Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/940

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§_ 593 ~ TITLE m.-JUn1c141. 593. Same; clerks and naessengeré for aoutiaem district of New Ycrk.—-Clerks and messengers in the a@ce of the United States district atterney for the sauthem dletrictof Neva York shall be paid from appropriations for salaries am expelxsea-of district attnrney§§"b3? the dislmrsing clerk of the Department of Justine, in such number and at such salaries as maybe fixed by the Attorney General, and that such. oillce expenses nf said distriet attorney as may beapproved by tlxe'Att0rney General shall, also bepaid in the same manner and from the saine appropriations as similar expenees in other judicial ljtllistrieta. (June 30, éL906. 0.: 3914,r§ 12 34 Stat; *753.), ~ , w5§4. Salaries of district attorney for District offCah{mbia and asaistants.—Certiiica‘tes to the effeét that the public interest requires the appointment efaassistants to thedistrict at- @ t0rney'fnr_the District of Columbia shall be made by the chief justice of the_Supreme Court Aofatlxe District -0f Colurhbla and _ tl;e.dist1Eiet attorney. The principal assistant to the district attarney shall be paid a' salary net in ekcess bf $4,000 per t annsan1,_e·ae the Attorney General may wfl‘0IB time }t6° time determine. (July 19, 19l9,·c. 24, § 1, 41 Stat, 209{Mar. 4, 1923, e. 205, {2 Statl 1560.) · ¢=l , COMPENSATION·OF4CRlERS AND BAILlFFS 595. Criers oft courts and attendants on jurie§:xBll persons employed under, seetion 9 _ of this title shall be — owed for their services .tl1e` sum of per day, to be paid by and included lin theacceunts of itlgse marshal, out of any money of ”the. United States in his hands, Such compensation shall- be -paid _0n1y for actual attendance. Such persons shall be deemed to be in i actual attendance when they attend npcrf the order of the courts, but -n0· auclr person shall be employed during vacation. (R. S. § 715; Mar. 3,1905, c._ 1487Q»33 Stat; 1259;* June 1, 2l922, c. Title Il, 42 Stat. 617; Z!&l1l.i3,· ·19Z3",$c. 21; Title II, 512 M Stat. 1084; May 28, 1924, c. 204, Title II, 43 Stat; 221.)-M_ ~ _ “ l 596. Per ·diein»0f bailiffs andcriers.-5-¢N0 per diein shall be ° paid toteany bailiif or crier unless the court is actually ln session and the judge present and presiding or present in chambers. (Feb. 27, 1925,‘c. 864, Title 11, 43 Stat. 1030.) QOMMISSIONERS" FEES ‘· _ 597. Cemmiesioners¥a·feea; enumeration.——Exeept aa provided r in section 591 of this title, e: 'States eommlssionerxelxall be entitled te, the fnl`l£m*in”§’-xlametl fees, and nbne bther: Drawing at mmplaint, with bath and jurat to aame, 50 cents; copytnl complaint, with certiiieate to aarne, 30°;·enta; issuing warrant 01 arrest, :75 cents; ieanlng a commitment and making fcppy ptaame Sl; enteringa return, 15,eents.; issuing subpsena or éulnpwnas. at any one caae,~with 5 cents for each necessary witnessm in addition to the Brat, .25 wants; drawing abeml of defenclantnand anretiee, taking `aekneiwledgment nf same and jtiatldreation di e aurétiea, 75 eenta; for administering arf oath (exeept to witneaa ae tc attendance and travel), 10 cents; recognizanee of all witnesses in at ease, when the defendant or·· defendants are held e fer eonrt, 50 center traneeriists of prc»ceedings,_wx*l1exi>A required by erder eteccurt and transmission of Qcriglnal papers: to court, 60 cents; cepzret warrant·0f·arreat, with certldeate to same, when defendant ie lield for court, and the original papers are W net aentte mart, 40 cents; order in duplicate te pay all witneaaea in a caae: For aretz wltneae, 30 eenta, and for each `additismal·witneea, 5 cents, and tnrjoath to eaeh witneea aa te attendance andttravel, 5 cents; for hearing and deciding on criminal ehargea and reducing the teatlmcnyfte writing when required bylaw er order; of cenrt, $5a da? for the time neces ~ aarily emplnged: Bmvlded, That nat mere than pne per diem shall be allowed ln! a cam; unless the acecunt? ahalltehcw that me hearing eenld nat be completed in one day, when enc additional per adieim, may be epeéially approved and allowed by

OODE” we Jzwzcxeny 926 F the gourtz Provided féfther, That not more than one per diem

 shall be allowed for any we day: Provided farther, That me '

