Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/643

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529 TITLE 21.-·-FOOD . destroy, any of the maffi, stamps, tags, labels, or other identi- Ag llcation devices provided for in sections 71 to 94, inclusive, of _ sh; this title, or in and as directed by the rules and regulations CEE prescribed hereunder by the Secretary ot Agriculture, on; any de carcasses, parts of careames, or (the food 'prodnct, or containers me thereof, subject to the provisions of such sections or any certl· J lieate lin relation thereto, authorized or required by such sec- wil tions or by the said mlm and regulations ot the Secretary of . so; Agriculture. .( Har. 4, 1907, -c. 2907, 34 Stat;1260.) _ · or 89. Inopectm of. animals for export.-—The Secretary ot; Agri- Ftrs culture shall cause tolbe made a mretul inspection ot all cattle, my sheep, swine, and goats intended gand offered for export to lap foreign countries at sucsumw and places, and in such manner 04;} as he may deem pamper, to ascertain- whether such cattle, sheep, bis swine, and goats arefrce from (Mar, 4, 1907, c. 2907[ in 3-1 Stat. lwtl.) _ _ _ ‘ f _ U slz 81. Inspedors of animals for export; certidcates of condi- pe tion.-Q-For the pnrpose ot section 80 otthis titlehe may appoint, or inspectors ~ who shall be authorlzedeto give an omclal certificate vi; clearly stating the condition in which `sdch cattle, sheep, swine, 19 and gwtsare found. `(Mar. 4, 1907, c. 2907; 34 Stat. 1260.) 1 82. No clearance to vmsel {carrying cattle for erport without an inspect¤·’s eerti§cate.4—No cluranceshall be given to any vos- wl sel havingon burd wttle, sheep, swine, or goats for export to ch a. foreign country until the owner- méosulpper ot such cattle, an sheep, swine, or {eau has a. certldcate ,from_ the inspector gx authorised to he. appointed, stating that the said cattle, sheep. th: swine, or goats are. sound and healthy, or unless the Secretary _’diz of Agriculture shall have waived the requirement of such cer? 1 tidute for export to. the phrtlcular country to which such me cattle, shew; swlne, or goats are to be exported. ‘ (Mar. 4, `ap 1907, e. %97.•34 Stat. 1%..) 9 · - ~ ‘ ilnl &. I m of neat of which is intended for of export.v—1he; ot Agriculture shall also cause to be { to made a careful inspection ot the carcasses and parts thereof tm of all mttle, sheep, swine, and goats, themeat of which, fresh, , of mlted, canned, comed. packed, cured, or otherwise prepared, me is intended and oltered fd1'.¢XIl0l't‘ to any foreign country, at pa such dmlw and places and in sinch manner as he ·may` deem" lol proper. (Mar; 4, 1997, c. @07,134 Stat. 1%0.) ‘ - th· 84. of carcasses, so forth, meat of which is tic iatmded for export: certiicates of common.-g-For the purpose tow ot section 83 ot this title he may appoint lnspectorsjiho shall toe he anthorlned to yve an omcial certldate stating the condition gn in which ‘ mldzcattle, sheep, swine, or goats, and the meat he thereof, are found. Z (Liar, 4, 1907, c. @07, 34 ~Stat.”1260.) . be 85. No to vessel carryingmeat for export withont Zpr. ias ’• e¤·ti§cate.—-—¢No»» clearance 'mall be nven to any vos- `vle sel having on board any fresh, salted, canned, corned; or pn packed beet, mntton, pork, or goat mmt, helng the meat of tax animals killed except as K herelnbetore provided for export to 'an and sale in a iorelgn country from any port in the United th· States, until the owner or shipper thereof shall obtain from ua an inspector appointed under the provisions of sections 71 to 94, in inelnslve,. of this title a wtldeate that the said cattle, sheep. sc1 swine, and goats were sound and healthyat the time of pn tion, and that, their meat is sound and wholesome, the Y Secretary or Agriculture shall have waived the requirements of no such eertldeate for the country to which said cattle, sheep, agswine, and goats or meats are to- be exported. (Mar. 4,1907, git c. 2997, 34 Stat. 1290.) . ) 9 ins 86. Delivery of iaspectorf certldcates, and of copies.--¢·'1fhe_ the inspectors provided for under sections 71 ~to 94, inclusive, of sc: this title shall be authorized to- give omelal eertidmtm ot the an sound and wholesome condition ot the cattle, sheep, swine, otl and goats, their carcasses and products as described ln said de} sections; and one copy ot every certideate granted under the ot proslsiona of said. sections shall be med in Department ot ton

