Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/917

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@3 PHL! BDIGIALD Q gmtioo, or with li! GHR! iechioo of C —,;,f,·, qi- other or th@.

uf _ l sl i· , U tmagelnr or m gginow days be •.R% spdlosuoototm mu-t or _ mE be by mm; rio the bane sort or or errors $1iW had C o!;··n¤d`_•.‘c@y‘o1' m&_ Csmtemeet shall be served Q the oo§l%r,_or on the - moor, corn@¤ee, or meat, as-we be. um-rt &hii ordergk of ¤Qé¤er¤fAp§r¤isers to trewit to mid cart record sod · evidence takes ·by' Enron. t®¤U§¤r_ The certi¤d·stabme¤t of the fscw inwsix‘0d ill @9 Qi ell widmsoo taken by ted homie board'shal1`be cohpetout oviderrcé `bdcfe Mid of Apglse The of keid Gotét of bejinnl, end sucheame small be remirdéd to · uio ot Qenorst Appraisers tor further procee&m to be in of such Qatar- C miuetioo. (Aug. 5, 19®,»_c. §, I Q, 91, `1%;`H¤r._3, 1$1!._c, E1, } IQS, IMG,.) ‘ _ __ M _. C »-·_ . _‘ `·· ` 311. (Jw@l beetles 195.) glued on cries-, dar; ca§ of od .—#-¤Immdlat¤e¥! ¤P¤¤ receipt of any record mmsmtttod to the ot Appeals for determination the clerk thereof plncelwo same upon the cul@dr'.i’0r gearing am submiwong •¤d_ smh A€Ql8HdBl’_8h&u be ond all eases thoremn submitted, except for good muse shown, st mist ours every due. calendar need not be calloxt dniring the months of July ¤.11d_A@teof my year, (Aug. _5, 3909, 1:..8, S @,36 fStnt.· 91, lw; Har. 3, ;l911, c. 231, 5 199, 38`Stat.1l4¤8.). ‘ _ ,- ; _¤ ’ ` -Ciwpt¤· SUPREME OOURT. _ Sec. ·` V _ I l 321. N¤ of justiices. , _ _ 31*2. Precedeoce or Assetgtnte Justices. _ · sim. wneomy ot.C¤e! Justice. ` ; a2·e.S•1sri¤s•rjos¤¤es.' - " -‘ -325.·€lerk, aonisyaad reporter. I . 326.CI€i'¥$`h0¤d. _ C . v ·_ 3:27. Ssmei écpoties; liability ot clerk for `dep_utj’s_misi'ensn¤ce.# ·:—s28._Ia¤ ¢1»erts:ntsrleé. . . _ . 329. ord:} oourtiot npoeah, "Z sm, Tomas stress. " ‘ l 331 Msmml; salary {duties _ . 332. Reporter'; doutlesvpriuting ond bi¤Qi¤g_ of decisions. " 333. Rcoorting mliry sm sllomoges. . · - . 831. ’Pr¢mt¥sg, Naémg, ·ud.&tr&nt1en of reports and digests. V `

 Nuatm •!   solopgs •¤d,•.dv•rico,p•mmléts to he printed:

“ nie; prim; wists. · Z ‘_ , _ _ . _ 336. mg:-»mu¤¤s· for prlstlog, binding, and so forth, of reports · auroemeo. - “J · l ‘ 1 ·337. Bisufbutioo of Federal and digests. · ass. revies., · » _ ‘ ‘ W $39. A.d3•r¤·ommf for vast of quorum. 340. Qtders by lmethau gzsorttm. ‘ 341. Griginai hrledlrztioo. ; · C 342. Prohibition and rosodamus. C 843. issues of fact,. , . _ 344. Aopeilste jortsdlctloo of éecmes ot State courts: certiorari. 345. Appellate ·}tarisd1ction' from decrees, ot United States. district 846. Certmeates otqoestimss by circuit courts et appeal; nod Court of _ ’ A ppm}; ot District o!’_Co!umhis. .· . . . °_847.`Cortios-err to circuit ooertsrot gppealr nd Court of Appeals ot,

 ot   psovosl or writ otherror to Supreme Court.

from olrcuit com-ts ot appeals in eertsio cases: otherlroviows _ » not allowed. . I _ _ . 5·' · _ ·‘ ; 846. cemeomoe ot qoestloos to ·$¤pre¤.•‘· Court by ‘ clremt oeoru of n§is, thereto. and mpossl or grit otherror to

