Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1544

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xlvm mum. Coast and Gsoddic Seuss Depo1·¢s••nt of P•¤•. Good Guard, Treasury Dcpa1·¢mcnt—Con. Pan Cos•e••roe—0o¤tinued. appropriation for y and allowances, appropriation for physical hydrogm- , cmccrs, cagts, enlisted men phy .... - ................. 861, 1213 ets .... .. .................. 144, 1035 for compiling Coast Pilot ....... 361, 1213 for rations, etc-A, ............... 144, 1035 for magnetic and seismologieal ob- for fuel, shlp stores, ctc---- .... -. 144, 1035 lttvatioua, Sto.; ........... 861, 1213 forrepahsof buildings, leases,.cte-. 144, 1035 for Federal, boundary, and State sur- for death allowances, etc ........ 144, 1035 vcys ...................... 361, 1213 for traveling expenses, ctc ...... 144, 1035 latitude observatory, Ukiah for draft animals; eoutal communi- Cahf-1 ................... 862, 1213 cation lines, etc ............ 145, 1035 for surveysmearthquake regions- 362, 1213 for civilian employees inthe held- 145, 1035 for spccialpurveys ............. 362, 1213 for contingent expenses ......... 145, 1035 for miscellaneous.---.. .......... 362, 1213 for repairs to vessels- ........... 145, 1086 for relief of shlpwrecked, etc., per- for repairs, etc., of steamer for use as sons----, ................. 862, 1213 an icebreaker .......... - ...... 145 for delegates, International Research for completing three cutters ........ 1035 Conmcil- ......... ; ........ 862, 1213 for of two for vessels, repairs, etc .......... 362, 1214 cutters; tation, contracts, for ofllocrs, crc etc .... - ...... 362, 1214 etc-- ...... - ................. 1035 for pay, comrnnoned o¤cers--- 862, 1214 deiicienoy a propriation for additional designaticmofasdstantdlreetor. 362, 1214 veseeg, etc., for enforcing laws.- 181 for omce force ..._ . ,_,.,,_,,__,_ 863, 1214 for dllcers, cadets, enlisted men, etc., for clerical, technical, mechanical ~ 1928 ........................ 181 etc., employees ..,.,,. ;, .,,. 863, 1214 . for 1927 ....................... 181 for oQceexpenses- ...,_.__,,,__ aw, 1214 for rationsaetc ................... 181 restriction on subsistence allow- for fuel an water, 1926 ........... 181 s¤¤n·¤m°9'hH°w:av“h1°g°°5""363’1214 f ‘°’ ······· {S} approprla on or amages or ou . -- cqims _______________________ 172 for death allo -' ....... 181 ¥°'°"“,..%°” ···············*······· }“Z { "E”’.m ‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ me ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ {S} or ‘ expenses _,_____________ 8 or v expenses, ........ for party expenns ._,_,,_____,. 187, 1257 for 1927 ........... T---: ....... 181 for payment to James D. Crichton-- 852 for wuisl wmmuniutwn lvm, etc- 181 for magnetic observatory, Tucson, for draft animals ................. 181 _f An-ls ............ aa, ._,_._____ 853 fox; coxigent expenses, 1926 ..... -- or rqjadng primary gta· Ot ......... .. ............. hens ______ ” _________ ____ 1252 for repairs to vessek, 1926.; ........ 182 mileage and subdstence allowances for for 1927 ....................... 182 oflL•ereta:%under orders-- 680 f 1926 ........... 182 cost of travel dependents, ,,_ 680 for 1 .............. - ........ 182 omcers retired on or bdore June 30 forpayingcolsioadamages claims- 182 e 1922,toreedvepayeh·ank equai for uga ....... 189, 193. 883. 8§6. 1259 to those retixedaubseqnantly--- 417 for on fw Alaska, available until Coed and Lakd0••dred¢a|C'orpuuIi•a of ’ »March. 31, 1927 ......... .. ...... 869 News York City, » ‘ · for three cuttur contracts. ........ 869

¢or- ......... 879 for repairs to cutters ........ . ..... 886

Coasbaad Border Patrol, Iasssiyra- amount for ten cutters and equipment M 371 1223 ·uth?‘t?»di»B"B5`§ii`§ ````` 725 approprlatia -1 ........... --- , equipmen u open Coed Afllfy ‘ ............... - - 725 fcrscheol, Fort Monroe grades numbers of commissioned f {Ys-- ...... .4,-2 ...... ---‘--- 279, 1129 odlcen; 815 or cations, A isaecast defense;} temporuwecrnmisdo cen; UrltedStat•s----; --...... 279, _ trlbutioningrades -..... E-E; 815 { Gaza!--o---—-r--.§-- 280, 1130 line ......... · ..... · ..... c ...... g or vflian personnel, Ohee Cbisl a preeedenceaeeorded ...--.-......- of, War D?a1tns¤t ....... 280, 1180 cadet englnssrsnmdellne cadets. ...-. 816 Co•s¢G••rd4'stlas s•s•l••0castGu¤d vacandesatbottomofrllstofengcnaeer Vest) _ ’ omccn after Im, 1926, nny . ·approp¤h1l¤a‘1er ecmplsdng construe- or may not he- -3-; .-... ;.- 816 ‘ tlenollllea.-1-..·;.2--l -...... 1035 promotion to, -8 illed, by demon- fcreaamenslng eoastsuetlen of two; · stration of itness of applicant

·q¢r•s$¤&a, eeahaets, ge- 1035 » fer.; - ,;,s -,-,___,_ 1- ,__,_-_,- 816

ddkey {¤•e¤struc· · ffnot1l1ledinsixmontbs,t0wcn1e .·t1e• · esatnei. -.....- 869 to » ecrsupoading grade d the

 725 um llnegrestrlctisnnwl ..... .c- 816

- - _r _ -4--4.;.--;--; nar appointed -by~cp¤#•c¤pdth¤.l;-- 725 regular ollcsrs, not above lieu- Cead _ V tenant- --....-..- -- ..--. ·--l..-~ 816 · for p•s¤aa•l,cIIIe• 6tnesstob•estab&h•dtoss·tisfac- »c¢(khmmdnt----- ..-... 144,1034 ‘ti¤neH>oard;pbyslcalquaItlca- dnf\¤••,•to.,mayb•pddfecm lion ...-.....-.... - .... - ..-.. 816 "RepalrstoCoad0¤rd01:;"10a»‘ 816 till ; limit ............... ons ........................