Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/734

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§ 4% " 2:*12·1.E za.- tm niimtw or hai; so dispasing of his had at iutermt; undui the superviskm of the C»0mmissi<me1·· ct Im11a¤ _A.§airs; aw! any cimvénnce made hemxmder Sm! upprévgd by the tary at the Alntericr shall canvas title tv the had or interwt so sold, the same ~ as if fawsimple patent had been t issued to ihe alicttee; (Liar. 1, 1967, c. 2235, 34 Stat. 1018.), _ J 495. Sale ‘¤f timber ca aliatmcuts héé wmder trust.-—·iDhg timiver cg any Inman allcmaut held t umler a ‘ qt other patent wutaming restrictions bn aliegnstiivhs, may be sold by then aimttae with the cqnsem: éf the Secretary of the_ Interim mad the pmcegds therecf shall be paid to the allottcé 0:. dis- ‘ wma! at mr his béuem: uader regulations ’ to be pre:Sci·ibed-.b5 R the Sécfeiary of thai Igtexfior. ·(Jxi¤& 25, 1910, c. 431, § 8 z6sm1;.ss?.; ·- _. ·» “X ` 4*87. Sai: af timber xm xmalhatted lands.-—'IZhe‘ mature living mad dead and dawn timber on ixmxllotteq 1audg·.,qf,a`ny, Iridim: resgrvadmz jmay be sold umier regulation; to be .[)I'(¥SC1;ib€€ by the §S€CI‘€t&iI‘§';· of Um Interior, ai1d th·e proceeds from suét saws simll {Se 'u,sed*for the beneét df the Wlmlidzxscf the reservn tim: ig suéh ma_maer< as hé may_direéti P%·0vidgd,· Tha; this ss-2<1:ti011$ shéill hot épply to the States. of _ Mixmésota and _W§s mrxsin. (Jime,25, 1919; cz. 431-, §-1;*36 Stat. 857.)` _ l 4§8. Surxjexxdéf of allotments lby relinquishment. for be¤e§1 bf ;·:§1i{di·én.-—In any caée where an Indian has aniallotmexxt 0: jaud, 61* aéay right, tide, ·m· intgfestw ii}, such,_gn‘ al10tme¤t;,— the Secretary of the Interior, in his discz·eti0u, may permit suc! ilndiau to surrimder éugzh allotment, or any fight, title, 0i izitcrést théreiu, - by such formal relinquighmem; as may .b~ - pmscritwéd by the Secafetaty bf the Interior, fo1·_the benefit 0 Qaay ci his or hé; ~childreu‘ tb ;Y\’h0Iil_ no allpthxent of land sha} _`ha¥2 beam made} 'zmd thexfeupoh the Sécretary Qi, the Inter?) shail (.93il% the estate so, reliuqui‘$hed_ to betallotted to suc] chiid org children subject tq 9.11 c0mliti•m,~;i which attached t· [ it before such- relinquishment. (Juue°25,.( 1910, c. 431, §” 3

  • zs§t¤;.s;sa.} J _ · · _, . é .

_ 499. Sale of lands within tedamatima pi·ciects.y——Any ilndiai allotted lands; u11der_a"ny"'1aQw or treaty without the pow:->r*·0 alizmatiou, and Nvithin ca reclamation project gpptcvéd by th Se<:r eta§ry{ of the _IHt€fi01;, may sell and cajmsgey apy part therem under rules and Ercgulaticns [)£€SC,l'i'b€*3. byQ the Secretary c the Intexéicr, Ybui Such conveyance shaltbe gubject to his S; praval, and- when so approved Shall convey full-. title to th putchaser thésame as if dual patent without réstrictikms lm béqn issued tcp thé glléttegz Provided, That ‘thé cousidetatic shall be placed in the ‘Tmasu:ry of the United Statés, an used by the Commissioner of ixzdiain Adairs to ’ pay the cor struction éharges that may ba assessed against thé"u¥1sél part ci the &1l¤tme¤¢,·a¤d to pay the maiiztexmncé chargc ghérsrm during the tpust, period, `aml any sufplus shall be ikmefit rmmiug with the water right to be paid $0 the holde tlwfeci. (3u§2 21, 1906,1;*3504, 34 Stat,327.} ” ~ ” 416. Mamys fl‘9m»4lE§§£ or sale of trust kinds not liéble fc cértai:1 debts.-——N0 xxmxzey `accrumgf from aujr lease or sale 4 lands held in trustrby the United States mr any Indian sha beemme liable far the payment 0£•&I1Y‘d€bt_:Of, or claim ugaius

such Ladiaxx contracted or mrising duyiug such {rust perioi

cr, in case at a minor, during his R1i1}§I'itY,[`8XC€§t with tl zapprwal and consent of the Secretary of the Interior. (J u1 21, 1906, *2. 3504, 34 §Smt. 327.) ‘ ‘_ g 4 411. Interest on moneys fmm pmccgds bf sale.-——'1`he share of méney due mimare Indiané asl their bmmrticix bf thé pr ‘ ceads from the sms of iaeded or tribixl Indian lands, whenqve such sharés have beeza xvithiicld from t¤ei:.·"p$.1·&nts,,leg; g~uardim1s, or cthem. Hand retained in the Unite;} Stétes Tren ury by directimakxf the Secretary ct the (Interior, shall dm ixxterest at the irate of 3 pm·.centum per §11}1\1Bl,'·\lI1I€& othe wise pruvidedfor; from tha period when such hw