 Court from tircoit oorxrts ot appeals to- certain other

849. C=ertioru·i.· to review Geciniom ot Supreme Court of Philippine

UBB CARD 1 Q 327 Q : _; I f , Y 80. tai npyucation for writ of error, appeal, er cer· '¤¤¤¤’i: N! apglhtlea ter certlorarl; ` $6i¥1’rc ce el Wfifl derror to Stats mrtm. Nl. Wbsenpuy he p—ra¢ttce.·° &$.Prl¤tlng£or@n@Go¤rt._ . ` . 1, . cnose enrnnnncn Law library; sea secnons 138 and IN at Title 8. , Section 821. , (Judicial 215.) Noam of iuv·—

 Supreme’Court—o£ tm United States shallyconsim ot y

a Jnetice,d_the United Statm ind emht Associate Juetlcm any six ofwhom comtitute a quo w e (R. S. 5 078;

Mar.·8,1011,c.m1,§215,%Stgt.1152.),-, .·   .

3% (lnéicisl smim 216.) of A. te Jubtiees.-·-The C ~ ·» te shall have precedence accorde mg to the acm octneu or, nm me ot twoor more of bear the same date, to thelr egos. S. {074; Mar._$, 1911. c.‘%1, 5 0210, 36 11®) , 823., (Judicial Code, 211.) Vacancy hieiee of @6 Justice;-In case or a vacancy ln the omce of wie! Imlce, or of his inability to perform the, dutlesiand powers ot egce, they shall deyolvé upon the &odgte Justice who is nm ln precedence, until such disability is removed, or another Chic! Justice. it appo, inted_ and duly Qhie province shall , h apply to every Associate Justice who succeeds to the @e, of Chief Justice. (R; S. § 675; Mar. 3,‘1911,_c. 21, § 217,% Stat. ’ 1152.)... _ .·. . e··.;· j g 32LQ(Judicial_Code, 218.) Salaries_e~£‘i@ce•.——-'Hze'

Chief Justice oI__the Supreme Court ot the United States shall ,

0 receive the sumrot $15,000 ya year, and the jnmew thereof shall _ E receiye the sum of $14,500. a year web, to be monthly.

(R. S.] 076; Feb. 12, 1903, c. 547, 32 Stat. %; Ear. 3, 1911,

c;_231,§218,36Stat.1152.) ‘· · ·_'` ’ -‘ _ . · 825. (Jwicinl Code, 219.) Qek, marshal, and reporter.--—'.lZ‘he Supreme Court shall have .powjm· to &@1BI s clerk, and it marshal for said court, and a` reporterot its dea- - sions, ;(B.. S. {617.; Mar. 8, 1911, c. $1, § 219, 36 Stat;·115;.) -326.`(Judicis1 Code, section 220.) Geri; bond.--*1ne clerk ot the supreme Court skull, before he mtere upon tm execution of his o&ce. give bond, with stwctent snretiee, to be §@¥9vétI by the court. to the United States, in num, of not lem man- $5,000 and not uore than $20300; to be detemtwand regu- -1ated‘by the Attorney General, faithfully to the duties or lnsyomce, and sedsonably to record the- deueeo, im c nts, and determinations of the court. The . Supreme may it ' any time, upon the motion of the Attormy Genml, to `M made). upon thirty daya’ notice, require. a new bond, or at bond for an lncrawd-amount within the limits above y rlbed; the failure of the clerk to `ezgecnte the mma shall vncate his `owe. All bonds given by the clerk `shall,; after approval, be recorded in hte-omce, and copies thereotfrorn the certind by the clerk under seal of the court, shall be competent jeridenco ln any court. The orignal bonds-shall be Sled in the Departmem or Jorma. (ren 22, :1875, p. oe. ll 2. 3. 18 "sm. esa; Mar. 3, `1911,"c. $1, § 220, 30 Stat. 1152.) — y “ , · -327.. _(JMlcial Cock, section 221.) Same; daunting liability of "elerk. for depntfs miefeesanee.—¥—0ne or more deputies or the clerk of the Supreme Court may be apriolnted by the court on ‘ tm npplleatlorr of the clerk, and be remored, at the- pleas;. ure ot the court. In case of the death, of the c1ei·k,— his deputy or deputies Shall, unless removed, continue in o§ce and pere form the duties oft the clerk ne hte name until a clerk. is anpointed and qualided: and furthe defaults or rnisfeasancee in omce of any such gkpnty, whether in the lltetincge ot the clerk) . or Ute! his death, the clerk, land his estate, and thesuretles on hn odldnl bond shall be liable;-and his executoror admin- · lurator shall have such remedy for any such detoulte or mis}