satisfied tlrat‘n0_bill`0f hee been “ issued, the shipping receipti or otnei eyidence estisfactory- to i the collector mey be accepted ein lien, thereofpaiid K Z “ (2) The collect0r“is adthprizeki tif permit entry and,. tp re-` lease merchandise from custome cuetodjr witn0ulg,,tl1e`pr0dl1cl $ tim: of ·thebill of " lading iff the pers0n"m`aki'ng such entry gives ° a -bond satisfactory to tl:£e;_col1ect0rQ°in n sun: equal te not less, thilllf one and 0I1€··h&1f*tiII1é$ the invoicevivalue ot, the mer-I { chaizdise, to produce ·such bill oflakling, torelievel theieollector ° of all giebility, to inqdemnity the collector against loss, to_ defend · every action bronght upon a- claim; fer, loss or damage, by· D reason of sxichj release from customs custody or n· failureT~to_ C preduee `such bill et lading, end to entitle :,11uy person injured by reason et such release f1‘0m·‘cuSt0ms_·cuS€*>dy to suelou such P bend in his me name, without making- the collector a periy 3 thereto. ¢‘Any person ee injured by such, releasiet _ sne. pn . ~ such bond to rgover anydannnges so euetalned by him. (Sept. 21,11922, e. 356, Cl?itle1V, § 484(c),.l42 Stnt, $60.) · Q _ `, { 348. Same; signature} contente,e——Such entry shall be elgued ig by the,ceneiguee,._ or his agent, and slxelbseflforth such facts ln `V regard to the lmporentiou as the Secretarypf t1le·Treasury may 1 require for the purpose ofp aesegeing duties and. ta secureina l proper examination, inspection, eppralsemént, and liquidatienh E {nd shall be accompanied by ench invoices, bllls of ·, \0 certiiicates and documents as are required by law~ engl regula~ ‘p f tions promulgated thereunder. ·(‘Sept.“ 21,_ 1922, Q. 356;, Title g IV, §48j1(d},;=12 Stat. 960.) ‘ _ ” ·r ‘_ S . 349. Same; enumeration of lsindemd quantitieq ofmer%han· ~g elise imparted and their valne.-·;-g·The Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary `o£~C0mmerce are ¤i1thorize&* anddireeted to c establish_trom'tin1e.t0’-time for etatlsticnl purposes en exiumera,-· tg tion of articles in euch detail as in their judgment mgy be E; necessary, c0mpreinenili»n_g` ell merchand.iee_ imported .int$"tHe‘· 5 United Qetetes, and as a part ot the entry-there shall be fat··` y tachedj thereto or included therein en accurate statement speci- d tying, lu terms. ict such ’detnile¢·le1numeretl0u,_ the kinds- and la, =qunn·titiee ot allqmerchnndiee `imp0rted’_a¤d· the value of the- 3 tetnl quantity ot ea.cl1~·kind ofarticle. - (Sept, 21, 1922, e. 356, p Title IV, § 484(e), Q2_Stat. · · i ,. ~ .· · T ” 356. Sante; Subsequent entry of lpnrt of ézerehandise; sepa- l . rate entry of. psckagm contained in pnckegee for delivery. to nz other persone.e—-It any of the mertllleatee or l]0C\1ll}G\lILS' nieces- . tl sary to make entry of enj part ot merchandise arriving on one °_o1 vessel or vehicle and ecnsigned to one `eoneignee have. not ‘ hr- in rived, such partpmay be' entered- subsequently. and notation ot xr the .paeknges_ or cases td be omlttéq §!9!§.,§!l£ S?3Ii3.l%@·.LQ@Lt2- AQ! shall bejmnde thereon, One or more paekaém arriving on one ‘ vessel or vehicle addressed for delivery to one peraon and im- pa ported in another package qrrmtaintng packages addrewd for ex ' dolirery to other persons rimy he éepurately entered, under auch ba rules and reg·ulatim•e»§*ne tlie Secretary of the Treaeury may en prescribe. All other merchandise arriving pon one vegeel or re » T s

‘ * * U , ·· { \ wm; burma 590 réhiclé and (consigned to cine ccnsignee shall be included in fone mtri. "(BepL;21,·19__22Q c.f356, Title IV; { 4¤84(f) , 42 Stat.·961;) _ 351. Sung; statepergt of) coat , ct pmductm.-5——U¤der such reguldtibm &s_the Secretary of the Treasury ma? gwacribe; the

