Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1299

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SIXTYJIINTH oononnssasus. rn c¤.22s. zum. 1259 $4*2058 payment of- judgments iagaainst 1internal·ravenue· oSc&·s, , , .»?~ i.¥t;,¤'.·'~ ¢·111¤.1·Z ’··¤—: .·: , -· For Coa¢tGua1d,$d,588.11.1i1.‘r£ »s·>’ uz. . ..:1.u . , For plate printing, Bureaunf ian<la,1Pi·inting,2$I.88. ; For suppressing counterfeiting and othen·m·i!nu,:$4.’I64.· . . ; For pa of personnel and maintenance of ho¤pit¢ls,1Publie Heakh Service, $$,114.58. .?*'°.¥*·i:?¥ ,» ¢:i1g¤¢· me s1=1¤.:y 1 rn.; t For medical and Service, ${746.21. For guarantine service, $2.03. >< ¥?1f··!H i i~»· , t -v.· n .; ;  ; For eld investigations of public heaItli5$2lW~;~ z.; 1 · 1

 *~¤~·»1~~»¤»¤»~·¤··—. 1¤¤d   ·¤» 1f¤;·¤1;.=·Publi¤   Sgyqm’

Y For maintenance, marine ho§pitals,.·Fublie·H¤ltl Service, $217.91. —i·‘orsa1h<ies‘•dd oigemuw eterans’ B1u·ean.:(tranafer to Public Health Service, Act Fe ruary 13, 1923), $82.67. 2 For repairs and preservation ofxpublic buildings, $183.60. . For md '_ i·ldlnga,.$'l!.92. ·~:1—_: 2 » ‘; Ter " repursoisade $65.73.* For vaults and safes for public buil ` _, $2.50. 1;I<`o1···open•ating supplies forvpgublic bull ° w , ·.m·,M :· ¢.i, r·:z—.ix=i‘·»;1»;]-;».»‘. .4 »_f

  • 1 '1'“· ""‘ 1*WAi ’¢.@I¤Yi Y 1·.

’*Ftir*leoi1tingent tVWa1·¤D%p•i‘tment, $2a60§ ’ 1 ·~ . w" D°*’“°'°°“‘· Eor printinglgnd inding, War epartment, $2,982.28. 1· -1 For ’ n andiselectionfdr military service, $6.64. .· ° For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $158,25390. · :1 E ¤·'i §6r=pay¤6fthefArmy*,·$!T,Y43.81t·.il11¢‘i MS —·£$ . orurcrease o compensation, litary Esta is 16,896.38.i Ferincieaseoteempens£tio11{,’Wal·.Departiaent,.$L.53.· - 1. . . For increase of compensatioii, VVar·;Uépartm•nt‘ proper, $97.%; .1 1f i For pay, and sojorth, of the_Army, war with Spain, $145.45. For mi eage tolomcers andcontract surgeons, $539.99. For mileage of the .A,r,my,,§125,.7& __.,, . t . __ § or subsistence oi the_;ag:,y, _ i9g _ V or regular sup iea’o 1 _ 2, 1, .24. _ y L For clothing angequipageé $170 “ ‘ · ‘ · , i' For clothing and esmpmu equipage, $26. ·· 1 { For Army transportation ’$9,210;9B?.' * ·’ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘—= — . ° I For incidental expenses, Quareemsesews Department, $6.65; ‘ 1 __ For incidental eipenéesof the1lArmy;*$9.60.‘ 1 j ·‘ ; ·· —¥l 1 ‘ For general ap ropriatlo¢ns,`Q•;girtiertna.ster Goi§>s;¢$23,389.0$.·l For orses for 8ava1ry,j$r;1llerZ:;giliigineers,an -soforth,?$1=0; For construction andre "°*of·_", pitals, $29.90.·¤·11i‘==»=·,g· #2 For replacing clothing and equ1pHge,·$5, *1* = · ‘ 1¤ ‘¤*·1`¤i ’}<>_’;. $ For supplies, services'and"·trailsj,€go1•tatibn, `Q\1lI‘t8l’ll1\8i§'£"’{bl`PS, 11,369.68. · 4 . ” ·v’ T--. " illj ‘A' {‘i1‘. . r.1L`>a 1;. . I ‘ .r"€ For barracks and uartsrg, $77»,ts5,—1»j=,—V .¥g»¤ r =» :1 .>.;;.e .1 V .1 For acquisition 'offiand, Camp ·_Knb·x, Kent\1cky,”$29’1;9I.’ ` ; For Signal Service 0f‘thei`Arifl' ` *529.78} ‘ * A `1 ‘ ’ For Air Service, producgpn - *=* *2.* g 1 " ‘ For Air Service, Army, 48.2'f.·" 11 '1· "` Q _* .F01‘ and Hosgetal Dtzpartmeut;-$17$_g3!‘ 1 { g . For library,S;1tge0nj ‘m&m1scHice.$31.90.— " 1’-_ »Foi‘ eqi11pmént of troops, $1,124.98. ’ ‘ · ·i 1 ‘·* *i··‘ For mauitenanm of tire-control installations, $1,175; y 1; · _ -

 . maintenance of ,lire·control   insular 1   ,

For maintenance of fire control, Panama'Gafnal, $5. » . ’- For {ire control, Panama Canal, 3 cents. ‘ ·‘ 4 ‘ X