Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/901

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@7 é TITLE 28.-——JUDlCI.»1L Cl mob; Logon, Mclntosh, Emmons; Kidder, McLeon, Adamo, z ];f;\’IllE1!1, Dunn, Hettinger, Morton, Stork, Golden Valley, Slope, I Sioux, Oliver, Mercer, Billings, and McKenzie shall constitute aho southwestern division of jsaid district; and the- territory .1 embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties. of Cass, e ooritichlantl, Barnes, Sargent; Rnnsom, and Steele · shall con-e ‘ uzitute the southeastern division; und the territory embraced · on the date lestfmentioned in the counties of Grand Forks, Troill, Welsh, Pemblna, Caralier, _—:ind.e Nelson shall constitute “ the northeastern; and the iterritory embraced on the date last ¤ mentioned in the counties of Ramsey, Benson, Towner, Rolette, imtiucuun, Pierce, and McHenry shall constitute the northnwgernldivision; and tbeterritory enonraced on the date last izi_e~m.oned in thecounties of {Yard, V§’1¥liz1ms,'D§vide, Mountrail. Izmue; and- Renxiilleehull é0&tLtute the western divieiong and ·¥l1e—_ierritory embraced on the dutelast lllQ!]ti§}18d in the coungm of Grigés,- Foster, Eddy, Wells,. Sheridan, Stutsimm,. La Moore, andljickey shall constitute' thecentral division. L- The , n·roz·ul Indian reservations \and_ parts. thereof within said Stow shall constitute xi part of the several divisions within ` xi·hll·h` they ure respectively situated. · Terms of fthe district ~` p.»m·t for the_s»outhwestern-diyision· shall be held at Bismarck _ on ine first Tuesday in March; forthe southeastern: dlvlsion, at · l—`orgn on,the third Tuesday iu.Muy; for the n0rt_h·easteri1 dlrit sion, at Grdhd ls`orks,`_”0n thesecond Tuesday in November; for = i;m·`no:·thrve$tern {division, qt Derils fljake on the `firot Tuesday V in July; for the western division, at Minot on the second Tuesday in October ;` and for the ceutraldlvision, at Jamestown on the second Tuesday in April} "The *clerk of tile court. shall ' maintain on.o£licc· in charge of himself ore deputy at each _ pim-o at which court is held in lnisdistrict: Pro vided, That the ·Q4·rcrnment of the United States shnll incur no- expense for T rent, light, bent, waterf or janitor service for the buildingqn · ulaieh court shall, hcldyuntil slick time as the Government may erect its o.wn'c0urt·roomQ_ (Apr. 26, 1890, c. 16lj 26 Stat. GY: Feb. 4, 1@5, c.;55, 28 Stat. 642.; Mer. 3, 1911, c;·_231; § 99, , .38 Stat. 1121: Feb. 5; 1912Q c. 28, 37_Stat. 60;* JuIy_17, 1916, c. · 248. 3o·om€~w.>j .  ? " ·*·· T D T »· 3 · ( I 18}. (Judicial Cde, section 109, amended.) 0hic.———The· Sznte ot Oliiofie dirided into two judicial districts, to be known oo the_uo1'thern and southern diotrlctoot _· Ohio. ,Tl1e northern district shall inclqdethe territory embraced on the lst day of- IJ :115*, 1919{ in the counties of Ashland, Ashtagula; Cuyahoga; Forroll, Golumbinnu, Cruwtordr Geauga, Holmeo, Luke, Lorain, » Medina, ldahouingg Portage, Richlund,_,Snmrnit, Stork, Tus= curmrns, _TrQumbull, and Wayne, · which! `sliall constitute the eastern division; also the territory embraced on the date last mentiomd in the counties or Auglaize, Allen, Defiance, Erie, 'Fultoug Hmrjn Hardin, Huron; Lucas; Mercer, Marion, _0ttawn, Paulding, Putnam, Seneca, Sandusky, Van \Ycrt,_W'ii1lnmi, Wood, gud Wyandot; which 'shnll constitute the r ujcsternjdlvlsicu of mid district. · Terms of the district court _ for the castern division shalfbe held at.Clevcl§nd onathe first 'fuesdnyo in February, Ami! nndréctober, and at Youngstown on the first Tuesday after the Brat Monday in Llorchj- Tergnso ot the_dietricf court for ‘ the wentern division shall be held et . Toledo on thelgst Tuwduys in Apriljud October, and`ati Lima, if in the opinion of the court the public convenience so rei qulros, on the tlmt_’1‘u&dey atteri themrst Monday fin Septemher _: Provided, That ouitable accommodations for holding court at Liuia be furulshcdjree of erpenoe to tbe.]}nit;ed` &atm. " · Grand gud 'petit jurors surumoued for oerrice at o’ term of court ,to be · held at or Cleveland may, if’ in the opinion of the _ court tl` public convenience so requires, be directed to serve also at the term· theuibeing lield or authorized to be held ot Youngstown. ‘* Grand. and pe:i¢_1uroroT_oummoned for service ·nt A term of court to be held at- Toledo may, it 'in tlje opinion of _ the court the public convenience so requires, be directed to serve

