Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/900

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§ 178 E `1*1.:r·LE 88.-——JUDlCIAL cc town of Las Vegas and court at the latter place discontinued. 'J (June E0, 1910, c. 310, $.13, 36 Stat. 565; Mar. 4, 1921, cn 149, J 41 Stat;. 1361; June 7, 1924, c.¤‘332, 43'Stqt. 642.) · · 4 1*78. (Judicial Code, section 97, amended.) · New"Y0rk.q··—The Stain éf New York is divided into four judicial districts, ‘tq 1 be known as the northern, eastern, southern, land western `dis$ 1 tricts of New Yqxk. *The—·n0rtheru distrigg: shall incltidg thel 4 ¥err§t0ry`c¤gl»ran*ed #011 the lst day {of (lily, 1910,_in the counties ql at Aibzmy, Broome, Cayuga, Ohenaugo,-_ Olintqm,-‘C0rtlahd, Del- I aware, (Essay, Frlanklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, a Lewis, Madison, Montgomery, Qneida,. Onondaga, Oswego, Ot- I iiem, Rensselaer, Saint Lawrence, Sarétcga, Scheonectady, `—: Scluahafie, Tioga, Tompkins, _Warreu,, mid Washington, with I the waters thereof. Termé of the district .c0i1rt for nsaid i district shall be higld at Albany on the second Tuesday in : Fwgbmvyg at Utica cm, the iirst_T11esday in Dccgimber; at : Blnghamtcm on the second Tuesday in June; at Auburn- on the g first Tuesday in Octiobef;-* ht Syracuse oh the ilrst Tuesday iir ·‘ April; and, in the discretion of the"-judge df the`cqurtQ one : term a1éi1Fgi1;y;?a;____s;uch time d1;d plaéé within the counties of —` Schgnectady, , Saratoga, Onondaga, Saint Lawrence, Clinton; -Je§ers<m, Oswego, and Franklin, as_he may ”from` time to_time’app0i1rt:Provided, Tlmtjsuitable 8CC0l`!1l!10(1£l{;iOIlS..fOI' l §0ldlug¤ cmift atsuch appointed -place.»¢bc~furniéhed freé bt éx· . mum to the United States. Such appoiutmént shall be made l by rwtice 01* at least twenty days, published jd ‘a` newspaper _· giublished at the place where siaiil éouft is to be held. ._Tha; eastern district shall include the ·tcrrit01*y_ embraced on the lst day of July, 1910, in the _COBDti€S of- Ricbmtmd}_ Kings, Quecm,_Na%!;u, and Suffolk, with tlie waters thereof,. Térms of the diétlrict court fér. said district shall be held at Brooklyn ~ on the iix·;st· Wednesday in cwri month. The, southern dlstrict " shall iuclhdc the`tén·itcry; embraced ori the lst day 'qf- July, 1310. in the <;·0m1tics_0f Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Neyv Y01jkQ Omugc, Putnam, Rockland, S‘ull·im¤, Ulétcr, and Westchester, ’ with the waters thereof. _Tc»rms bf_ the district court for said di@rict¢shairbe held at New York City `on thé Hrét -Tués'd£xy in éazeh mouth. The district caurfts of the southern and €£t,St€l‘§W

 shall have concurrent ‘ jurisdiction- 0vé1·“ thé watérs _

withia the comaties of New Y0rk,,`Ki1agS,_ Queehs, "Nassau, Richmaudi, uq Sumulk, and over all seizures made arid all

 dom! in such yatarskg all procwses me `orglers. i$micé y

wiihia gum: ct said {zourts ct by amy judge tlpereof shéll rmi am he ciécuted ia any partof said waters.- The jsvestern q1strii&t.shn1l inéiude the tmritcry embraced cmjhc lst dwp! 4 J¤1y,_1$!i!, ig tha bounties ot Allegaixy, Cattprgugus, »®g¥:ztau~4 qsa,“ Qhemxmg, Edgy Gweq Livingston, 'MODTOQ, _Nlaga1jé, _ Oxziaxin, Séifuyles, Senew, SteEben, Wayne, Wycmi“ii§," naé Yates, ~s€·it h the wqters thereof,. ct they district

 fm- Said dis;rict ghall be .hcld"at Elmira on pw secpml

Tm@y in Ja..n¤a¥’?¥_ at 'Bu§alh_ qu ghe ·'1‘u&sdays in March n¤<r1$lova·ml¤ar;`at Rocbwtér mi the ·Tuesd`ay. ii1"° 'xaya; at Jazmmtmm on the second Tuesday` in July; at Loqk- _/ part an saccnd Tuesday; iq Octcbcr; MQ at Gamndnimza .9:1 me wad Tuesday in September, *1*119 tegalarl Q6EB at ‘ thé dlauictk mutt {9: the we:stcrr1_¢¥istrict_ for the hearlhg of y y

 aid to: procéedings in _ bankruptcy ¤.}1d.thé trial of

asses in admiraity, shall be held. at B¤§s,l0 .at“ métg two weekly in nach mmm at die ywr, émept August; unless the. G buygtnem is mspma off The times tm lmléitzg the sum mi such ctherspeqiul ai the mutt thalll deem ·sm·y shall he Eked ’by`:·;;l& E! tkv cond! All préceulin ailmimlty c·~mise»¤ dud pr%di¤g~s‘_shal1_be made ml:m?¤able_ at Baiéiof The judge at ng; ih we Stain ot New Yqrk,Qpe1‘torm ‘tl§el duties of the 1Mgé at Amy éthex maria -1:1 such Bmw upon the reqmstl-ot,any Mideast judgé cntéregl in m‘mm¤m¤g ¤;l ¤1S, court; and in judge shall have the same p0*we1:s as are mted in the reddeut ·

