Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/61

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47 TITLE 5.——-—EXEOUT.lV.B DEPARTMENT? rillglhfg the office GI. rtlgéht of the Treastiry, .01*, to the st1perin· the ,..,.. }@n¤·e of tlxewllection ef,l0utstanding.dtrecttaxeaiaoo tutor, um - ,,,,5 (turtles which have been _ ransferred to hint ny me aero; §. 3 _M;,_.~` gs, 1S3Q,l:aI1tl— remain njhis chargel; and- of the seal ‘ .1;r »llcrtor. of the,'1‘neasu;·y,. `(R; S,. .0;.

 o Q   Bondslifor suit; liability of district attorney onrreceiv- dir

5%,,, -\\'l1enevel*_th_e` Sdlicltdr <>f—the,Treasury receives infornmgi fiq _ `; msn a collectorfofc duties that such collector-.has’"de1ivered t M: my 1.tmd»fo1·Yd1nties` tonal; district attorneyfo suit,`the_$o1ieitor me { ,,;·` me Treasury shall snake Q nch entryethereoft asf thatpthoi _Do 5{;.»t·¤r·y» may `l duly am>ear_ chargeable therewith, nntil the req W ammo: has been;..polditu"itl1e United Statesgor he has obtained . dis _§ut€;§ulQlllSrtll—€ll(}Gll..HIld` Aeli\‘ered‘-execution» to the marshal, or or ..n..£gt»—ise been dnly; discharged therefrom;-[ f( R. S,‘§ 373.)·· * ext 324. Same; examination of i·lf¢b0l’t$·0f district attorneys and 'jut mllect.ors.+-Tl1c- éolicitor of the Treasuryiislnall ,make·constant;__ J amt strict examinations and comparisons of the reports made of _ hy qolletrtors of bonds. for idutiesAeliy‘ered’il1y‘·tl1ém‘todi-strict nn é zmwnttgys for suit,. andlaof- the returns lnadeby tdistrictfattor-a tht wgrs of Su<·h_bondsjs0 received by them. .(R.·S, {374.). 5Y _ _ e an

 Same;   reports of.+-Wlleneyer it appearethat any de

t·.»1loctor has made retnrnof any bond°as in-sn-f_t,.·,or `delivered tic tor suit; whlchis not, se theitlme, at suit, or delivered. for-suit, — pr. to- mts returned any bond as in. suit lrorstne whole arnonnt do tncreof, when part therecffhas been paidto him, or as in snttf jufor u1ore`· than‘ls` actually due {thereon, the Solicitor. of the I of

  • f*‘**=¤Fll¥‘li Shall} i1¤l¤€(ll8l€lY lllwa dieébvery thereof,,»comn1unlcate ctw

the t‘acts·to the·Presldent of the—United States. ;(R.` §` 875.) of _326. Discovery of frnads.—¢~eThe Solicitor Yof the _'I‘reasury,‘ __ under the direction hof the Secretary. of the Treasury, shall take ne , t·t·;niy.ance of- all frauds or attempted frauds span the reyenue. t itc uml shall exercise ageneral supervision over the measures for 'éx their prevention and idetection.- for. the fwrosecution of. per·‘ ; St was charged iviththe commlssion·thereof._ (R. VS. it 376.) l to 327. Solicitorof Treasury; rules respecting suits.};-·The]So· no in-itor of the Treasury shall establish such regulations,. not all itsmtsistent with law, with the approbation offtlle Secretary ar of the Treasury, for the observance of __ collectors of the cus- 18 toss, ond, with in appronation. of the Attorney General, for __ t1.~ oltservancelof zlstrlct attorneys and marshals respectills Tl suits in which the UnitedStates are nartles, as may. berdeemed of ztewsstnry for theljust responsibility of oillcers, and the or prstnpt collection, of all revenues and debts dne and accruing pt to the United. States. Tltissection shall not apply to suits for b1 taxes, forfeltnretgi, or penalties arising under the internal-reve·· og 'lmc laws. (R,~;S._§_3'77.)`__ l i‘¤`__` ‘ _ . _ . . · 328. Sante; report of nioneys recovered.-—-—The Solicitor of ni

 the 'lfreasury· shell report all~ moneys-recovered or collected le:

_·tmd or his directionwtoithe otllcer from whom thelbond or other {ln t·s·i1lcnce of debt was;. received.',wh6‘ hall give._§§oper credit oi therefor-; and hd shall lnlike manner all credits allowed tl: l·>‘ due cotxrse of law, onauy stilts under--__lg_lS dlrectlcn. _ (BL Sr- at §2_l78.»)¤· ‘ " t t » = _- sz y 329. &me; instrnctioas to district. attorneyssi-——The Solicitor ol doi they Treasury shall Vliarc fpowerto instruct the district at- 01 tor11eys, _11larshals», and clerks of théjdistttict courtsln auimst- na tors and proceedings appertainlng to snttsln whlch the United nt Sttatesls he party or dnterested, except suits, for 'taxg. peual· Dt tics. l or forfeiture; nndor the __tnternal~reven_no laws, and to al muse them, or either of them, to reporfto»l1lm,from time to at t time any inforrnation he may require in relation to the 881118. 61 (R.»S.§3{79._) t · f i it . R ‘S , ·- 330. Same;. suits involving, national suits and proceedings arising out of-thefprovlsions Of_l8W-l§0VQl*Dll1ig na· pt , tional ¤s¤kt¤g tassoc1ot.1om, ln which the United States or any tl

  • of its omcers or agents shall be parties, shall be conducted by Q?

t \.

