Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/904

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§ 189 TITLE 28.~—#JUDICIAL Garza, `Haskell; Howard, Jones, Kent, Lynn, Mitéhell, Nolan, Scxirry, Shackélfcrd, rSfap11<~sns, `~‘St0!1€W&]l,_ ~ Taylor, 'Ferry, Thmckmortnn, and Yoakum, which Shall constitpte the Abilene division; also the tcrritqri embraced on July `1, 1910, iu_ the countieé 01’_ Iiregvn, Coke, Coleman, Gcxgcho, Crockett, Glassacock, _ Irion, Menard, Mills, Reagan, Rumiels, Sclxléicher. Sterling, S:ztt0u,“a11d Tom Green, which shall qonsfitute ith/e San Angelo division; also the territory embraced on February 26, 191*7, in the cmmties`_ot Archer, Baylor, Clay, Cottle, Fcaxzd, Muntaguc, King, Knox; Wichita, Wilbargcr, and- Y0ung,`v§·hich shall constitute the Wichita Falls division of ghe said district. Terms of the distriét coixrt for the Dallas division shall bé hcid at Dallas on the second Monday in Januaryand the firs}: “Mcm{lay· in May; for the-Fort Worth division, at Fort_ W'6rth on the fnrst Monday in N0x;'d· the sec0nd' Monday ju 1\Iarch;,for' the Ainarillv division, at Amarillo qxrthte third Monday in April and fha second M{ji1t1i1Y‘iH September; ‘fo1· $the Abilene division, ag Abilene 0’h_t11e first Moriday in October land the second Monday in april; `tor the San Angelo division, at San Angelo on the third Monday in October and thejpuxjth Monday ju April; Qagnd >~fO1‘_ ther Wich{ta__FEil1s division,"` at `Wichita Falls on `thé fourth Monday in March and the third Monday in November. The clerk of th_c courtifor phe northern district shall maintain ~an_‘.0Hica-in charge of himself br a dep;1t§¥ at Dallash at `Fort‘W0rt11°, at Amarillo, at Abilene; at ` San Angelo, and at ·W§cliita `Fallsgjvhich shall bg kept, open at all times for the transaction. ot gthe business of " the c0urf: `LPr0vidcd,GThat‘ si1itabla·acc0mm0dations°for ahpldihg court atm Wichita rFal1s,shall` be provided by the county Or municipal authorities without expensato the United States. `_ All processes against 'persops resident iuathq county of Reaganand ‘c0gni_zab1e before the United States district court' Sha11"be“·isSucd·0ut of and made rcturnabla to the COHIT-&t;RS&11 Angelo} aim all prosecutiuus against ’]}€_1'SU;1S foroffexxses committed `in the cduuty. { of Reagan shalfbé tried In the court at San-»Angel0:_Pr0}rided, That no civil or criminal cause begun antfpénding prior to May 29,1924, shall be in any way alfacted. ; . , _ · * _ ` The eastern distrigzt s11a1r include the territory embraced on the lat day of J ply, 1910, in the counties °0f Anderson, Angelina, Cherokee, Gregg, IHGHGEPSOI}, Houston,. Nacoiidoches; _Pun0Ia, Rains, Rusk, Smith,. Yan Zandt, and Wood, whichrshall C0§l—i stitute the Tyler divisipxiialso the territory embraced on tha} data last mentioned rin the copntiesl of Hardin, Jaslacr, J ctfei·· SOIQ, LibertyQ Newton, Oraugg Sabine, San Augustine, Shelby, and Tyler, which shall consgifutc the`·Bearum0nt division; also tha te’rrimr§*- embraced 0n‘ the dare last mentioned in the counties of Collin, Cook, Denton, aud°Grays0n,*_ which shall' -comstim1c jzhe. Sherman division; also the territory embraced on the data last mentioned in the couutiesmdf Camp, Cass; Harrison, Hopkins, Marion, .M0rris, and Upshxir, which shall coa- ~ stimte the Jbifcrsoua division; also the ierritory embraced on the date laéai mentioned in tHe coungiesd of Delta, Fanuin, Rad River, and Lamm, which shall consfftuta the Paris division; also the territory embraced on ltha date last uwntjoned in the comiticaof B0wic,rFramk1iu, aind Titus, which shall constitute the Texarkaxia, division. Terma ot the,Histric`t c0urt_ fb: the Tyiggdivisicn shall be held at_Tyler ou, the efourth Mondays ‘i¤ January and April; foitlxa Jemeraon divisioa, Bt Jéfe-rs0n' on the first Monday womr and third Hqndayjn February; iorxhe Beaumont divia , at Beaumont on the thi1jd_M0uday in'N0vcmbcr axfd tha·iix·st M<mda'y’in·Apr£1;‘for the Sherman! division, at Sherman ycufilne itat Monday i¤‘Jam1ary and the , third Monday; in May : for the Paris divisioif at Paris on the`, `third Monday in October and tha Brat Monday in March; and, for the Texarkana division, at Texarkana auf the t1En1rd,·M0x1day' in March and the iirst lionday in Ncvcmbiar. The clarkiot 'tha court fm-/tina eagrpru district shali,maintai n an ¤&ée in charge ct himself _ or a; deputy at Sherman, at ~ Beaumont, and at

