Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1102

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1089 TSIXTYKNINTH CONGRESS; Sus. II. “ "Onst 84,~tB*5;' 1927.

the   gcgaid tcsgrslfcg municigijal

i A , »8ay1•’.notieelo - e Alon ‘ `ven y

 _the¤eofil“nalnew~epaperfprintedi and published! and of
 eu·eaiaBom=in,·said town before the»day+~iime<’1 foreach
 Jai, '· :Ll_   ri? .=*_-§ _ . .' V-, .   {Q · ’.

°°"f°"°*°‘°°°°°°‘ *i_8¤dw&#'Phat2*the 4er—»aucheeleoticn, the manner of · V em¤raaasoMh•»resurns*et* election


oMv•v b1¤ especial el•edons;m·~••edamume¤@sy,.and said bonds be issued only upon condition that a ma ef~65· per gntumfqf the votes czstdgt such election in saidtown shall be in vor 0 issmng sai n ”*°*°°""***"&°*** _ sm. 4. Tha; the bonds above spouses, when sucmizsa to be

   hqreinbefore prqyidedwshall   interest at arate to be

.— y.tb,eoo1nlnonlcounc1l of range ‘nottoexceed_;50percénmm per annum, payable seniiannuallag _and shall not be _d for less - their par value, mth accru _ interest, and shall be in denomi- _ , . Z each, the t%i1h&‘dp§° in tweng

 ‘·   A é _   r Z` , w
 , A , council of   of   mayresdrve the right to pay

A of theirininnerieaf er‘atthe»¤rate of $2,000 thereof i` ` ' andwaiter the exgigation of five years from their r¤¤.¢¤.·gg¤>qe¤~ atezwmeidsd laejwever, » at no issue o bends or other A j ,, A , of~any* suclr mdebtednem shall be made other than

   l   of indlebtednemlmin seritg fam;

` §dbstan' ·annu 1H er installment to mature not later thanlive years from date of issue of such series, and the last installment not later than thirty years

 from date of such issue. Principal '`’‘ and interest shall be payable
     A;g.¤v@;¤,y,;},•¥*i,‘;“°,,eU,.,“i*°“,..,klS°**°“t§§ *'€‘°“¥°§° “‘i°?§’,°"f ii°

‘*>-··* WD, , , { 111 _ 1 , State of New ig/lor]: or such place as he dgsvignatted li; th; eoznmon @11%, o£_tl1e town o - Wrangell, the place of payment to QE'! *¤d»¤•* be mentioned in ‘·the·~bonds: And further That each and ~ »— # · ·’: · •very%such’bond ’have"the written signature ol the mayor and .~ .. ,·,· - _ ::l'k¥Q!»~l.h9_QldT'¢(}Wl1·Of and also7bear the seal of said " ° " w];‘·?.;";y71~ ` iii .*1 ·, -; — A ·,g;d_°‘ '““' ’* it 5.%Thatmh part: of ihefunds arising from the sale of said _ bonds shall be used for apiy purpom other than speciiiedia this Act. ’“°‘*°'"’°°"· Saidfbendeeshallrbe so to only 1n< such! amounts asthe common eucimicilnhall rhgecty the proceeds theregf shsll bzhdisbuésed fog . erurposesezein remeni »an uner e .;,9, i » dtrecltiomof said common council from time to time asmthzr seililzie may be required for said purposes. Approved, February 9, 1927.

 {EBAY. 85.-—An Act To authorize the incorporated town of Fairbanks,
 _ _ , Q- · Alaska, to issue bondslfor the purchasing, construction, and maintenance of an

electric light and power plant, telephone system, pumping station, and repairs to the water front, and for other purposes. A V , . Be it enacted byvtiic Semteiemtl-Home of R%vacntati#vea of the —{,•§§’&§m"§.'*,°, *Ua€teJ·Statq of Amqrzba im Oongrese gaaemb , That incor- peeueuuwu, ue. town-_ of A Fairbanks, Alaska, is hereby authorized and empowered to issue its bonds in any sum not exceeding $100,000for _ the purpose of purchasing, constructing, and an electric light power plant, telephone system, pumping station, and re ustotewaterfrontmsaidtewni i ‘ J ,,,‘{§S,‘,E"',,,_ °‘°°“°" *° glee. 2. 'Hiat before said bonds shall be issued a special election shall be ordered -by the common council of the town of Fairbanks,