Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/623

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609 TML! W.-—-—··E TITLE 20.-·-Ii phaptéyl • Beit. I

_ q*;,ie_.omt1ct or muc.v¤o¤-.-..-..---..· 1

· 2.. Y0cA·ri·’>NAt. KDCCAQIGN ..- . . .. .. ..Q.; 11

_ Smmneoxtnn Ine·1··rem·1oz<· (nin Nxrzeztn. Hannon)-, ... 41

.;_ ;·s&A»q·;ox.u. Zoonootonr. Pm;  ;.-» .. .d. 81, · r.. qovxexxnan ootnecnone Ann mxmmuonn ros usuncu, Ann uunsun me nnnonxoms. iN3TlTUTIONS---..---..., 91. ” CROSS REFERENCES ‘ Qerieulturnl and mechanical colleges; we Title 7, Anxxcumznam. · I indians; eco Title 25, Innuns. · ‘ . * V Military instruction in schools and colleges; see Title 10, ARMY. xnnucm instruction in educational institutions; nee Title 84, Nut. · Chapter 1.--THE OFFICE OF EDUOATION.` I. Established. _ . 2. Commissioner ot Education. 3. Bnlletm ot &reen of mention. 4. Report 01 Comnalsstoner. . 5. (Knees for use ot huieau.

 1.  =-——There shall be in the Department ot

5 the Interior n bnreexttenlled the 0$ce ot Ednmtion, the porpono and duthe of which nhnll be toecllect statistics and (acts showing the condition and progress ot education in the several Santee and .'.lZ‘erritoZriee, had to diifuee such information respecting the organization ond management ot schmls and school systems; and methods of teaching. as shell aid the people of the United Staten in the establishment and maintenance ot e@eient, school systems, end otherwise promote the cause ot education tlirongimut the clountry. (R. ,8. § 516.) 2. Cohmiwimex of Edeeathn.——-The maumgemmt ot the (mit-e ot Education shell, subject to the direction of the ~Secre> wry of the Interior, heiintrueted to e C0mmieeiqner`0£ Educazion, who Ashe}! be appointed by the President, by end with the I advice end? conmnt of the _(B; S. { 517 ;‘ Mer. 8, *1917. te 133, { 1, % Stat. 1105; Mer. 3, 19%, c.’4&, 43 Stat. 1179.)-` 3. Bulletin of Bureau of Ed@ton.-··—The Gomxnsmioner ot i—ldm·etion is authorized to premre and publish. a bhlletin ef; _— the Bureau ot Eduentten as to the eomiition othizhez tion. technical and ewcetton., fmt! as menannk in me xenon, nom topioa; an ‘ the severa.l.~ States ot the Union end in toreizn eountxieq. new be of vatite to the edilcatiunel i¤t@ts· M the States. nm tmzse. $1nll be printed enc of twelve `th@nd thee copies of of mid but? letin {tot distribution by _ the . mma ot Ednmhen. the of printing ax hinéing such Beiletin to he to the al19t··. ment to: mintms for the Department ot the lnterler, (May %, 1@6. ¢. $52. I1. W`Bttt.'171.) · I I _ L Report of Coh et.--'1‘he Oemtmmoner of Ednmtion ` shall muon: tennnelly to i Go¤:1·¤ e @11: exnbodying the results let his` and lnhom tcmther with A `ment of such tacttand ns w1l1,‘tn`his iw;-·· ment. euhoerve the for whieh the ·o¤ce in utahllahed. e (B.S.§518.)1¤_' ’ l · » l' ‘ . 5. Oetheeu fer use `of. hnrean.·-·—¥The Director of Public Build- ‘ mee and Enblic Parks et the Natio¤1l~Gapitnl shall · Y proper oeioes for the. use of the ot- Education. (B. B. ` .5 519: Feb. 25, 1925. ¤:..8$9» f 8. 43 Stat. Chapter 2.5-¤·V0OATIONA,L EDUCATION. ` Soc. ’~ 1 , I1. Annual htmrentiatienh. , 12. Same; paying seurieg of teachers io! agrlcuitnnl snuactat nmotmts: allotment at tundn to States., -. » — 13. Same: veytng salaries of teachers} oi trade, home economics, and industrial senjeetqg; amounts; *•1lotment.e! tends to Bates. t %8627.0°-·v··28·—~—89 · I -