JDE AND JUDICIARY Q § 182 / • * also at the term then being held or authorized to be held at Lima. · 1 { H , ~ ‘ Crimes and offenses comrn"itted in the eastern division shall he cognizableat theéterme held at Cleveland or at Youngstown, as the court may direct. - Crimes and offenses committed in the western division shall be cugnizable at the terms held at Toledo ~ or at Lima. ao the (°Oll1‘_t may .direct. · . l Any suit brought in the eastern division may, in the dilscretion of the court, be tried at the term held at Yonn,<;>;town. Any suit brour.;hfin» tile \\€(3St€`i'I1 divisionngay, in .the discretion of the court, be tried at the term held at Lima. . ,' » { `.'l`he¢ southern dlstrict shall include the territory ennhraood ou the lst day of July, 191,0, in the counties of Aclanls, Bromu, Butler, Cllaxnpaign, Clark, Clermont, Cl‘inton,- Darke, Greene, Hamilton, Highland-, Lawrence, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, $ci0t0,“ Shelby, ami] Warren, whleh shall consti_tUte—tl{e western division; also the territory embraqed one the date last men? tioned in the éountieé of--Athens, Belmont, Coshocton, Delay ware,_`Fai;·ilcld, Fayette, Franklin, Gallia,‘Guernsey, Harrison, Hooking, Jackson, J€`HOl'S0l1, Knox, Licking, Logan, Madison, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Mori·ow,f Muskingum, Noble, Perry, Pickaway, Pike, Roos, Union, Vintonfand Washington, whigh shall constitute the easternidivlsion of said district.] " . Terms of the district court for the westernwllvision shall be held at,Clncim1ati An the ilrat Tuesdays in February, 'April, and‘· October; rand for the eastern division at C0lHmbH§—.0H the }iil`.St Tuesdays‘-in»Jnine,a·nd December, and at. Steubenville on the iirst Tuesdays of March and September; `Grandlancl hetit `jurors summoned `for service at a termyof conrt belng held int Columbus may, if_in the opinion of the court the public convenience $0 requires, be directed to serve also at the term being heldor authorizedeto be held-at Steubenville. Crimes and `olfenses committed in the eastern division shall be cogi1izable.dt the germs held at Columbus, or lat Steubenville, as the eourt xmay direct] hA¤y" suit brought. in the eastern- dlvi- ’ sion may, in the discretion of the eodrt, betried at the term held at Steubenville. Terms of- the distrlet_ court for the Southorxildistrict shall bejheld BCLDKYKOH on the first Mondo-jo in May and November. Prosecutions for crimes and oEenaescomnnlttedlin any bart of said district shallaieo be oognlzable ut the terms held at Dayton, All suits which may he brought within the southern district, or eitherj division thereofh may be i1lSTitUtEid,_ tried, and determined at the terms held, ht Day- ton. (R; S.? § 544; Mar, 3, 1911, c. 231, {100, 3B Stat. 1121; -Mar. 4, 19.15, c. 159, 38 Stat. 1187; Feb. lil, @923, 1:,,48, 4; Stat. ` 1246.) _‘ , · , .182. (lucliéél Code, 101, (mended.) Oklahoma.- ’1‘he State ot _Oklahoma*is cllivldecl into three judicial dlstrietgs, to be known as the northern, ..the eastern, and the, western} districts of Oklahomax The territory embraced on .]an¤ary» 1, 1925, in the. counties of Craig, Creek, Delaware, {Mayes, Nownta, Okfuakee, Osage, Ottawa, Pawnee, Rogers, 'llnlea, and XVash·· ington, use they existed on said date, shall constitute- the northern district of Oklahima. Terms of the United Statee Dietriet Court for the Nérthern Distric? of Oklahoma shall be held at ` Tulsa on the first Monday in Jaouari, at Vlniéa jonlthe Bret. Monday ln Merch, at Pawhueka on the Eret Monday in May, ’ andy at·Ba.rtleavllle on the mst Mondaj in June in each year:. Provided, Thatbultable rooms and accommodations for holding court at Pawhuska and Bartlesville are turnishecl free: of ex- [}€!ll§6 to the United States. . 'Pheeastern distriét of Oklahoma; shall lgcltxde the territory eznhraceel on the lst clay of Jmmary, 1925, in the counties of Adair, Atoka, Bryan, Cherokee, Choctaw, Coal, Carter, Garvlu,. Grady, Haskell, Hugheo, Johnston, .Iefferson, Latimer, Le.F1ore,f Love, MeClaln, {Muskogee, Melntosh, · lMeCurtain, Murray, Marshall, Oknmlgee,’I’ittsbnxrg, Pushmatehn, Pontotoe; Seminole, Stephens, jSeq_uoya‘h, and Wagoner. Terms of the dlstrletecourt for the eastern district shall be