Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/64

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§ 384 TITLE 5.-·—~EXECUTlVE DEPARTMEJ 384. Same; balances. due United_States fer public moneysf under laws · relating te Postal Service,-4-—Tbe provisions of tion of this titlenhnll extend in-all pendi11k·eAn‘,>Mit‘reh be 4, 1925, or which may etbereagg arise to balenwé-due itc tl;e`“ United States through eccenn illty for publie moneys under any eprovislma of law in relation .t0_·the” 'eflicers, ·y_e¤ipl0yé€Be eperariens,eeg b.usiuees_et_tl;e Pestal Servicg excepting me klass? of eases ncegxfizeble nnrler neetien 49 l of Cllltlel (>Mar. 4, 19%, c. 531, 43 St'&t,e12G6.)_W · e T. “ e an ¢ el lwll l ., 385. Discharge ·ef judgment debtors.-¢·'1*l1e Postmaster Gené , · eral may disehnrge frem imprisenn1ent'·an,y» person.conf1ned—in jail enany judgmenttin a eiril ease,. obtained in behalf ot the department, if it be made tel apiaearl that the defendant has no _ property ef’any.'deserlpt‘len*. - (R. S.··§ 410.) . A Q -» - e 388. ·S.asae‘; snbeeqnent exeeeticnk-1j¤e.¤e1e¤ee_epmv1ued.:m—. by section 3%_uf· this title shall. not bar ai,subseqnent'exec1ition t against the propertyllef me defendqnt on the same ·judgment·. (R; S. §»411Q)°` y [Av a _ q it r  »-‘ . 387. of Pwtmaster Géneral,+4§Dhe_ Postmaster Gen- — eral shall make the following annual reports. ,~’· _ First. A report of the Hnnncesyef the department. for the t preceding year; showing the axnennit etQbal&1n¢e due the depart-- ` ment at the beginning of thedyear, the amount bf lpoetageiwlxiehl ` accrued within the year, the amount et engagements slid; abilities and tbeyanmnnt aetually paid-during the yearffor; carry- » . ing the mail, showing b$\·mch of the amount- was for ·carrYing the me preceding`$·earst,_~e- {XY- [ , ‘ * l are ¤ ` Secenil. A report of the amgunt expended in theidepartmeutj fer me preceding uiiscaltyear, including detailed $ta_tem,eqt.s_0f — expenditures made from the contlngent fund. _ r _ L. be The Postmaster General shall cause all of such reports towbe; a+ l printed at the Government Printing Office, either togetherer sep- arately, and·—in such numbers aemay be required by the exlgexr A eiee of the service er by law. (R;_‘S.*§ 413; Mar. ‘3,_.1`897,.-rc. . 3%,§1,2!1Stat.647.);· * 5, ll l—‘_ -.·~_` J _.·. - " r 3§8.,Samle; eetixnatesbf jre,venues and-expe¤ditures.+éTbe. ‘ Postmaster General shall eeeh year prepare and submit in his annual report to Congress estimates of the revenue and expene i-Q ditures in the°Pestal Service forftheefiscal year ¤m·re ¤¢,_ta¤q, 4 also forthe Hscelyyear next ensuing at the time-rsaigi report is A submitteg, together with va etatemeneort thereceipts and `er~ -· penditnree for the preceding completed fiscal year: _ (May 27, 4 1908,}c;206,`35 Stat; 418.) e . Q It . _ . 4 , 389. Same; mail transpertatic¤.——The Postmaster General shall request allrallroad conlpanieesetranepdrtlng the malls to 4 tnrnieln, under seal, such data relating. to the operating, receipts.; 4 and expenditures of such roads as‘°may, 4..1nS judgment be 4 e aeemea necessary to` enulllebirn to ascertain the cost ez .mul1y* transportation and the premr compensation to be paid, for the : ,_same; glad be shell, in his annual report to Cengreée, make 4 eneb recommendations, founded on the lnfqrmatlpn obtained 4 under this section, as shall, in his 0plni0n, just andequitable. I (Mar. 3. 1879, c; 180, § 6, 20 Stat. l V ‘l a . _ · _`.’_ , V ,399. Same;»ccet of mail mattereframked department; and `_ independent establlehments.~¥··'1't1e Postmaster General ehnll;in’ A his annual. report submit e detailed statement of thereest to 11 the postal establishment not the mattermailed under/frank T4 by each department and independent estebllshmen'tQ,e§ the Gov- 4 ernment and the revenue ivhleh. would r-be derived therefrom if “ carried at the erdinery rates of postage. {Tune 5, 1920, c., 4 253, § L'41 Stat. 1037.) ’ l " ~ 4 391; Same;. publication in 0$cial Postal “Gnlde.+-—'.Ehe";a‘bn1xa1 repert of the Postmaster General shall not be publlwed in the ,1, Omelnl Peetni. Guide. (Am:. 5,l 1%2, e.t3S9, 5 1, 22, Stat; ) ,_ 392. Adjuetment and settlement of certain `clalmln fer dam-· ~ ages te person or property? by Pestg,nster"GenernL—~Wben any 4_ damage is done te person er prctierty by or through the oper-e 4, atiem of t1ze’Pest‘ 0Qee Department in any breneb et its serv- V 4.

