Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/699

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x j . X , 6&5 TITLQ N.---.80531 A8 vm,4 {01* in im mustituticn, and suck additions} raguiatim as any timeic tim be fwd . ” The wmmw tgaagq be sltued ¢<mdst&tiy_with_L•w,"i¤ `:1»erei¤@!颤. -(B-`8- |4@*;¤sr.4.1911.¢·%. IL96

 ‘ . n ’ j ` "

2:55. Gvvemmm iw additicu to the aimmn www bam Sic: by,. law, mm emu bemu direcmn at m Ihsmutmu tar ws in 'wa thmwiw me Svmmr by the of tm Semte, and hm Bem·eseuta~ £i\’&€b?£h& ¥£l'0{(h&H0¤&. Tbescdwmtmmaumm theirlc&rw for the term of a. ¢~ »- ~ 1 nné be e1i@b£e to ; rawdntwt. (B. 8, S ASQ; Max.}, mu, c,%5, { 1, %Stht.14@.)_ ” · _ $7. Gcvunnmt dinctaq; texi •£_$¢e; cantrd of dig-

      ;,       Biregwrr   um®r the pmvi4

sicmhf Qhdi · ¥¤·°®¢ FAU! meappommmt and wceptsnceci @¤¤ ¤¥ me di d the indtutlcn {dal! have mm;i·0l_-¤t,the.dig— ¤¤m@ts M aB intqd by ter the {mem gt mid ¤f£cr bextued gud it the up by

 the   ci   hit  31, “0§l! Amr W_FmA1•c:._

(miy 1, 1% ¢Q_5£, l LE Stat. w;·Jm¢ 19, 1921, ¢.·.18, §zc6,&mnt.`24.} "~__ ·‘_ > _ ·· · · H8. wfpguqgs W of sm, d capacity, pmwezly beléng-


ylbem manet tp the a»m·ov£1.¤t·th¤ ¤ cd jmbnc mt he dud§nd is an (Mar..1,19¤1,e.§9,|1,81§tat.844;l§n;·.4,}.91},c.%5,$1,, wsuaxmb · ._‘ ( - , A w. fu h Didrkt; anaui any inmmt nppltunt tm- admiwon-

xhctd nid bebwd tmmden

     at we     to be o; taiebié

mtm,»¤.¤d ¢m¤¤g."¢h¤· dm if iid. the of Qhilnhuicr my mana

Stntengtn ;m1m·tm·¤sch iswnmr bb fo1‘

me Dkttictd Gambia. (Jam 18, 1%, c. 55, m Btgt. 275; AM- $.‘1®¤, dm. I 1,26 BMW: 4. 19l L·¢·@$· $11. 2&¤.·¥§¤¢p•jb!¤P1$!¤§9¥¤fr•¤ D8trk=t.—-O¤e- .&e Dlgula d section @$8. will be pamtrom the mums d 5e r as qmehnlf out éf t11e’1'regs¤a·y¤¢th•UnitedBt•t¤•.nM ¤stor,mch was uhm ada nu §c~ in emmtw tm&i ¤q!thegcvemmen$¤4t¤sDim£ct¤£G¤1umbig. _(Mu.-.z,1®,¢,.411,§1,§8t•t.9@;li¢x·,4,1911,c.%5,}1, 868¤t.14¤. ) _ . ` 241.‘%¢&•!¤•1¤¤·aldeal·n¤tc¤hMme¤¤fD ~

 I@ "mtmDm£am,

nu:  »»» ¤ to provide for the of éeabmutc

   té   of  , s in the ,
 Swnd mr, G¤i& Dut·1(uta. or     suitnbk acme!.-at n cad mt  mg the pea- awt; expeme afi

adumtimf tha `Stats pmpilria smh school. (Har. 8, 1905, c.


rtmre, are oennrsuzas § 249 ‘ 243. of {Nl Stats and Territories.-?-Dmt·

 not   om huadnd and twemyhve in number,

miding in the several States and applying for

,   ee the eo1 o dmrmmot the Colmbia Insti-
 ior the Dent, shall be monroe on the 1A    terms and
 as thwe prmfibed by law for rest%tn of the Diatrkt ot Ootnmbia, at the d~l n otthe president ot the institnmm: but no student coming tron either or the Swim shall