?,r01¢`1iQICERS, AND EMPLOYEES _` 338 e district attorneys of the several districts under the direcuund supervision of the Solicitor of the Treasury. (R.

80;); f M  ; .- _, » -

l31-. Duties of United States attorneys.-——In the prosecution Q 9·V¥1Y.SUitt_·-foP _II10¤€yW due the. Post Office Department, the .ited"_·4St>ates· attor11eyj'condu_ctlng the same shall obey the ections v.§hieh.rn:1y be given him by the Department of J use.· (R. s.·.§oas1.),e -. e , M c c ‘ 532. -·Proceedings— in equity in cases of l Post 0Ece Depart-

nt.————When proceedings atlaw for money due the Pest Oflice

lportznent~l.are fruitless, the Department of Justice msy di— ef the,111stltu_tio11 oi a suit in Chancery, in any United States atriet court, to gsetaside fraudulent conveyances or trusts, attach debts due th€"d€t€H(l£lHt, or obtain any other proper ercipse, of the -p0xvers of equity Aohave satisfaction of may l Igm0nt·e” inst. Such defendant, V )(R. AS! § 382.) / 333.]Rep%» of business and-_stntisties.—~—Itl shell be the duty! the _.Am>mvcy_ ·General‘to Mmake to Congress, at the comzneennentot each ’1#€glll8l'V—S€SSi0l1,~`& report of the business of eq Department of Justice for the last- preceding dscal year, d _.of_` any other matters d appertaitning thereto that he may em. proper`; including a statement of the seven! appropriams which may he ‘pIaced—under‘lts control,,the emount- appro: lated, and aldetailed statement of the nrnounts used for frayingc the ¥exp`enses ofpthé- United States courts in each diclal district; also the statistics oferimc under the laws the U¤i¢eo»st¤tee,v—a¤u. ¤‘ Zstatententof thetnumbefot causes, rll and crixninal, pending_du1éing.’the j$recedingQyear_in each theseveral courts of the United States; l (R. 8. -§i 384.) 334., Report fof expenditure of s eontingqt fuM.———¢The_ Attorey G,euetaL,shall_[annually reportto Congrws, in detail, the ams,. amounts, .and causes of expenditure c ot the contingent {lenses of this ,aep·m¤1ieht, _ (June 20,, 1874,*}. 328, __§ ,.1, 18 335. Report of payments fronnpdappropriations.-4-The Attor; ey General shall include in his annuahreporvt a stetementrot l payments or expenditures ·,-` during any hscal year out of any mropriation fund supject to requisitions him.__ (June 30, k79,_e.f#2,_§ 3,-21 Stat. 44.) V t _ s e , 336. Report of additional attorneys candgeounsel empneyearghe U attorney" General. shall lmakei an annual itévort to »co¤g¤·css f the names of all persons employed or retained as attorneys · counselors at law to , assist deny district attorneys in the srformance of their duties, stating xvhletre and upon what xsliness each wasFemployed,· and the compensation paid to tch. (R;·Sl §_ 385.) 3 l o . .. e- ~ l e c 337. Report of assistants to district attorneys.-;-—~The Attor- `. ay General shall, in his annualreport to Congress each year, 4; rgcept as provided in 'section ~o£ Title 28, include a stateent in detail showing for the preceding decal; year the mmlher E assistant district attorneys employed, the salaries ot each; ne number of clerical assistants employed for each, district: ttorneg, thesalariee of each; the amount expended for necesrry subsistence, and actual and neees&ry traveling expenses I each districtattorney and his assistantsythe number of mee deputies and clerical assistants employed for each marshal, the salaries paid to each; the amount expended for ecessary subsistence and actual and necessary traveling cxeuses of each marshal and oniee deputies, and the nuoxnber field deputy marshals employed by leech marshal and the mount ot tees earned by and the compensation paid to each [them out of such-fees., (May 28, 1896, c. 252, § 23, 29 mr,. 185.) e t l l o t r ._ 338Q Distribution of statutes and reports! to judges.--—The De- , artmeut of Justice shall be charged with the distribution ·toe he various judges and courts lot the‘ *statutes, reports,·and theryjudicial documents provided by law.} (R. S. 5386,) c