>DE AND JUDIUl4RY· 886 iudge. (R S.· §§ 541, 542; May 12, 1900, c. 391, 31 Stat, 175;, liar. 3, 1911, c. 231, § 97,136 Stat. 1119;,12in. 21, 1920,,;;, 5;,4, k l1 Stat. 394; July 1, 1922, c. 260, 42 Stat, 812;) 1 ’ 179. (Judicial Code,. section 98, amended.) North Camtina.-—-The State of N0rth·CaMr0)imr is divided into two districxg co bé known- as tl1c·_<;astcrn amlwcstem districts nt Nom, Qaroliria. The eastenr district $hall include the territory em, braced on the lst da"y'0£ July, 1910, in the counties 01 Be·auig>;·r_. Bertie,. Bludgu, Brunswigzk, Camden, "Chathagu, Cumberlaml, Currituck, Craven, Célumbus, Ghowau, Chrterct, Dare, Dupliu. Dur*liam,‘E1lg€c0i11be, Franklin, Gates, Granville, Gmene', Ilzliifax, Harneft, Hertford, Hyde, Johnston, Jofles, Leixpir, I.m·_ Ma;·tin,g Moore,} Nash, “New Hanover, Northampton, (lnslgéxy, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pem1er,»PerquIma¤ s,.Person, Pitt, Rqslwson, Richmond, Sampson, Sc0t1smd,_Tyrrell, Vmice, Wake, Wm·. ren, jwashirggton, Wayne, aud. Wilsoxig Terms .of· the district gjqurj; for- the eastern district 8ballf*be held at Fayetteville on the Monday befdrethek last Moudhyéjnt Mardi md. September; at ·Wils0u on the Hrs; Mohilays in April and Oéwber; at·Eliz,a- beth City-‘ on the nccmd Mondays lu, April Yami October; at Washington ·on` the third Mondays in April and October; ht; Newbepn 011 the fourth Mondays in April and October; an Wilmington em they second Mquday sitter th€’_fo\31'€h Mondays in April and ‘0(;t0bBf; gud atkalciqh on the fourth Mosdgy after the ·fom·tl:l Mondays i11_,Apr1l· and`O5:t®¢r; and in addition fm ine um or »;1v11f¢¤.qeS.6¤ me nys: lmouaays m mma aml.Septémbef: Provided, That, the city qt Fayktcvillc nm the city, of Wilson ghdll each provide and tutnish at, im pawn expense- at suitable `m1d`cc1ivenient place for. holding thédistrlct cmirt at Fayetteville and at Wilm;1-until ·s· cauithouse [shall be mngtxfuctcd by E the United Sthtes. The élérk at thé ccmt for the eastern district sha,ll’m•.intai¤ an amos in clmrge at _0r a demity,,at‘Ralaigh, at Wilmington, at at Elimbctlx City, ‘af Washington, at. Fayetteville, had at Wilson, wlxigzh shall be kept, open at all tlpes for the tnmsnctibn of the _ busilnessdfthecouyt. ,1 _ _, _ , g·° The westeyn qiatrict shall include .tlw·~ territory embraced cm; the lst day of July, .-1910, in the ccmaties _0£ .51llB}B€€,,¤A_l€}· under, Ashe, Alleghany, Armor), Btmcémbg, Burke, Caswell, Cabarrus, Catawba, Cleveland, Caldwéll, Clay, (§lr;e1•<»k¤e,·D¤vid~ son,·Dav}·;le, Forsyth, `Guilford, Gaatbn, Grsham;Hen§enérm, Hay- wood, Iredell, Jackson, Lincoln; Mcntgemmyy, lieckieumnrg, 1 Mitchell, ·McDowéll, Madison,. Matson, Grange, Polk, Ramalph, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sthnly, Stckm, Surry, `Swgin, Trgnaylwgania, Union, Watauga, Yadkip, and ‘Ymcey.· Terms ct thé. rdistrlct cougt 19: the wesmm district shall bé held in Greensboro cm the mst- Hnucluysv iq, Jam sm! Decm-- ber; at Statésvllle on the`_thii·<l`M<mdsys ln April •m,»0¢t<>mr; at Salisbkéy ml the fourth Mcédays in April md Ntobér; at, I Asheville on the Hrtt:.M0ndsys in May and at Charlotté an the mst kiondays in? Aprilnncl at Willambom on the murth Mcqdayi lu May and Noéember. The clerk. of the court, for the WGSKSFQ districtfihhll maintain an omce · in charge of or a deputg it Greegxmm, at Aslxevllle, at Smmvxue; md at Wllk@:c, which' mw. be me mm at all tfmm'_féf the ti· t:l0¤ of the bximss at the- ~_ Terms of the Dlstélct Csurt of the United Statesfor the ‘ Western District of Ncgrth Carolina Qhall be held in igaezh ahcl avery yea; in the town at Shelby, North _Csroli:1a.: Provided, · Tllhlt suitable accommodstkms t0r`l:0Qdl@·l court at Shelby are fumlshéd {mehr expense to the_,_Urute& States, '(R. S. [$543; Mar. 3, 1911, c. .231, [ 98, 36 Mit, 1120; 0ct.__ 1, 1914,, c. 318, 38 Stat;/@; Mar-17, 1920, c. 101, { 1, 41 Stat. 531; June .7,_ 1934, c. 359, § 1,‘·L3 Stat. 661; Dec. 24, 1924,_."e. 18, 43 $tati. 721.)- 180. (luéidal Code, •R&oi anenlded.) `Ncrth Dakota.-·· THe State of North Dakétn shall constitute one Judiciigl district, ta be knomnié —1:hq.dt¤rlet at North The térritory embraced on the lst day of January, 1916, il l `` la ccmgties of Bur-