Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/868

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§ 11 TITLE 27.-—-JNTOX 42. App!tg·ptl<.>¤ for vessel or vehic!e.w~» _` 43.; Limitation on uso; zzpgyrnpfisiticns for expense of mgintenance, etc., report in Budget as to vessels or vehivlés; disposition when pmt needed for ¤Ecial use, ' ` 44. Delivery of svizvd iiqimrs to United States for certain purposes. 45. Pmvers of and protection to internal revenue ·omccrs_ in enforcement of chaptejr. ` 46, i’¤mis§1m<=·:1t fqr eiml§wi'ul manufacture or sale 05 liquor or vib- _ia.tiuu of ycrmits. · - . _ _ Q7. Iwiéilerge of witnesses; immunity frqm prosecution. 48E \'<—m1o of prosecution for unlgqwful éulo of liquor. · , _ ` 49s .Af¥idaviti, information nr indictment; joindcr of separate offensee. 50. Pewessicn of liquor prima facie evidence ct unlawful 'purposc; reports at p6.sseessi011;“excep_tI’un. * ,° ‘_ {+1. I{<:<·•,>rds and reports; inspection; use ag @Vid€l1°i'Q.· _ Q ` 52. R¤~`p<~:§3; liquor takes and penahics. " . V 53. .~\ss<=~s¤ment and colleciicu otgtaxeg and pena_Itf { _ 54. Lass ct distilled spirits as giifeéting payment 55. Puwer at commissioner tx;/comprémise civil causes. 56. Limitation and mgglation of importation, reimportation, and ` memnfaéture of spirituous and vixmus liquors,. · 5 57. Smrage in or iranspcrtation to beaded warehouses of liquoi already manufactumd. _ _· — _ . · 58. Development of liquids to contain more than onqhalt of 1 per , < _ bcntum ot aleehey; reduction of same: . . K ` ‘ 59. Tax on fortified wines fp; mmbcvcruge.a.lc0b01.~. 60. Burden pi prod as to alcoholic content. W - ·<· 61. Empioyees and equipment far epforceme¤t· of chapter; appointm·uut_ and ,purch:.1sc; appropriation. ‘ 62._ Summmas to citizens wh0se_pmpcrty rights may be aiectqd. 63. Prchibitioa of iutqxienting liquors i¤_Caua1 Zone. 64. Effect bf partialhinvalidity of chapter. _ _ · Scttiem Il. Investigation and report of violations of chapter; duty to pmeecinte; search warrmgts.-—The Commissioner of Infemal Revenue, his assistants, agcntS,·_and inspectors shall invcstigzite and lrvp0i·t viclaiions of this chapter to the Unfgtcd States attm*m>$· ,1*0: the.di_str§pt in which committed, whqiis;argcd with the duty of pmsecqtiqg the offenders, sub ject to the direction of the Attorney Generalges in the base _.¢- of other offenses agiginst the laws of the United; States; argl such Commissioner of Internal Rewicnuekhis nSsistants,_ugents, __zmd' in m·s may ss§·éa1·_0ut warrzuntés before UnitedStates gqxumissiozagsrs or othet 0Hice:·g or courts authorized to issue the game for the apprehension df such Qffenders, and may, subject to the é»0¤tr0l_ of the said Un ited States attorney, conduct the prosecution at the committing trial foxtthe purpose Of ba\·mgthe omeudeps held for the 'gcticu of IQ grand jury. ·`Scc·H0n 591 of Title 18 is hereby made applicable in the enforcement of this chapter, Oiiicérs mentioned in said s0c`ti0¤ 591 are authorized to issue Search warrants under the limitations provided ih sections 611 to 631, and @3 of Title 18. (Oct. 28, 1919, c. 85, Titic II, § 2;‘4l Stat. 308.) - , _ ‘ - . 12. Maaufaciuxe, sale, transportation, impei·tstion._er ex4 pariatimn, delivery; fumisbing, or possessing intoxicating liquors prohibited; exeeptiens;-—·Nc person shall mauufactufre, sell, barter, transport, import, export, deliver, furnish m-'pcsgess Any intoxicating liquor exéept as authorized in thixchupter, and all the provisions of this chapter shall be Iiberqlly comstrued .t9 the end that the use at intoxicating liquor as a· bevcmgeimey beprevcnted. H " — _ · ‘ . Liquor for noubeverfage pizrpcm and wine for sacmmmxml purpcses may be manufactured, purchased, sch}, battered, trans- ported, impqrted, exported, delivered; furnished and &B%85€d, but may as _ herein provided, yum the ecmmiqsixmer may, upon appliéatieu, issue permits Qiérgforz Provided, That nothing in this clmmer shall prohibit the purchase and sale ht warehouse receipts covering distilled lvilite Q$1'd@%u In Government bonded wagehoum, and ue @inl mx tmbility aah attach to the bueixme or purchasing and seliingl such warehouse reeeipts. (Oct. 2, 1919, c. 85; Title I1. I 8. {1 Stat. 308..) 1;. Artkeles exempt fmem_;gmvi@ of cluster; nrnits tn nmafsgduug quantity of of enumerated agtiples for be“ier•ge ·» -» mnimmént.-———·’1‘he grticIm_eu¤memt& in this section shall mt, atter kevin: been manufactured and,

