Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/635

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TITLE £1.···~·—··FOO

 TITLE 21.--Fo(

Flaeyter . _ _ » _ Sec. 1, A;){§{_,TE.BAT'§' or msmuxum moons on xmuos ... .. ..-..· 1 2. imls-` ~.·». ~ ------------ M------ --.-.-..- - .---------------» 41

1_ {5;;.
.1291HLK .. - ~.* ---- ---- I ---------. ..-. -.---- .. 61

4, ANIMALB, umm, nw Ms-xr Anzo [mor prronocxrs-- ... ¢ 71 CROSS HI·l1<‘EREN€E . I Nos·r»otl<·s. footrurtioo as to e¤‘eet ot; see Title.20, @UCATION.- i 1·,l(·é.t-re ood Stoekyords Act; see Title-7, Aoxlciuuruno. ' s‘lms;¤·e, semms, etc.: see chapter 4Yof ffitle 42, Pusue Hmuxlza. SW also Title 26, lxfrrxltsm. ltxsvxbzus. ' _ . ‘ i (`h;—1pte:· .1.-—Al)L?LTP3Rl§T1§D OR }\IISBRAlXDEI) FOODS UR URIZGS; · $*13. . ’.- _ — · I /# 2. Arlulteretetl or mlehrzmtlecl ffoods or drugs; manufacture lu Terrimriw. or ‘Distri<·t of Columbian unlawful; penalty. ., _ 4 2. Surge; lrxters_tat:— or foreign commerceln Qrohiblted; sale lu·'l#errltorles or District of Golumbia; penalty. Jl. ities-zulations for carrying out food and drug laws. _ 4. A4.-t or GHl»l8Sit}H of ofileer, gtgeut. and so (forth; of corporation? .`¤l¤·¢~·m.e·:l art or omlssionot <;o¤·p;·riatio¤,`· l 5. l.>e·t§o§tio:1¤;"‘ Terrltor;v;" "`pers·on." · t3. F;z::ac·; " butter? . 7. 'C6  !* L4 fQ(}d·!..l BN. Aslulterated articles. _ . tl. Mislmlmlod; melming and application. - lo. Alhbrazmled articles, ’ ’ , _ _ ' ll. i·Z,xemln:ztion of specimens: notire of ndulteration-_ m··.mssb¤§upq1-_` lor-; hearing: certllleatiou ot ·vlolat·ioms to district attorney; notice of jutlgtnentf _ ‘ · · » , 12. I’rosocution` by digtrlet .httorneys. _ ._ .

    • 33. Dealws; s=elle"rs‘ gelorauty us protection for-.‘

14.* Seizure of articles upon lllscovery for condemnation; disp0si· _ tion; delivery to pwner oh hood; tproeeexlings. K ‘ V 13. l·Zxomioatlo¤· of garoples of imports; refusal of admission and delivery to consigneo; delivery to eonslgnee pending examine- l tlo:1 and decision on bond; charge·;»· i'0r otorgge god lle¤_ therefor. · _ · — · . —. ` lt;. Introduction lute, orsgle ln,. State- or Territory or District ot Columbia of dalryor food products falsely labeled or brandedf: il'. Some.; $#1aalty;~ jurisdiction of proseeutiom. . · » ·’ . .. 1l%.~Suspe:1~sl¤n of impo-rt‘a.tlo¤."o£ ndulterated articles. F ’ ` 19. Report to Congrem of expenditures ln apiorcing food and drug laws.

  • 29. Apples -1:: interstate 'commerée; stan-dard gmdes, · `

21. §ame; branding gmtlee on fbarrelsr * . 13*2. Some; l»o.rrels lnlehrandedi _ . ,23. Same; penalty for violations. _ _ . _ 24j luepeetlop of Amerle¤1ffood_`pmductsIortexport: certlilcate issued ' myoo mymeot of actual ~ . ” » 'j ” ‘ 25.v*9¥£8B1§!g§.fihE, lmtterlneyor imltatl-on butter or cheese transported lute to State subject to its police powers! — . ‘ . Section 1; Adulternted or misbrauded foodhor drugs; manu- l facmre in Territoriu or 'of ‘Co1¤.mbi.• ·¤r11a.wful; pen- O snlty;·¢·——~—It shall be uolmvfulg for e.11y.per_ooe to mammzeturel ; within any '1‘errltory.or. tm Biotrict of ° Colombia my article , ; of flood or drug whiscb is adulgeroted or misbramlod.`- within the , meaning of sections 1 to 15,ll¤el;1si¥&Q.of this title ;_ and any . person who shallf ”ylolate any of the provisions of this section 5 shall be guilty of n misdemeanor, and for each osenso shall; 1 upon conviction thereof; be Ehed not to exceed or shall be eehterleed to one years lmpriscmoent, or both meh me 4 and imprisonment, in the cllscretlou of the court; and for each l ouhseqoeaat lmeose me eoorietiool thereof shall be med not ] lose ·ttmu $1,008 or sentenced to Lyne yee.r’s imprisonment, or ~: ` both- oooh {lee and imprisonment, in the dieeretlou of the court. 4 (June 39, 1906, ti @15, ‘§ ll, Fétat. A A __ _ 1 I 2. Same;. interstate or foroigltcommerce in prohibited; sole 1 i1a¤.Territoriesie€r District of Columbia; pe¤glt3f,———-;Tho l1mtrt;tlm.:· 4 tion- into any State or "1*errlt·gry _ or fthe I>iatrlct o1’ Golumbils 1 _ from any other State or Territory or the Dletrlctgoi Qolumhle, e or from any toreigu <!§ll!1tlI‘}’, or ehlpment to any foreign eomitry t of any article of food. or drugs which is 'édulteroted or mts- orzmled, withio the memlixiglof sections 1 to 15, lxzeltxsive, of .l