-—+·I1¢iDIA’l$lS ;, #720

 been or shall be distributed   eapita émcnx thé`, membérs
-0Q`t·hc trgibe lol wl1l;
h_su;;·h misc: id la,mémb§’r; gndxbe Sw-

· petary of the Trqawgy; is suthilxizéd atgdidirectdd tg aallgwl - mter&t QH such unpaid ttmlbdttts Said Hilliard zt§\_ 1 shall be ccrtibed by the Secilétirgy of tbe,Ix:tea·i0:·,_as egititlm gg draw interest HQGQIZ-, ;hiS sgctiem,. 21, 1906, c. 34 r ‘· 412. Rdymimt of taxes 3 fmm sghaxié all nllbttcg in tribal » tundat-——-lu amy casegzhere r¢$r icti¤¤s as ts aliéstatibn hwg r been rémcvg-sd with resmctlftc éby. Ixldlaa slllcttee, cr as tl; . any portion of the; lands Gf mw Indian ‘· Qllvlttee, and sulgh ,· E allqttee as an individual, icrr RS 8 member G! Huy tribe, has an ,,1nterest·`in.·any fund, held by the United States béysmsl the 'amoimt by law chargéable to such Iixdiaa or tribe on accouxzt

ofyadvsrncés, ‘ the Cbihmissivnef of IMHSH Aff&irs is autlxkly-

, lzed, prior tb thd at which any penaltiw for the u<mp;;y-‘ ll ment·_o:_ taxes- yyotgld accma under the,l& ws . at the Stszé lm , Territm·y in, which such .1aud’ls situated,] to pay meh taxes

 and clmrgg the amount thereof Ito such “&H@t;¢€;’ tc be tele;

é E ducted fifcm the share df ‘su;:h allcttee in the ‘ distributftm _ or. paymept, to him from stwh gfutldf That no slash pdyizxent sball be'. made by said cbmmissibsér where it ig P Degcess bf the amount Y\·’hlQh _, will ultimately beg due mid I allbttée. ‘(,Ma1j. 1, 1907,0. 2285, 34 Stat. 1916.) . l · [_. 3 413. Fei; to cover expense of- sale cfcllatmcms as leases as ,

 ttibql or allotted ;lé¤&»-é—I¤ the sale of all India; alldtnieéts,

r or in leases; clrqsslgnmextt 0£`·l&g%, ”c<lverl¤g_—tril.¤:l G1? allotted E lands for mineral, farming, gmglug, businam og ctbeg pm-. E pésész or in the sale of itlmber thereon, Secretary of the I Interior is authorized, and dltected, under mich mgulatlans as Y he may prescribe, to charge a ruscmsble fac ‘fm·‘,tbe ¤·0:k in- ,1 cident ttl the sgle, leasing, or asslglng bot labels, cr in 0 the sxlle of the. timbe1·,—or in the' admiuisuuéba ludiam g furestsyto ‘be·.pqld by vendaw, lessew, mf -asslg , cr {wm ' the proceeds lot sales, me amounts collected to be covered intel D the- Treasury as miécéllauebus receipts.; (Feb. li, 1926, e, 75. gf il., 41 Stat, 415.) A ·_ ‘ · 3 j_ ,,` Chapter 1:;.-<;En12n gxnmx mums. F Sec. ‘ . - _ · »- *

 42l. Fréo lagmgstegda to settlers; commutation? rights; paymenm ta

_ . · indians. _ _ `· - ·. — l

  • ’ 422. Extension qt right of settlermtq commute entry.,

2 423._Second bomesteéd entry by ccrtalujsiettlers. · · A 424; Negotiations fc; cesslcm, of lands. N · _ n 425.Y Clggsmcaticn ind allilfélsemeue at tmallctted and um·esetvg·d— lands. 426. Agreements mritb Indians {mt a¤t·cted. ~ ‘14 427. Towuyslte lawslextended tqbaccded lands in ,Mixmes<;ta. 3 Section ,421. X lmmwteadsf tc, settlers; wmmbtatim _§ rightsi payments td Indinnst-e-All b settlers lumler the bunw·

 stead laws ot the United States japan the ugrlculmml public Q

_I_ lands, whlcb warg prior td May 17,,1900, opened to settleménf, T acquired prior to May- }l7, 1%), by treaty dr axmmt {mm this imrious Indian tribes, who · bam resided dr shall pesicle W upon the. tract entered in iaith fd: the period rcquimd ’f by, éxistixig law, skull be emjtled to al pgtagt fdr the land 1} entered upgm the payment td the lacal » mild c@cers bf the FL usual and customary, meg, and na, other of furtlxer charge M d' ali? kiwi ‘Wh¤¢$0¢V€1* Shéll required from such settler to @3-

  • 6 title him to a patent for The land covered by his eaxltryy

w" Provided, That the right tolccmmute any such entry and my far said lands in the option of any such settler and in the timv BS and at the prices Hxed by existing laws mi _May_ 17, 1900, 0- ” shall remain in full tqrcc and éffect: Provided, lwwéver, That . B! all sums of money so released ·wl.1lclx it not peleascd would al belong to anylndlan tribe shall be phid tcjsuch Indian tribe .s¥‘ ”by·tba _Un;imd States, and- that in event that the pmcebds w of that annual sél@ at the public lands shall nmqbe suillcient lt- to meet the payments provided· for agricultural colleges and we ,¤xpe¤·1me¤m1,¤lau¤»¤»¤y lsectlaqs 323 to 3% at lritle 7, far the