Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/942

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§ 632

$32. Same; defendants, in criminal caess.—In the trial of all indictments, informations, complaints, and other proceeding against persons charged with the ot crimes, oHensea; and miedmeanorn, in the United States courts, Terri-‘ toriaflr courts, and 6 C0·\11‘tS·I!18:1’¥.l§1,·j8.l1€`{ courts of inquiry, ln any State or Territory, includ _ the ‘District of.Z Cohunbia, the person so charged own reqnest but otherwise, be a competent vsjitness. · And his to make such a request shal1.nof creéIe any pr·e.su1npt.i0n_ against him. _ ;Qda.n;_ ( 16, 1878,e.37,20Stat.30.) v . »

633. Same; husband or wife of defendant in prosecution for. blgnnyweln any proceeding; or erummeuon before ;a_ grand e 'jury, a' judge, jtistieexor. a’United_ States commissioner, or a Qeeurt, in any p§·onecnt.h>n for bigaxny, polygamy,} or unlawful Veehabimtion, Mae: any etatuoej of the United, , laierfnl husband or jafife rof therperson accused e a competent vvitness, and may! be called, but shall not be com- · p&l& to testify re such proceeding; exa`1n.ination,*or prosecution without the consent or the husband as` the-ease may be; and such vvitness, shall not be permitted to teetity as to any statement or ooxznmunication made by either husband or A wife to each other, during the existence of me marriage rela- · tion, deemed eonndential at coinmonlaw. ·· (Mar._3,, 1887, c.— 397, 8 1, 2-1·StatQ` m)

634. Testimony of witnesses before Congress.-·No testimony given byea witness before eitherlionae, or before any committee'. of either Honae eI,C¤ S. @$1 be need'as‘evidence in criminal, proceeding against ·him[ in any court, except Sin, a. prosecution for perjnry committed, in giving auch testimony; Bnt an omeiai paperor record produced by is not within the said privilege. (B, S..§ 859.)

635. Proof in common-Jaw actione.·—-—The mode ot proof in tltrial of actions at common law' shall be by oral testimony and examination of witnesses in open. court, except aa hereinafter proyided. (R. 8. 5 861.)

636. Production of books and writings.—In the trial of ac- _ Liana at law, the courts ot the United Sta&st)nay, on modern and due notlce thereof, require the parties o produce books or writings in their pcumalon or power, which contain evidence pertinent to the imno, in canes and under circumstances where they might be compelled to produce the 'eaxne `by the ordinary rnlen of in chancery. If a plaintiff fails jto comply with each order, the court may, on motion, gve, the like judgzznent-»foi·' thddefendant as in came of nonenit; and ite d<+·‘ fendant ·tai1a_to_ comply with {such order, the court may, on motion, give judgment against him by default. (R. S. { 724.5

637. Proof in equity and ·¤c¤h·•uy.—The mode or proc! `in canoes ot 'equity and ot admiralty and, maritime jurisdiction shall be according to rules new or hereafter prescribed by , the Supreme Court, except as herein Specially, provided.

638. Conpsriaon of handwriting to determine genuine- · ncaa.-—-—·In any proceeding before a court or judicial omce·· ot the "United States rwmre ethe gmuineneas of the ‘handwrit.¤g of any person may be involved, any admitted or proved handwriting oi such person shall be competent evidence as a basis l for compariaon by witneeaea, or by "the.jury, court, or officer 1 conducting anch proceeding, `to prove or disprove auch genn‘inencaa, (Feb.-28, 1913, e. 79, 37 §tat. 683.) " _ ‘ _ j 639. Depuitionb de bene ease} _ when and where taken;] "notioe.;-—The testimony of any w1tness‘1n,ay be taken in any i, civil cause depending in a district court by deposition de bene 'eeee, when * the witness lives at a greater distance from thee place ot trial than one hundred miles, (or is bonnd on a voyage to sea, orle about toqgo ont; of the United States, or out of the district ln which the case is“t0 be tried, and to a greater distance than one hundred miles/from the place ot trla1,,be£ore the time of trial, or when he is ancient and indrm. The depoai-