{be su ed by the ¤ ».»· Statm during any portion of the

   therein. (R. s. 3   ner. 4, 1911, e. ees,

, *5 1, 36 Stat.142'; July ,1, $118, e, 113, j 1, 4.6 Stat, @0,)

 24$,`Lin1itation on ntmw· of pupils from   State.-—T’here

{ shall not be admitted to the Institution for the

 Deaf under the preceding section, nor smh there be maintained
 atter such admission, at any one dmc frm any Smte or
 Tei‘ritory'_ $eeeding three  are npphca-·

{ tions pending from deafemum, eltiw o=!»8tatw or '1'¤ritoriu

 baring less than three pupils in mid   (Am. 30,

$18w, c. 837, {1,,.28 Stat. @2*; Har. 4, 1911, c. E5, { 1, 36 i_seet..1—1-2,) _ __ “ , r . · n a Napber and eempcneatiw, of employees hsclsw h annual. Bndgctr-=—'1*here shall be lnclumd in' the annual Budget ,a * statement showing the number ot:. perms mployed each tyear1ntheCo1umbla111éfimtion£ortheDeatandthemm·

P¤id‘i<> -wch=,...»(A¤g.»39,-,18®,.c. @7, S 1, E Stat.
 Mar. 4, 1911, pg,  1,, m am, 1422; rene 10, 1921,

o. 1$,‘42‘sts¢. 20.) 1 1 or . L 3 zmseégeeor thevumicipal coerced repent mt me

 in_.Di¤rict.—1t shan béthe huity or the judges

of tm Court; of the District of Colmhla to ascer-

 namesand   of  den! and dmb perwua
 their respective districm; who of- them are of tenche

able nge, who of in ¤ bww ·* and to reportthe to of tm Golumbh Insti— tutiontor the (RQ 8. { Q5; Feb; 11, 1989, e. 134,-85 'Stat.;8%;iMar.`4, 1e11. e; @5. as 1, w sm. 142-), ·· ° e 245. Report of mperlntmdent.—#The superintendent of the Ovldmbia Institution for_ the shall, at the commenccmnt ofevery session ot makes full and complete statement of all the made by virtw of any appropriations by snctoeing the amunm and the ratesttpaid to the snperintendentgand for teachers. (B. S. § 4867 ; Mar.}, 1911, c. 285,.i 1, 36 Stat. 14%.) . 247..·Am¤sl report of preMwt and )&rectors.———It shall be the duty of the president and directors ot Columbia Inetitution for the Denfto report to the Secretary of the Interior the condition of the institution on the lstlday of July in each year,

 in the reportthe number ot pemls oteaeh description received and discharged during the  ing year, and the ·

number, remaining in the inadtution; also the branches ot knowledge and lndustry taught, and the · · ; made therein;

 a statement showing the receipts of ~ the institution, and

fromjrhat sources, and its disburwwts, and for what objects. (R. S. § 4868;—Mer. 4, 1911, e, § 1, 35 Stat._14¤.) 248. Itemized report of expenm-·'1‘he report pot the Columbia Institution for the Dm! shall contain an itemized statement of all employees, the salaries or wages, respectively, oi each of them, and also ot all ower eipenm ot eald Institution. • (Mar. 3, 1883, c. 143, { 1,_® Stat. 625; 'Mar. 4, 1911, c. 285, §1,36·Stat. 14%.) ‘ ` ___ e f _ 249. Education of indigent b1hd“'ieraens.—Whenever the secretary - ot the Interior is satisded, by evidence produced by the president of the Columbia Institution for the Deaf, that any blind person of teaehable age cannot command the means to secure an education, he my muse auch person to bg instructedl ln some inetltution for the education ot the blind, in Maryland, or some other State, at a cost not greater for each pupil than ls, or may be for the time. being, paldby such State,