, _ ’ 4 ¢ A NTS'. OF'FIC'ERS,·‘AND} EHPLOYEES‘ 1 ice- and such. damage is found·byjthe` Pms`tmaster_Genem1 upon. lnvestwntion to bei ‘a1 proper charge ngninm tl:e·Umwd 13;a(€S,. _ 41 the Postrnnster14Genera144ls invested with power tosndlusgnxxd 4t 4 §€{m¢. ¤¤YY¤l$i¥¤ fo*’;1$¤¢h. d9~¤13€¢ Whétleihis sword for such 4 damage in nnycssedoes. not1eXceed1.$5Q0.‘1 1 (June 116, 1921, cy 23,.§‘4._4421SQnt..6Q.) f . -. 9 99 Q1- _ [ . 4 9 1

cnspte¤· ?zj.nrcr#An<rMnrrr. 4OF4.NA\{Y.t

c — . 4 4 . GENERAL”·PIt·Ol~?ISIONS- Sec. V ·1_ _. 411. lhtnhlishrncnt ot department. A 1‘ 4142{ Dutlenpi Secretary '_$€'l1€I'$]YY, .4 .9 , .413. Custody of records and property. c t . _ . 414, Transfer, collection, nnd clnnrldentionot nnvnl records; _9 __ 415. Ernployrncnti-of civilian expert. nldsi 9 _ `44

·t1B; Pnyrngnt or cash rewards to clvlliin employees for useful sug-

1 13128 ons; ‘1_ _ · ·1 · ‘ 417. Loanof sclentiilc instruments,. _ 1 _ 418. Collection, preservotion, —4l¤d9dY¤N¤!. ofv¢s¤¢¤f¢<} Mss. 419; Acceptance, care, sud preservation sof rlttsto . —rms1., t 420{ Assistant Secretary of -NnYy,°_`_nppolntmcnL_ 1 421..Dutien of Assistant  » 4 f “»"' ’


422. Appointment, powers,. and dnti$ generally: 4 423., Acting nsi S_é.crctnry’o(4Nnyy, , . 4 4 4. 424. Rank, title. sndpny. f 1 1 14 1" 42454. Retired rank dnnd psy,. 426. Assistants. 4 _ 427. _._Force sud elteft of orders. .

   .14ums11¤coc.u·n onnnntr. mn nunmns.

428. Judge4Advocs.te G4enersl.;.-.s;$polntmnt;.1_ ternn; duties. 4 *5 429.__BnrennsQ; ·estg.blislun—cnt ond distribution or business. 80. Duties-of hurenus; orders; records. ·, ” 9 1 Estimates for cQnses._ { 2.1Chlefs` of burenule,A_appolntme¤ts generally. !33L Yards nn·d’Dock•. . 1_ , 434. Nnvlgntion and Ordnance. 435. Construction and ,Rep&_lr. 4`36.*.En1glneerlng,1 4 . L3?. Suppltesi and Accounts; {B8. Medicine Amd Surgery. l·39. -Aerons,utl.¢:s._ _. _ _ 4 M0. Cl1lefs.otgburenus}‘-titles of. . 9 _ l41·—. Rnnk,·1payg_and allowances ot chiefs otburmns and Judge Advo- -_1 4*cate‘Genérn_l.1. , _· 4 E 1 9 . .4 24 . . 4 M2. O¤_cers1retlred from posltion ohchlet ot burau. H3. _Chlet ot bureau subsequentlyrctlred. .9 1 L44. Assistant to {fudge Advoce_te4Gener¤_l. _ V _ {45. Assistants to chiefs of bureeus; Yards ond Docks and Construction 1 · ond -Repslrs._ A -4 ‘ 1 1 l46._Nnvlg¤t,lon. , . 6 l47.* Ordnance. _ 4 s Q M8. Englnwring.9 1 . l49..4Supplles and Accounts. ._ __ A 1 _

 Civilian nssl‘stnn_t-to Chief of Buresu o!1Supnlles and Accountn-

L51. Amston: to nmruor ueoxcme and Surgery. .52. Assistant Chief ot Bureau of Acrondutics; _ » l53. Pay of tmslatnnts 4to chiefs ot wrongs snd Jndge Advocnte1Gc¤crs!· 54. Bureau ot Supplies nad Accounts; duty alto accounts and reports. .55. Bureau o' Aeronautics: duties. ._ I , ` 956. Detail of otllce-rs to Bureau or Aeronautics. 7 _ HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE .57. Establishment end 4 58. Ssle.ot'..nmps, charts. and books. . · 9 9 . 59. Disposition ot receipts from solo of maps, charts, ow- Guolirnnch hydrographlc o@ces. c 4 — . A 4 l~lAVAL OBSERYATORY AND 1NAU'TI`CAL'1ALMANAC 6l.4__NLs3vsl Obscrrstory; oppointxnentot Superintendenti 62.1 Pay o£`4—Superlntende.nt. . 4 4 63. .Nnutlcnl.1A?.nxnnoc1; supervision. . t$4.‘Exchsnge o£`;dnt41; employees. 4 .. u _ . _ ’ G5. Board of Visitors, Navfnl Ob~aervntory;_Appolntment ot.Director of _ . Nnutlcn.1 Almanac. 1 . 9 _. ( ”' ` u I ANNUAL REPORTS T0 CONGRESS. 66._Duty o!.§ecretsry to xnnke;4 lngenernl;4 4 87. _As to expenditures Vfor1clvill.sLn employees. a o 88. As to repairs or changes on "Yensels. 4 1 `_