mu `um wuzcruzr 928 mu may be takeniperore my judge at any murtnt the United ‘ Sums, or guy exeik 6; [.M$$1'i¤t)€0u1’£; cr any chauce110;·_ justice, dr fudge of a éupréée or sépeiicr court, or chief magistrate oi a_ gity, judge of 4 sr county md; or éour; me common pleas Qf any of_‘the»—United.States,’ or my wut:} public, - ubt being ci; cquusal or attdméy to dthd bf tbé im- _ intéttmtéd in ithe évcgt ci the ·§mblo iiotice must . nm. bé gggezg m ¤i¤gu:i¤g_ by q»e‘party or his •z ·i¤·¤;ma¤g‘ ._to tulgg méh Aqpomtion, t0‘7tbc _ 0@itel party or his ittmney .0t _1'€(§01‘d, as eithér may uéarestg which notice shall state, _Ih€··-DiIB€·6f the `wit@ and the dmetnd fplséepf the taking ·ut his deposition; spd in all cases in rm, th; pommvhavmg the ag~ency_01·`p0éscssiqn of the property. at me of seizure shglltbe deemed. the- aévewée party; util • idahn shall have putdn]; and whexiévpr, by r of the absence from the district aizd want 01 ERK attorney éf 1·&d or other team, Que · giving of the herein reqmvd bé Jmprscticnble, ip shal1_‘ bg lawful `to take such ap Qall m' urgent necessity O1". taking, mica inch notice is my jhdée authorized to lx; thhk tubcnable and direct. ·All may be} ccmbelled to SEER! tnidepose 213f provided by this section, in the use Qanner u witaesws - may be éompeHed_‘to hppear nin! {BIH!] in coqgt. (R. S;

640. Same: mbde of ‘t ak{ng;——-Every dépnqing whs pmvl;1cd`iuY‘section 639 of thi; title shaiikbe céutimxcd xml tg iestify the wpole trutli; dmilzsrefnlly `· His tatimouy A shall be reduced td writing bor by the meet taking the deposition, bf ”by some pcrsca mdér his mpervi·. R ,8101],,-013- by the depouexpthimgsedf infhq 0§cer’s preqcnce, and . by, no other ·persb¤,_ and shall, stty it- htvteen reduced to writing or tfpevhifing, be sinbscribéd bythé depcncnt. :(R; S. fj § 884‘;·May 23, 1900,,c, 541, 31 Stat, 182.) _ -‘ Q — . · - 641. Same; `trnnsmissicxi to ¤qurt.-»+——Evé;·y d@if;10u takeé ander sectioné 639 and 646 of thi! titlé shkll be retgined by the magistrate takingglt, until he defivewhc with his own mud into the couiit for °wh_ch_ it is. tgken; or it ghail, togethér with a certificate of the niealsiqns no at taking it a¤d.0f·"th§ notice, if any, giveix to the adverse party, be byhim sealed. up L and directed to.such ccpxrt, remain. ¤nder·hIs` seal mm} opened in court; But amlms it appurstb the sutistnctkm of the {-éourt that the witness ip thm; éénd, 0l‘.§0ll\G_'0Bt of the Unitcé { States, or tq u grmtcr disianég than one hmdred "mikag `trqm ` i the plaéc where the ccmrt in sitting, or that, by reason of age, sickness, bodily ln§miity,- or impriscume¤t,· he is unable ta travel and apjpear.Cht· court, sgch deposition` shall not hem:} in the cause: (R._S.j§ 885.) \. _ ¤ _ ‘ · r 642. Deposition, sckncvledgments, gag}, sigavits takgn by _-nctatiod 1 p¤blic.·—-·Nctaries public of the sbveral Stntm Territories; and the District <f Oclumbin may tgke gleposittons, nd do all other &Ct8.!Q‘_1#El8¤0D to taking testiinopy to be . gated in the .0f the United Butch, take ¤ekn¤wied@n}s' nd andavits, in the same manner aud. with the mma Semect 85 commissioners `of ithe United Statéé distrlét court may lawfully take"or dc. (Aug. 15, 1876, c, 304. 19 Stat. 206.) ~ ‘_ · 648. Depositionsi taken in modeprescribed by` Sntc laws.¢·—- ` In additi0¤_·t0 the mode of hking, depositions bz wit- T messes in causés pending at law or equity inphedistn-ict ééurtq .of the United States, it shall be lawful to {mke {bye deposi-‘ tions 01·“tcs;im¢my of wjfneéses in. the mode pigex-ibed by the laws of the State iuwhich the courts are héld. (Mar. 9,) 1892, c. 14, 27 Stat. 'Z.)` V . _ ‘ I _ 644. Depésiticms under. dedimm potgstsitem m§ in perpctuamég-Iu any base where it is necessary, iq o»rder,·to” prevent _ a milnire of {delay ot justice, any -·0f the ccqrta qt the United ‘ States may g1*ant,..a dedimus potestutem to take depositicnél dccox*ding_ to common usage; aind _:my district court, upon. app1ica§i0n_t0 it {gs a.c0ii.1tt okequity, may; agcordink to thb