YICATING LIQUORS 854 t I prepared for the market, be subject to the provisions er gm _ ehgupter if they ClJl‘l'€S[)Olld= with the following descriptions me _ limitations, namely: ·` (a) Denatnretl alcohol or dendtnred rum produced and nsw; asgproviderl by laws and regulations new or hereafter in forllf _ tb) Medicinal preparations manufactured in accorelmllri with fermulzrs_preseribecl by the United States I’harmae;ope·2s_ National Formulary or the American Institute of Hon:eepu$m· ' that are unfit for use for bexerage purposes. , l · (c) Patented, patent, and proprietary medicines that are ug, ilt for use for beverage pvurposesi l . _ (tl) Toilet, medicinal, and antisept1c_preparations~end een;- ons that are unilt for use for beverage purposes. _ » · §) Flavoring extracts and simps that are aunt fornse ll. » ll ‘\l01’tI'g€, or for intoxicating beverage purposes. - ` ’ f) Vinegar and preserved sweet cider. I _ ·A person who mnnnfactnreslany of the articles menti•m4»1 in this section may purchase and possess llanor for that pm-- pose, but heshall secure permits to manufacture such artielte ‘ and to purchase such liquor, give the bonds, kew the reeorek, and make the reports specified in this chamer and as diromel hy the commissioner. No such manufacturer shall sell, ew, or dispose of any liquor otherwise than as an ingredient of the articles authorized to be manufactured therefrom. No more alcohol shall bensed in the manufacture of any extmct, simp, or the articles named in paragraphs b, c, and d of this-section . Ywhich niay. be used for beverage pnrpmes than the quantity necessary for extraction or solution of the elements contained therein and for the preservation of the article. ‘ ‘ I Any person who shall knowingly sell an} of the articles mentioned in paragraphs a, b, c, ‘and d of this wction tor

 beverage purposes, or any extract or sirap for intoxicating

beverage purposes, or who shall sell any of the .mme nnécr circumstances from which the- seller might rusonably kdnce Z the intention of the purchaser to use them for such tor shall sell any‘l»everage containing one-half of 1 per centers or more of? alcohol by volume in which any extract, sirup, or - other artlclejs used as _—an ingredient, shall beesnbject to the penalties provided in section 46 of this clmpiter. ll! the com- — "mlssioner shall ned, after notice and hmringras provided for `in section 14 of this chapter, that SJIY. person has sold any Havering extract, sirup, or beverage in violation of this mrsgraph, he shall notify, such personband yay known principal for when; the sale was made, to desist from selling such article; and itshall `therenpen be unlawful for `a period of one year thereafter forany person so notined to sell any such extract, sirup, or lleyerage withontmaking an application for. xiving na bond, aultl obtaining a permit so to de, which `perpiitamay be. issued upon such conditions as the conunimoner may. deem necessary to prevtent such. illegal sales, and in` addition the commissioner shall require a record and report of mles. (Oct. 28, 19l9, c. 85, Title II, Q 4, 41 Stat. 309.) " ,- . -14. Analysis of manufactured firticlesg notice to mannfac-· turcr; revocation of permit.--Whenever the comtnlssioner has`; reason to believe that = any article mentioned in motion 13 et this chapter does not correspondwith the dmcrlptions andllrni- `tations therein provided, he shall cause- an analysis, of said article to be made, and if, upon snob analysis, the co t oner. shall and that said article does not so correspond, he sxll give not less than nfteen days’ notice` in writing to the person who is me manufacturer thereof to show cause whf mid article should not be dealt with as an intoxicating liquor, such notice · to be served personally or by registered mail, as the commiuioner may determine, and shall specify the time when, the place where, and the name of the agent or omclal before whom Y such personh required to appear. ‘ l . · _ . ‘ ‘· It the tnannfacturer of said `artlcle falls to show, to the satisfaction or the commissioner that 1 the article corresponds to thedescrlptions and limitations provides in wctioa 13 of this ‘