Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1138

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1098 SIXTY—NIN TH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 137-139. 1927. or hereafter a propriated for the improvement of rivers and harbors to carry out tas provisions of this Act. Approved, Februu-y14, 1027. . February14,1927. · · 1 · . . . 1 . CHAP. .- . o u an a f reconnaissance

 work in cggeracitlu 'ziiu '£he·1\;i)d’£:°Rio GPr£i?£’hé¤2l•;e¤-xmy District re

determine wiaebher comm lands er the Cochin, Santo Domingo, san reupa, Santa Ana, Sandia, and inlets. Indians areeueceptinle of reclamation, drainage, and irrigation. ' ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re eeentativee of tire . 1§,’,‘,‘§,f.ZZaited States oflmenba in Congress asoemgZd,,Ihat therems N—M·¤- M to db hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money m the eS°§?£”k rite. or Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $50,000, or so much

 thereof as may be necemaxginto provide for reconnaissance work on

the lands of the Cochiti, _ to San FeL~pe.,San¤ Ana, Sandia,and Isleta or so much. reef as may besuscaelpuble of lyws the ¤xt¢r;¤;.b¤u;¤denes,¤f the Mid ¤ Rm Gr•nde.Gonsc¤vancy. District, a. po}1ti;;¤1,subdivis;on‘ of the State of New M¤¤i<>¤. butgt ¤¤b1e¤¢;»¤¤>·i is the Secretary of_ ,%nterior_to·prorrde for wd ¢h¤ P!'°PP17$W¤9-ePl#P$ ¤5¤i for .¤·¤¢1¥m¤€¤¤¤. drainage, and irrigation of said iauegvsia consergation o waters C§,‘g§_E,$,§,Q;‘§‘{,,‘{,@{P a purtenant thereto, in cooperation ` tlr said“’Mi dle Rio Grande fginservancy District, said money to. be paid from time to time as said work proceeds, such payments, including the salary and expenseso£j’the‘engimeer`·hogomatt¤·freferred»‘to,‘to.1re made 1n ‘ ruportionx heretofore or hereafter made by the Sigma in e·ra¢1¤_t1¤¤£ or me Indian lands hem w oa other lands to be benefi , such egipeeaamms to be subject to the apgoval of the Secretary of the nterior. and to be made under _ su miles andxregulationsas maybe prescribedby the Secretary of

;,,,,,,,s,. the Interior: Provided, That said Secreteryythrough the Commis-

§¤* W ¤° °•!‘¢· sionerof Indian Aifairs, shall designatoan engineer, who shall ' represent the~:ie§ar¢ment»m the preparation ofsaidplansland report fr thereon,.aud.w· ose—silary»·and exspensm shall be paid out of the .,,§;2.*:*.‘;‘:,*‘·‘°°°d., * °“ fundsherein auaasazesrtebe eppmpraesr z7maaea.;;mse., me gand or any apart thereofthat may bedexpended for this

 work shall be reimbursable by said; ndian lands if

and whenwthe. participation bi the United States- iwconstruction of said project is approved by t e United States, such reimbursement to be in accordance with the terms of the Act of Congress approving R°°°" °° C°°°°°°' such participation: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior sha 1 report to Congress the results of said reconnaissance work and his recommendations thereon. J Approved, February 14, 1927. ‘ ‘ ‘ wwlx lim; ` 189.--An Act 'Do amend section 476 andsection 4934 of the Revised ¤- B11- - , . . , v c r _ — · sBe it enactuleby theyS’enate and House of Representatives of the P‘°°°°°m°°‘ United in Umm! uaaemtZed,“That section 476 Em nd m_ of the, tatutes be amen Uoeread awfollowsw u plains:. ffS*n¤i’476. There iiallbe in the Patent Omcef a Commisioner of ,,,,,;,§;,f°°· "°· "· “°· Patents, oneirst assistant commissioner,‘one‘assistant commismoner, _dV¤*- atv- 8· ·=¤·¤¤· ·and`six exgninersin chief,'who sha‘? he agepointedhzcthe President, ima. of ¤aa¤:· an wi ea 7100.811 consentoft e' nate. - rstassistaut dy `t th d ’ d_ h T ii ' °°“““'“‘“°"· commissioner and] f’hB`8SS18{$8Dl7 commissioner shall perform such