Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1262

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1222 SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. CH. 189. 1927. be expended through the central purchasing oilice (Division of Pub- ww 0, mom, licatioéis andf Supplies), Department oid Lal£§r:APr;videl¢f, That passenger venues. expen itures rom appro riations contain in is ct crt e main- tenance, ulpkeep and repai)r, exclusive of garagle rent, pay of operator, .fuel and ubricants, 011 any one motor-prople led passenger-carrying vehicle used by the Department of Labor s all not exceed one-third of the market price ofha ng; vehicle of the same make or class, and in any case not more t an 00. rem. Rent: For rent of buildings and parts of buildings in the District of Columbia for the use of t e Department of Labor, $68,000. m:¤¤¤¤¤ wd ¤¤¤· Printing, and binding: For printing and b1nd1ng_for_ the Depart- ment of ab0r,_1nclu ing all 1ts_ bureaus, oilices,_1nst1tut1ons, and

located m Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere,

mixed- enema nu- l · BUREAU or nasoa srarisrics 0,§;,mp;”§,’}1‘;;},§f· Md Salaries: For the commissioner and other personal services in tlge Distigct of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act 0 1923 220 000. mwgl °°°““· °" Traveling expenses of special agents and employees; experts and Travelinz emma. tggripoigtry assbigtancg for-htieldmserévice outsgedp o $ghe Dfptrict of um ia to pai at t e ra 0 not exc ing per a · per- sonal seriiices in the District of Columbia not to exceed $v29,500, 'rempqrw mum- mcludin also temporary statistical clerks, steno aphers, and ty e- as m the B P D,,§.i°§€‘°y°°° writers m the District of Columbia, to be selectegrfrom GlVll-SBTVICG registers, the same- person to be employed for not more than six consecutive months; traveling expenses of officers and employees, pugchase oflpepiodicals, docuénelptp, price fqupltations, andfrgports an materia s or reports an u letms 0 t e Bureau 0 abor {{’,°f',,",$;, fromlocal Statistics, $80,000: Promkied, That the Commissioner of Labor is ¤¤°°i¤* ·¤°¤¤- autgorized to colleci statistical reports through local special agents pai on piece- rice asis. m;Sf°°¤d¤¤°° ¤° m°°°‘ Appgopriatildns herein made for the Bureau of Labor Statistics slial available for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of said bureau when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Labor. 1¤¤¤¤¤¤¢i¤¤B¤¤¢e¤- BUREAU or iuuicnarion °,gf’;{‘,"g};,’§j'p°,(jggj _ Salaries: l?0r_the Commissioner General and other personal serv- mn. K t§1;2l3)1?g·{cg4%f Columbia, in accordance with the Classification c 0 . ~ ugggrvxgirs ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· _ iminigration: For enforcement of the laws regulating v¤1.%p.1¢xs; va. immigration of aliens into the United States, including the contract “·l’·“* °’·“·*’·‘“‘ libor lags; cgstfof aeports 0; dlpciggns of the Fzleral cougti, and gests ereo , or e use 0 t e mmissioner eneral 0 mmi- ' gration· salaries and ex nses of all officers clerks and em loyees m§Qf°i°°° l¤ '·"° W appomtied to enforce sai? laws, including not to exciaed $150,800 for personal services in the District of Columbia, tagether with Bersons authorizedby law to_ be detailed for duty at ashington, 1str1ct

 oi goluixilzia  ipalyeling   eniofxicengilntk of t e prpavisiogs

v¤1.a0 p.`sv4;V¤1. 0 _e c o e ruary 191 entite " ct to r te t e {&,,§’v'€,{?l,,l"f,'_‘,§‘v§; immigration of aliens to sind the residence of aliens in (th'; United “· P- ”·"· States? Acts ameudatofv thereof and in addition thereto; neces- sary, Supplies, including exchange of typewriting machines, altera- tions an repsurs, and or all other expenses authorized biy said Act; preventing the unlawful entry cf aliens into the Unite States, by the appointment of suitable oilicers to enforce the laws in relation cummexuuam. thereto; expenses of returning to China all Chinese persons found to be unlawfully in the United States, including the cost of