Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/630

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§ 103 _N TPTLE 29.-Q1 » (4) Inmnm zrifhfwid vrfgezn not properly u2cd.———Fo—urth. The Secretary of the Tronsux·y of the United States shall have the authority to withhold the appropriation whenever bc shall rcooivc satisfactory proofthat the trustees of said American Printing Iiomo for the Blind, located iu, Louisville, Kentucky, are not ming the appropriation for the benefit of » the blind in tho public instimiions for the cducatiou of the blind in the United States. {53; Bond of :tv·easuror.——-Fifth. Before any money, bc ‘paid to the trcnsxxror of the American Printing House for then Blind , by the Secretary of the Treasury of»tl1c United Stutcs, the ttrczmurcr of the American Printing House for the Blind shall oxocuto :1 bond; with two approved surctles, to the amount of $%.00B. conditioned that the money so received shall bc cxp¢·dod accoiding to this law and all amendments t}1crct0,` which shall bc hold ,by thé Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, and shall bc renewed every two yeanfsf I ` (Sl E1! oyioio tmsfccs.-——-Sixth. The `subcriutendénts of the various public institutions for the education of the blind in gthe United States shall each, cx oillcio, bon member of the bonrdof trustccs of the American Printing House for tllo Blind, located ln the city of Lo!iisvillo,”Keutu¢·ky. `(Mar. 3, 1879; c. 186., §`3,2G`Stnt.·€l@.) · _ V , ‘ ._ A 183. for National Library lor the Blind.—~'1‘wo copies of oacli o£_ the publications printed by the American Printing House for the Blind `shall be furnished treo df charge to the If¥sii:ional»fJibro.ry {ortho Bllud located at 1729 H Street Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia. _¤ _( Nov. 4, 1919, ic. 93. § 1, 41 Stat. 332.)` ’ n ·` _ l l. 194. reports"· by truétces.—·-—-The' trustees of `said American Printing .Hou`sc for 'thé Blind shall annually make to the Sccrctaryof the Treasury of- the United States a report of me items ot their expenditure of the'·approprlat~‘tion aforczl mid dnring tho ycan preceding their '1‘€*D0l‘t; and shall annually furnish him with a voucher from each public institution for the oducct.lo»11_ot tho blind, showing that the amount of books ind tangible apparatus doc has boon received. (Mar. 3, ‘1879Q c.1%.`·§4.20Stat.4@.)__ ~ _ _‘ ·K _ n IQ5. Books for on Library of C0§§'l'¢88.·····Th€ distribution off

   books manutnctnrod by the Amorlcanfrintlng House

for the `Bllnd gt Louisville, {Kentucky, out of the income of toc fond provided by this “@aptc:·,_ Sh8.u'·iH(Lf}11d8 one copy of ·ow*cr)r` hook so nmnntnctnrcd to be dcbosited in tho Libraiy of Con-; ~ gw at Washington.- (Mag, 4,.1913, c. 142, -5 1,- 31 Stat; 748Q)


Soc; ‘ ¤· · ·· · _ _ . 111. £tod.y to certain schools of c§cct of alcoholic drinks and uarcotlcs. ' 112. Eaiomc eat ot section 111. ‘ ' 113. Tckcoori ccrtidmtcs dependent on pas/ningucxomlnation on mmt ~ ot .¤l·z:oho3io_ drinks and narcotlcn. t_ I ll _ _ . §cctioo 111. in qhools of cicet of alcoholic. drinks and na1·¢otic¤.—Thc‘noturc of ak:<>11n1lc`drinks and unncotlm, cod spcciél instruction as to their effects upon tho humdii oystcm, in connection with tho several dlvmtons of the subject of playsio1ogy‘ and hygiene, shall M lncludod @11 tho bunches of study taught in tho common or public schools, ond lu, the milltory audfttavnl schools, and shall he studied and taught IBth01’· oogmy and in the camo manner on other llké bcqulrod branchcn no in Qld schooln by tho nw ot textbooks in tho bonds ot pupils wlaogo other ~ Manchu {arc , thus studied in sold schools, and by#’nll.pupl1s_in all sold schools throughout the Tcfrltcrica,

 tho Military and Nova1 Academics of the United States, and

io tho District oft Colugnbin, and in all Indian ond colored Sililcfill, in Tcrritox•ics of tho United Stntm. {May %, 1@§, c,. § 1, 24 Smt. %L)"` t ‘ ” 112. E¤f&%¢t of section 111.--It Slmll be the duty of tho »propor o§co1*$ ln control ot any school, described In soctioo 1_;1 ·o£_t‘lils tltlo to cndforcc the provioloxzns ot this chapter ;~ nod an; such o$cc:, school dlrcctor, committee, sunertntendentg

