Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1031

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SIKTY-NINTIfiC0NGRESS.¥?Sz¤s.'II1V!(}¤.`»80£ YYQU7. 990. ~ ’F¤r‘estimati and<= andietherv-rm¤uroee,·on¢the A i ¥·‘F?”' rnatiosif byu sab or to¤Zt.he»,i¤suetot ‘°°°E'.::"- o ,. .· xupancy pgrmits, and for thai _ r _ _ · Q 2¤,_,·,,r;,,_»;·,,,g/, _,;·R q,»y~;»,/it,3.;;..),,,, GI] * *‘ For thevconstrulztionecnnd miintexxqnminizr bridges, mf;{,'j°’°°°‘ *‘“¤"'” fare lauesyteleéiuhonel fene•s,€i:d·lbthe1·;»»1mprovemeuts , _ . ,ne&vc§ary for p n.¤d:ecohomical¤ goteotiol1; A H tfmiuin an v evelaopmmti : ¤ e~nstao¤a1¤diozes!2z,r: 0,900,0 nw · amen “‘°“°,,°',,,m,, $100,000 ·is·qreserved¤for-»expenr1itxrree»on;ii≠ Cleveland, mmm L Santa Barbara, and San Ben1ardinoé~Natibni1·rF intoeonthetn _ California: Providedg That·»»mcli»;¤m of $100,0001 glial} ncbi be {'°g,“&_m,,¤x“m expended? urrlessnn QQ} amcuntrisecontrihutad forsuch :w¤rk.}3r mutex State, county,·m¤nici[»d,,.•ud/or otherlocallinterestss, to¤be pur , in whole or 1n~"p¢mt,* me of the performance of the work for which this appropriation -providess»Pmuy3ed·*·furtlgcr,i·That ,,hK“'°"°’°,,,,,,_,,§,’,‘ "“‘°' where, in the opinion of the of- direct pur- V . , chase w1ll=<be· more economical than oomiructaon, tel hone lines .

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1 at, ‘e may ae o ori eon· structioii and maintenanoe1oflbo1mdary» a¤d·;,,mnge‘*di’¤rision» fences, counting corrals, stock driveways and ·bridgee,·rthe;deve1opment of stock-wsteri places, and theeradication of poisonous plants on the nationalllgorestsz Provided =furtl•er,;That noteto exoeed»$2,000 MEL'? "* °“” L°"°· og tgisapp:Joprii;t;?{u— gala; bei.usad.&or=repair and maintenance of ·***¢·¤·¤¤& te amat ass e, .1 .· 4 ?· s Tvtal F mt Service, $8008,670* amlrinaddition theretorethere ·*“*§:¤*' ’*°¤¤ °** are hereby `dppropriated alkinoneys received as contributions toward $§;ri¤i¤d.b°n me cooperative work under the provisions, of section 1 ·.of tbe·Act "°'°‘m2‘ approved March 3, 1925,, which fund shall besecovered into···the Treasury and constitute a part of the special fundsiprovided byithe "°Lf·$·¤°°- Act of June 30, 1914: Promded, That;not,to»exceed $$40,000 may ,{'g,?‘g m me Db be expgnded for departmental persorhl services in thel District of ¤i¤~ s Cflum l8. ’< i ’· " I " . li U 7 BUREAU ee 'o;mmsrnY;aNnisoms: i —; ; B.?,;“*:“*’"*“°’“ Q -» ‘ ¢ =2. ni fi i na V .. F all neoemary expenses oonnectedmith thefiavedzi tions and I°v°°°i·$°°°°°’ W5; expgimeuts ngcesisees energized, missing the  ?$"*·~··*i°°°' ’ est' ato » a an spec` agen ·eesxsta.n] ‘ »sxperts,ycer d1r;fts11g1en,r?1’nd ` labor in the city of¤%Vaslging¢0nr and elsewhere; oiliciali traveling expenses, _mater1a1s,_*tools,»1n$tr1unentis, apparatus, repairs to g.pparatus,· chemicals, fmmtuxsgogtce £X§llI‘$,iSlGlf§l01lBl'zi gas, electme current, telegraphand Aervmce, express an reight charges, rent outside the,,D.1stz1ct of §G01UHlb18g andnforall other neceaary supp!iesa¤ndhx·penses,vas‘foDows: » » ‘· ’ For . expenses for generaleadministrative purposes, ,,,§§*",,,‘f.§,,,1},gg,,"‘{"‘•r""' incliédigg the saléugoof cgnief gg gggeau and other persona servhes ’ ` t e istrict o um ia 0 . mFor conducting theginvedtigationrg rcontemlaged by the_ Act of $§{f°Q‘§f‘§’§·,°{‘*‘ May 15, 1862, relating to the·a_ppl1cat1on of chem1stry to agriculture; dr§é¤1g_§;<:}&“¤d for the biological investigation of food and drug products and · substances use in the manufacture thereof, including mvestigations of theinhysiologicel eifqctscf meh. prpduqts on the huynanorgznism; to cooperate with associations and scientific svcxetws sm the vekvp- raent of methodsiof analys1s,$§.95,94¤'(. ' » V s . 4 Umm mm M ,-For mveet1§at1on andeg¤:pen1uent_m the utilization, forcolormg, ,.,,,¤.m;,“‘}.,, .,,1,,,,m, mednupal, an technical purposes, of raw materials grown or, pro- °°°· duced ur the United States; iuoopperatxon with such persons. asso-