01§ect, or_ or thé appraiseir may réquire n verified statement

[l’0Ih‘thé-m&I1I1fl¢tBf€!'0! pwducer mowixig `Tthe least of ·pr0— iuctibn at , the imjorted merchandise, when necwsary to the nppraiseineut ot such ~·mcrchan€Hse. (Sept. 21, 192, ~ c. 356, HUB IV» I 484(S), 42 Std- 961-). ' ,352. Declaration by mmigncc; c$¤tent¤.——Ew*ery ccmsignee

 nin entry imder the ‘pmvisiims Gi sections 345 $:0 351 of ·

his title $11311 make. and alike therewith, in a tcm tc be irescribizdb by kthe. Secretary l of thai Treasury, an ·declamti<,m " nude; joath, stating- ;, _ \_ * · · ‘ ‘- j,(1) Whether the merchandise is imported in pumunmié of ·· 1 jiurclidse xor. an": agr`c¢me:if to bgirchase; or whethiet it isi mported bthetwise ·t—imu’ in ,pu1*st;an<:é{·ot an purchase or agree! nentrto purc·ha,se{;_`_ ° ‘ · _ ‘ f " ’. \ (2).* 'Hiat. the- prices Bet forth ’ in the ‘invciéé are true, in he case of me`rc*hzmdise pxirchapedaor to be pmehased; { m ih the case pt merchandise secured otheiwrise than by pur? . rhqsci or ggreémeut. to purchase; tha; fha statement? in smh l1V0iCB:&s_t0 foreign value, are frueto the baqtot his knéwledge ·`* ¤.¤<i_b¢1i¤f:· . ‘ ’ fi ’ , »"` · € 1 ’ ` S~(3)‘·'1‘hat·i1l1 other S't8.t€il1€Ht§_‘iYQ··'tb€ invoice or oibcr dqcw · nénts Bled with the entry, of in the-entry itsélf,. are ting gmc! G, ‘ (4) Thht he will pr0(1uce·afonce tg thé collector aixy invoice, vapér, letter, document, -01‘” informétibn réceived showing ting; .uy si1<·h,pices’0r statements ure ·nqt‘ti·ue‘_.0r correct; ”($ei>t. ¤1. 1922, ci 356, Ti"tle§IV,‘§’485(a ), 42 Stat. 961.) · » ` . 353; Same; for books, mhgsma; et¢L—·—-The Scégétnty of the Pgeasury is zmihqiized to»prescribe.regu1atio:xs`tor ima declaralan in thé msi; 0t_ bocks, lmagazinmf neispapcrs, and · pe:·ic¤l»- vals published and imported in kizccessive mm; ¤\mbers,§ or ·o1umas,r and entitled .t0 free entry. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356, ?itle.IV,·§¢485.(éb);‘42 Sta;. 981.) #‘ . _ I _ S§m¤·:· bond, by ascnff to -pmdxwoAe¢1•r•ti¢¤,—+In_ tlie vent that an enyri is made} by hu age1f;_u¤déi· pioyisiuns »t sections 345 tq 351 of {his title, -and_ such agent ig not in »0sse.ésion of suhch deé1a`rati0¤ at iglia mnsignéé, saga émnt bball rivqfq b0!1d,`_`iH storm and ot a penal mm brmcribed by thex iecretnry of the Treasury, to produce sinch deizlarqtian. (Sept. 1, ,1922, c. ’1‘ltle¤IV;. 485§¢),.42‘-Stqt. M1,) - ¢ , 855.*-Same;._w·lnen‘ ccmignqe not H$$·f¤r er in-;° reqsej i!¤ties.—-—-—A c0nsi§¤ae shall not be lhbiajor any addilonal cirincreased -duti¢s`it‘ (Miha it tm time of nist? that he {spot t1;e·4ct¤a.1=·0wner bf the membmdiéc; (2) e tufnishesn. the name 'and gédtam °ot. sugh qwmg, and (3) within ninety days frqmi the dates or mtry Qb•_ n < eclaruticin ofequch ¤ w§ei· cwdidoned that he all dditumnl and i¤¢nmsed—d¤¢j¢ig inch mguintiem as we ~ecr;sta;·y' of the pmncrlbm owner shall oséess all the mi@ts?0f_d cénsigmy -(Sept..21, wwyc, 856, F f ‘itle rv, 5 485(cl), 42 S¢¤t,96L) J ·  » fw _ I 356. Sgnmct Www; fcrm¢.f¤1·—d¤cl•r¤tiua.·——Tl1o Secretary ‘ {2 thé '1‘ i·y shall prwétibs sebauto form fd: the declara-

cn in the case ct marchmdlm whim is imported ihpursuance

ta_ purchase or agreement: to had merchandise Which n imported `otheriwise than; in of 4 or agreenent to‘ purchase. (Sept. 21, 1% c. 356, Tftle IV, Q £85{e),

  »         _        »           _  

357; Same; merclgafmdin to ·deceand, hmlvcnt, _ Irtnctship, crv |.}'0!{)&Pi$i¤B··~Wll6¤§V%f'8\10h_ll}BI’Ch8!1di$é is ` zusigged td A glecgeésed person, of $0 ma insolvent pgfson who as `aéuigued the samia for the bmcm `of his pcreciitors, the recutor or &»d§·hinim;rst0r, or the assignee ot such person dr. !C€iVQ1‘~·0\’ trmpstée in bankruptcy, mall ccnsidergd as thé — Q .: ~ . ( _ . M . ._ { i