, per diem shall bee allowed for taking a bond er réeognizamg Y gud paming onxthe smiclencyl ot/the bond os: reeomizance and . (thesureties thereon when the bend or mccgnisaneewas taken » after the Eléfendant had been committed to prison upon a mm r commitment, Ol" 11213 given b0l1d·$¥ been ‘r€c0$&izc=d for hisi ' appearmmé ut court, or when the. defendant has been arxwsmi V on axapias or bexiclr warxjant; or was in custody under mag:

process orwforder .013 in court df record. Foe the exarnimztm;

and certiiiczite ih cases of application for disicharée {ef pews »_ convict}; imgriscmed for noxxmxyment of hue or hue and l‘f3$·~»§>¤ · and all services connected therewith, fer? sttendiugm ge. · [reference in a litigated tnatter, in a civil ezlmse nat law, lu. eqizlgy

 or nin admi_m‘lty,‘ in pursuance df an order Gf the coixrt, $2% 4;.*

l clay ;_ for talking and certifying; xicpositimis tb tile civil nézmelg 1 10 centé foreach folio; for 2:;;-11 ebpy el'. the same furui>=lml“ ' to ll barty, on request, 19 cent; fu}? eaclr tolie. (May 28, ima, > c, 252, § 21, 29 Stat, 184.) Q V " f » 598. C0mmissio1iers’ necoiqts; pmofl pm} appmval by c0urt.——~·~»Unitéd States commissimxers wall mgwzml tl;eir we counts, duily veritied bi dath, to the district attémeys e(,tl;m· respective districts, by whom ·tlicy shall be mbmitteti for ap t provul lin open court, end the; court Pélxeil céueeio be euteml Z of record an` order approving or rllsapproving the acecunges P may béeuccordinxg in law-· and jéwt; (Feb. 22 1875, c; 95, §` 1, K -18 Stat. 333; Mgy 28, 1856, er 252,} 13, 29 Stat.183; Feb. ERS,

 ·;1919,`é."49; § 9,. A0 Stat. 1183.) i   . ” A

¤ 599;. Commissi0g1ers’ ”feeé;· hmm ·paid.·-Tllé fees df euminie- >‘ sioners, in—· cases where the United State:} are liable tél peg li the same, s11all’be paid an settling their eccotmte let Gil? » Treasury; `;(R; S. §·856;`Ma5f QS, 1@6, c. 252, .§ 6, 29 Stat. 17%;- B; Feb. 26, 1919, Qc:. 49, § 1, 40 Stef;. 1182; Feb. 11, 1921Q c. 46, 41 Stat..1099.) V — ‘ ‘ · i FEES DE J URORS ANDKWITNESSES ° ` ‘ Q 600.l Grand md petit H`i¤`!‘6l;8§ {eww-#·The feea ei gram} uml petit jurors for actual attendance at nnfcqurt or ceiizrte, mel for the time ,.ne2:es.sarily occupied in goiég to md returning from thexsaine,*sh&ll l>e~& a day dqriiug meh attendgnee. L Forethe distnuceueeessarily traveled from tltéir residence ix; [ going to and returning fmm-e_s¤lcl”cct;rt by the shortest prseti- ’ eablerquté, 5 cents a inilef (R; S. § 852; Jime 21, 0.

 1138{32 $tgxt. 396.)l__. t 2 _ ”   ~  ·  

{ — .601. Witne§s¢S° fees; e¤umerati0m.——Wit¤esS»e$ shell be paid ·l fcixj each day`é atteg1d&¤c·e_i¤ éetnrt, ore_befex·e my emcer; pm·· ls suaut-to 1a~w;;·§1l50, and 5; cents a mile tm; going from his ‘ place not gesldence th the placeyef trial be hearing, and 5 cents lm a mile for xeturning. When a witneeajs spbpmneed in more E thap one cgusmbetween the mee parties, tat the same court, · only tone travel fee and cue diem mmpemsetion shall be l hllowed for attexyiance. .Both shall be tained in the mgst f disposedaot, after which the per Elem attegdance fee eltmé shell I be texed in the ether cesw in `the»orde1·_in which they aredls- .p0sedqf. Q _ A J 2 . When g vgritneksxis detained in prison icrfwent efeecurity for r his Wagpeeranixe, he shell be entitled, inf aclcliticm te his sul}

 existence, to pa eompenmxtlem ct $1 A day. (R, S. { 848..) l

¤ 502. Fees uml mileage df- imiers laddiritn  : l~ —·~Jurm:s and · witnesses in the United States cdugts in! the Sfates ot Wyoming. l MQ`Dtéh8·,(W3ShlBgt0¤, oregm1,.CaliIor¤ia;e Nevnide,. Idelm, Colo- ¤ rad0,{Utal1, New __Me;ico, and Afimua shall be entitlm to re- - e ceive for actual attendance at ¤.¤y·c¤mrt er courts and `for the n; time `neeesmrlly oecupled in gelngl to and returning from the

same, $3 at day, and 15 cents for mchmile necessarily

· ever any Stage line,. or _ by jpriwsate. eeeteyance, end 5 emits ter

  • md: mile bY.¤IlY1I§ilW8¥ on steamshlp in gglng to and return-