D AND DRUGS ]_»»5 )D AND DRUGS ‘ Chapter _ Bee. 5. vugpsxs, smwms, 'I'¥ *XIN`S’Ah’TlTOXINH,AND ANALO€}€)¥}SvP¥¥fJD¥§GI‘S, 151 6·[NARC()TIC mmctxs, ,_..»-_- ------W_- ____ ,___,...M, mw-, m_” ___,___ 171 E7. Iemctrrcn or mn see on PCDISUSS xx cassette me irmczrs in CH[}€A,,.__;.-___, ____.._ __,,,.,,,,,_,___, __________ _______ 2Q} this title,. is prohibited; md any person who shall ship or deliver for shipmenf from any State er Territory ,0: the Diettrict of Columbia t=0 any other State or Territery er the District‘_6f Celumhia, or to a foreign country, ur who ehzmx receive in any State er Territory or the District of Celmnbie from any other State m·`Territm_~y or the District of Columbia, or fmieign. cmmtry, (and having so received, éhnll delivier, in `origjnal unbroken packages, for pay or otherwise, er offer te deliver to any ether person, any such article se edultemtedg er H1iSbl‘8lld€d·W’i·fhiQ the`meanin# of said sections, or any person whe shall sell or offer for sale in the District of Columbia er the 'p(‘1`I‘it(H',i€S of the United States any such edulterated er `uqisbpanlied foods or driigs, l or expert 'er cm; to expert E the ehme to any foreigg country, shall be guilty of a mis»;}eme&net·, and for su·;·_h~ offense be Huet} net exceedhig, $M te: the Bret offense, and upon ‘_ conviction for each siibseqemxt e&e§se rmt exceeding be imprisoned riot exceeding one year, er both. .111 the discretion of the court. N0 article Shailbe Qeemed misbxtzmded or adulteratetl within the provisions Lei mid eectiemx when intended for vextport to @·fereig¤ eemstty end prepared {ur packed according to the sipecmcatieas er ·diréc·_tiens of the foreign purchaser when ne stxbstance is umd in ’ preparation or pecking thereof ir1._c0u§ict with the In et the fereigu ,, country te which said,articIei is tinten , te he shipped ; but if" said afticle shell be in met QM, er e§e:ed for sate ter domestic use or ;c0n‘sumption,·"‘ then this previse elm}! net exempt. SMH article from the epemtien et any of the ether provisions of the seétihxs hereinbefere enumerated. {lame 30, 1906,4:. 3915, 5 2, 34 Stat. 768.) · t . ,· · , 3. Regulatim fer carrying eat feed and drug, laws.--——The Seeretsiry of the Treeeuiy, the Seei·etary_ of Agrieuiture and the S<~c—retm·_y of C0mme1*ce· shall bake hniferm mics and yegulatiemr for carrying out _-the prevwieasl of eeetiens 1 te inclusive, et this title, mciuding `the,ce1lectien"a.¤d examine! tion of specimens of feeds smgl drugs manufactured er effered fer sale in the Dietriqte 01 Columbia, er in seg Territezy et the United States, 01·‘wMch shalt be offered fer mite is tmbteken packages in V any S&te— other than its which they shatl have been respectively qmmfeetuxed er pxeduced, er f which shall be received from any fereign e;m»u¤t :·y, er eintemted for shipment to any iereigfa cerimry, er which be mb~ mitted for eztanxinatien by the chief hwith, feed, er {Img e£ii<·e1% of any State,. Territory,) or the District" auf Ceipttmizx, in- ateny domestic, er fereign part thmugh which time pmdngct is eEered‘ fu: interstate eemmeme, er fe: expert ere- import between the United States and any fereign port er. cexmtry. (June 30, .1906, c. 3915; {.8, 34 Stat, 'l68;_Ma:. 4, 1913, cv.`141, l 1,*31 Stat., $$5.) . ° . ‘ _, Qi Agt of mnksien of @eer, agent, se ferth,. of can poration deemed act ther anime; ef. ee:mraQtie11,~—\¥’he: 1 mw struing and enforcing the pgevtteiens of sec§·ez1s 1 te 15, meh:-· sive, of this title, the ect, emiesien, er failure et any eilieexj, agent, or other perseu acting fer er empleyed by any cerpumdee, éempeny, seaziety, ey eeeecigtien, wittiu the scape es me employment or office, shall in every case be also deemed to be the eetpqmieeipn, are failure et each corporation, eemgmny, society, me aesecietien as well es theta at the person; (June £0,”1908, e. 3915, { 34 Stat. 772.) · , 5. Deéaitihtm-“ ”'; " §emen.”·-——-The term “Tern-I _ my "' as uSed.ii1_this chapter shall include. the ins··111er·p¢.>sQ h