2·DU0.4T10N” 616

or teacher who shall refuse or neglect to comply with the re-
 quirements of this chapter, or shall neglect or fail to make

proper provisions for the instruction required and in the man- Kuer spcciiicd by section 111 of this title, for all pupils in each and every school under his jurisdiction, shall be rcm0vcd_from omce, and the vacancy iilled as in other cases. (May 20, 1886, lc. 362, `§ 2, 24 Stat. 69.) _ _ ` ·113."Teachcrs’ certihcates depenident on passing examine. tion on effect of alcoholic drinks amt nagcoties.e——No certificate shell be grimted to any pcgsou to teach in thepublic schools of the District of Columbia or Territories who has not passed a ‘satisgfoct_ory examination in physiology nncthygienc, [ with Aspecial ‘rctcrencc`_to the neturefand the effects of alcoholic [ drioksjangi other narcotics upon, the human `systcm. (May 20, » 1886, c. 362, § 3, 2.4 Sttnt; 69.) ` k Chapter 8.--H0\VARD_ UNIVERSITY. t 121. Annual reportof president and directors.

 122. Litnitatioo on. use of appropriations. _

Section 121._A1tt1unl report of president directors.-—Tue president and directors of Howard University shall report to the Secretary of tpc Interior- the condition of the institution on

“tI1e lst of July of cztchyeer, embracing therein the number of

ipupils received and discharged or leaving the same for any

 cause duxjirig the preceding year, and t·1l€_B\l111b€!" remaining;

E also; the branches of knowlcdgeond. industry taught and the Q progress made therein together with a statement showing the _

 receipts of t11c tnstitution and from what sources, and‘ its dis-

Vbursémctxts, and for wlmtobjects. (Mar. 3, 1893, c. 208, 2T

 Stétt. 595; July 1, 1898, 0546, .30 Stat. 624.). — · *

I 122. Limitation on use of appropristions.—TN0 port ot the approprizi tio1ts mode “` by Congress for the Hoyard University _ shall be used, directly, or indirectly. Iorthe support ot the theo- ~— logical department of siiid university, our for tm sopport of t any sectarian, denominational, or religious imtructtoo therein; 1 am1·· no part thereot shell be ’peid to said university until it shall accord to the Secretary of the Interior,. gr to his designated ogent_0r·a1geuts, autl1drity· to visit and inspect siren uniq versity and to control and supervise the oxpem1iturc·thereih of alt moneys paid txmlcr said appropriations. (Mar. 8, 1899, c.

  • 424, 30 Stat. 1191.) _ I `

Chapter 9.-L-—NATI0NAL .'1‘RA1NING SCHOOL FOR @1%. ' · 131. Designation. of school. K . _ 132. Boarder trtuteee: appomtme¤t;`pre•1deut. ‘133..·Sarue; Commissioner of District to be trustee. Z134. Consulting trustees. ‘ —

  • 135. Corporate cépacity and powers of hoard.

136. Bylaws. rules,. and resolution;. ‘ . . 137., Contracts end purchases; president ot board its executive officer: 1 annual reports. - ” - 138. Superintendent and other employees. 189. Treasurer; bond; duties. · _ 140. Superlotendenfs bong]; '_ _ _ 141. Powers and dutien of superintendent and subordinate otiicert. 142. Control ot Ionqe and other mopertyft; books ot account; register ot . · · hoyé`; .exemh.;atiom of echoed end accounts. 143. Report bypmcers to Coemtteuionere of District. 144. `blnpositiou of p~roc@o of farm and shops. 145. Boys committed; cemmitment bycoiart or judge, or-by president ‘ oflboard of trustees. _* " · ~ 145. Period of detention. .- E _ _ 147. Number of boy`s·Iimited_to number that can be properly accommo- . dated. · ·‘ ‘ _ Q 148. `Euticlng boy {rout school or harboring escaped boy; arrest and .··ret¤r¤. ‘ » ~ __ 149. Employment and instruction of boys; apprcntfcing;`_ indenture:. 150. Helene on— parole of juvenile oseueters committed. . . 151. Beard ot trustees eizthortnéd to wrote. ‘ ` 152.- Support of hoyi sent to eehool bi District. _

 131. Duig¤n€@\ of school-·-The ltegonp School of.

the District of Columbia shall be known and dcqignotcd as the