colon AND JL'DIC1`A'RY ¤ 890 Texarkana, which shall be kept open at all times for the transaction of the business of said court. _‘ _ · The western district shall include the territory embraced on thelst day. of Jnily, 1910, in the coimties of Bastrop, Blam·¤»_ Burleson, %_BurnGt, Caldwell, Gillespie, Hays, Kimble, Lampasas. Lee, Ijlano, Mason, McCulloch, Sa11,Sab&, Travis, _Washiugnm_ and ·Williaineon,- which shall constitute the Austin division; , alsothe-territory embraced lon the date last mentioned in the counties of Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Coma}, Dimmit, Edwards, Ftrio, Gonzaleé, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Medina, and _Wilson, which shall constitute the San Antonio division; also _.the territory embraced on February 5, 1913, in the countiewof Brewster, E1 Paso, Pecos, and Presidio, which Shall constitme the El Paso diyision; »als0_-tl1e‘ territory embraced on July 1, 1910, inathe counties of Bell; BoSque,.Coryell, Balls, Frecstom-_ -H&1Ililtt;H,· Hill, Leon, Limestone; McLennan, 'Milam, Reborn son, and osomerve11, 'which shall. constitute the Waco division; also the territory embraced; on thedatc laat.menti‘one=d in the counties of Kinney,.,` Terrell, ,U`Yalde, Valverde, and. Zavalla, which shall constitute the Del Rio division;`also the territory embraced on February ,_5, 1913, in the counties of Andrevqs, Crane, '_Ector, ._Gaines, Jeff, Davis, Loving, Martin, Midland, Reeves, Upton; Ward; and ·Winkler, which shall con-· stitute-the Pecosdivision. Terms of tlxejtlistrict court for the Austin division shall be held at Anstin on the fO\Il’£h·'M¢QlBtlZ1}'h in January and the second Monday in June; for the Waco division, at Waco.on· the fourth "Monday. in February and the , second Monday i11»]S0\’9II1b€1`; for the San Antonio division, at, rSau,.Antonio on the first Monday in May and the third ·M0nday in.December; for the El Paso division, at El Paso on . the first Monday in April aml·_the .Hr$t Monday in_ October; for the, Del.Rlo division,·at Del Rio onthe third,Monday in" {March and the fourth Monday in Qctober; and for the Pecos ‘ divisioxrterms of the district court shall be held twice each year at the city of _Pecos, and, until. otherwise provided by ‘ Jaw, ”the·judge__of said court shall iii the timeg; at which said court shall be held at Pecos, of which he shall make proclamation and, give due notice: Provided, however, That suitable ° rooms andleaccomuxodationa shall be furniéhéd (or the holding of said court and for the use of the officers of said- court at L Pecosffree ot expense to the Government of the United. States. The clerk of the `.conrt_ for the western district shall maintain ai1_·office» 1¤»¤1m·ge‘0: himself or a deputy at Austin, at `El Paso, and at Del Rio, which shall be kept open at all tingeg for the transaction of business. All processes against pérsoag resident in the county of Pecos and cognizable before the United- States district court shall be issued out of and made retur¤able_ to said ·court at Pecos City, and- all prosecutions §_against persons for oQ_enses.m;1*11mi?tted in the county ot l*ecQ_»;s;

 shall. be tried inf the district court at El `Paso, or Pecos City:
 Provided, That- no civil or `criminal cause begun and pending

`priorto, March 2, 1923,.shall be inlany way adected. , ‘ L The southern district shall finclude the territory embraced o em April 3, 1924, in thecoonties of Jim Hoag, La Salle, McMu1·_. len, Webb, and Zapata, which shall constitute the Laredo division; also 'the territory embraced on July 1, 1910, in§the counties of Cameron, Hidalgo, and Starr, which shall constitute the Brownsville division; also the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties, Brazoria, Cham·· bers, Galveston, Fort "Bend, Matagorda, and Wharton, which shall constitute the Galyeaton oxvassouo also the territory embraced on the date laatrnentioned in the counties of Brazos, Colorado, Fayette, _G;lxnea, Harris, __Lavaca, ~ Madison, Mont- _· gomery, Polk, San J aclnto, Trinity, Walker, and Waller, which shall constitute the Houston division; also the territory embraced at May 29;* 1912, in the counties of Calhoun, Del Wltt, Goliad, Jackson, Refuglo; and Victoria, —which`wall constitute the` Victoria diyision; also the territory embraced on the date