¥b‘U(J'1TIOH ·` -']..]3i , EDUCATION- a Chlptet  ; Sec. . 8. Aamxcue Pnxwrnm Hons: ros mn Bunn 4.. .. Q. ..,. 101 - 1. I§$Q.‘BUCTION`AI·TQ serum no sneer or Apcouoorc muses ·Z.•.=w }€ABCOTICS--.,L.-..--.r..--,-;  ;--, . - 111 8. Howmo Uxxvmzeru .--... J . ..---;-..4;...;.., 121 9. Nafnozux. Tmmino Bosco:. ron Bows . ; .. 1 . 131 10. Nazrsorux. Tsqtmxe Scraoor. ron Gmns ... _ ..-- ... 161 14. Same; preparing teachers of agricultorol subjects; 'ommmts; ntlotmeut of funds to Stgntee. ·· .. 15. Same ;" tor- Federal sbonrd. `" ~ 16. Bama; acceptance of benedte ct appropriations by States; creo-_ tion of State boerds. ( . 17. Federal board; members'; chairmen; terms ot omee; cooperation with State boards; inrestigntdoosg assistants. ' 18. Phu and reports by State bonrdsito be submitted to Fedora! board. . · . —' _ . ` 19. Expenditure ot appropriations: expensein w be boreeby States. 29. Phan by State board for noe ot epxiroptwtiooe; for egricukturat purpmu. _ - · _. 21. Same; for salaries of teachers of trade, home ecemomtce, ond tn-

 oebjocts. · J

22. Same; for teachers, supervisors oi directors. “ 23. State. custodians of funds appropriated. _ · ‘ _ 24. Bupervisioo of expenditures by States; Quarterly peymente to - States. · . 25. Deductions from ailotmeote when preceding allotments have not been expended. ' 26. W1tbbo1d!og,a11otments. 5 27. Lose of Stands; repieciug; limitation on use. 28. Reports to .Cougr¤¤.s by Federal board. 29. Bcnedcs exteoded m Hawaii. Section 11. Amana! appropri•tio1:s.—~There is annually appropriated, out of any money in the ‘1‘rcosm·y‘ not 0tberwLse,epvroprioted, the amounts hereinafter provided for, to be paid to the respective . States for the purpose of; cooperating withtbe States in payi;mg_ the salaries of t&chers, .supervisors,‘ and djrectors <>f—ogr1cu1•:uro.I_ subjects, oodkteacbero ot trade, home economics, ond induettinl eubiects, ond ht _ ttge preparation of teachers of agriculturol, trade,. mdocsuizxi, md heme economics subjects; and for the use of the Federal Boone for Vocetionel Edqeqtion for the adrninistratjozz, of this pbabter and for the

 of   studies, iireotigetiono, e¤d`”report.s to oid .

to the cxgeqtxotidn cbxtdoct of yocotiohol education, which —» NWS. UQ Hweixikfter. provided. (Feb. %, _ 1917, c. 114,} 1, Qwi) ” ‘ · ` . ‘ _ ‘

 Soho;     of teeehere of sgrieultorel sob-

1c¢t¤:·qmmr.o§¤;` cilmomt of to Stetm.—-—-;For the purpose ot cooperating with the Stem ¥~¤P¤1‘ihg the salaries ‘ ot- teachers, supervte-ora; or directors of agricultural subjecm there is ormuetly epproprielted for the eso ot- tbe States, subject to the provisions of cbhpter, the ammo! W,000,090. Y Sold approprintfon be nltotted to the States. ip the proportion which their wml populattcm heath to total tore.! population in the United States, not i1;1c1od·@_ outlying poosmsioos, .o.ccording to the lest United `$CRt·9S census. _. The gllotment ot funds to any State sba.11,f be*_·not·1&s theo e minimum- $: . $10,00p for buy hs eppréorlotcd for mcg Mce1_ year tbe sum o:t~&’T,QOQ or oo ngttcby thereot es may be necessary, wbichohsli be for the purpowot providing the minimum; allotment to the States provided. for in this section. (Feb 5, 1.917, e._114, $.`£ Stat. “ · Q 18. sahries of teachers of trade, home economies, and Ieduotrihi subjects; amounts:. olloteent of funds to Stotes.-—··For tho purpose of cooperating. with the States in paying tm eateries ot tuchers ot trade, home economics, mm

 {objects there is dobuuotiy appropriated for the use

of we Btnté the som ot $.060,000.' Said oppropriutikm

 allotted to the States in the proportion which their

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