nm DRUGS §_ 90 miculture, another copy shall be deliyered to the owner or lpper, and when the cattle, sheep, swine, and goats or their rcasses and products are sent ahwad, a thi@opy shall be livered to the chief omcer of the vmsel on which the shipgnt shall be made. (Mar., 4; 1907, cs 2907,34 Stat, 1260.) 87. Transportation or sale of meat or meat food products thout complying with proyisions of inspection l•w.¢-——No pern, firm, or corporation engaged in the interstate commerce · meat or meat food. products shall transport or 0Eer for tnsportaém, sell or oder to sel1;_any such meet or meat food oducts in any State or Territory or ln. the District of, Coy uibia or any place under the jurisdiction of the United States, her than in the State or Territoryor in the District of Columa or any place under the, jurisdiction of the United States; which the slaughtering, packing, canning, rendering, or other nilar establishment owned, leased, or operated by mid tlrm, rson, or corporation is located unless and until said person, m, or corporation shall have complied with all of the ’ prosions of sections · 71 to 94, inclusive, of this title. (Mar. .4, 07, c, @07, 34 Stat.,1260;`_)» ..· . . t V ‘ I B8: 0Eenses;i' penslty.+Any person, Erm, or corporation, or ty otllcer or agent ot any such ‘pm0¤,, mm, or corporation, 10` shall violate any of the provisions; of sections 71- to 94, inlsive, of this title shall, he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor

d shall, be punished on conviction thereof fby a Eno ‘of not

ceeding. $10,000 or imprisonment Vfor a period of not more an two years, or bylboth such ine and imprisonwt, in the scretion of the court. _" (Mar. 4, 1907, c. @07, 34 Stat. 1%.) B9.`Inspectors0 to make examinations for; appoint- ._ ant; duties; ·regulations.—'1‘he of ·A81’iculture shall point Iroxn time to time inspectors to make `exaxninatiorf and spection of all cattle, sheep, ~ swine, and goats, the inspection whi€h is provided for under the provisions of sections 71

 inclusive, ot_.this title, and of '-all car  and parts

ereof, and of all meats and meat food products thereof, and the sanitary conditions ot all establishments in which such eat andkmeat food products hereinmifore described are prered; andsaid inspectors shall refuse to stamp, mark, tag, or nel any carcass or any part thereof, or nxwtgfood product efefrom; prepared in any establishment hercinbefore menmed, until the same shall have actually been inspected and und to be jsoundjl1ealthful,`·wholeson1e, and dt for human od, and to contain no dyes, chemicals, preservatives, or inedients which render such meat food product unsound, un- to althful, unwholesome, or 'unnt for human food; and to have en prepared gunder proper sanitary eorfditions, hereinbefore ovidod for; and shall perform such `other duties as— led by said sections and by the mlm and regulations to be escrihed by, said Secretary ot. Agriculture; sod said · Secrery of Agriculture shall, from time to time, make such rules d· regulations as are necessary for the emcient execution of e provisions of said sections, and all inspections and examl- “ tions made: under said sections shall {be" such and made l such manner as described- in the rules and regulations: prerlbed by said Secretary of Agriculture not inconsistent with ovlsious thereot._` (Mar. 4, 1907, c. 2907, 34 Stat._1260t) · 90. Bribery of or gifts to impmtors or other oicers and ceptanco of gifts.-·Any person, nrm, or corporation, or any ent or employee of any person, firm, or corporation, who shall re, pay,`or oder, directly or indirectly, to any inspector, deputy specter, chief inspector, or any other o@cer or employee of a United States authorized to perform any ot the duties prefibed by sections 71 to 94, inclusive, of this title or by the rules d regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture any money or xer thing of value, with intent to induence said inspector, pmtyinspector, chief inspector, or other o®cér or ennployoe the United States in the discharge of any duty provided r in sald sections, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and,