Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1625

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mnnx. cxxix Indian Afash Bureau, Interior Depart- Pan Indian R¢••rvat£<;n¤'a-·Oontin¤¤d. Plan

 —   . propriation a¤agn¤¤»ymppn•·

Yakima lndhnag ot¤.;‘ Mondooaala- W ingfdxintixu. ..... j ......... 942 land,Or¤g.,netapart•¤burying fordevewttodkwatulagplaeen

-----9-; ...... 4 .... 768 _ cn; ' thu.---, ........... 462,942

Yuma 4;.(hl!f,, tarirrigatinnud M3 ~-ganmnu c¤·r¤p¤·m7u·ny¤. . i6£H£»BL§§¤- ’ _ tionglbtriat ...... ,---;-.; ..... 776 n etc ....,........... 1252 [nd•¢mAp•n¤•a, gnmea¤did{awaoIN¤wYork,e:»· appropriation for purqhlae —cod:ruc- ta¤dodt¤A11¤gnny,(}a»ttaraugue, tion, npair, etc., wi building ’ and0i1Sp:inQ,_th¤·ein.. ...... 932 at-------; ...... -1 ...... 458, 939 land tags puxohasodfforadditionto Go I¤§v1I® 1Qd, . ¢¤Ilh’¤¤—"* `” ' ‘ uml, ..- .... ..--..- ........ 252 _¤---.-.---..--.;.1-.,;--;--- 459, 939 Makah, Wash.; inch aadioixing, at for Bra etc., tim 940 addctor Makah a:113:i1.1eutp¤-- 614 _ ding.--- .... - .... · .... 9-- , miningheaanautlmdnd ¤n,¤»- [Nr Arlageup ` l y * _ » · ` s¤rvedfo1··a@1r¤in¤ nhooh.-- 300 a;>ap,;·opriation {or nu., 125 mehdllguodz: n · ncbdn · -.;-.1;;--.- 9,940 P0 _ . ¤¤·¤· ng( ¤,()»g$A;mF;v, - h.nd•1¤•pe¤111odStat¤h. ....... 922 V G; ·5g__;_;_;__=_‘__;- gg,-gw oil and p.aexc1uded.---. ...,...... 923 tee simple p•1nnc,1>¤,_;»{;¤ and of §w:tg;ni¤¤.t~ic¤°€•:`1s¤¢:•;:I¤9b;$.t;--, 923 , _ , ¤, . . v ‘ ’ no en" _ if ocnaamz, etc,- 1247 VY --·---—-·------ -_ -.-.-..... 923 lg mg wm, ctc _________ ,;;__ ______ 1247 7 Northern Qhayonms, Mont.: allohnont ¤1-zg1¤•1_¤¤e¤•¤•mu¤pp¤¤¤ea- 1247 r ¢g1a°;¤ 99 Northm 690 D .............. ; ..... ,-- _ $4------- --.. Indian Cmmmmws, Bm , · 4 ` oi1a.ndgasl•ase¤•11tl1¤risbdo¤una11ot· appropriation foroxpomea ---.---. 459,940 prunudzadshnhrubl :§a’;‘r;§.i;{é·;%é· 1347 !·d*¤·•6'°9*¤ . —9¤b¤a•pw {omni' '1 I ;ppm¤¤4;i;¤tf¤r --·----- 458.988 _ dsm¤¤r¢h:u¤?¤mm»-f.{?. 1847 n mn wu lama ¤XPO¤lU_ ....... ° --- 1347 Inzpgnrognigtion folraogdcméin ....... 342, 1193 I I!1di8¤D8*t2EOODSl1*d as to ex- 1347 UTNUNG , ' D8¤di ;--.Z--; .... Q ...... appiopriation m ..... - .... ,--..,.- 461, 941 8*•·*·¤im¤¤d 1¤¤=¤ ¤¤¤•• Iggivd on 1347 1»a¢¤•H pitch ‘ 7 _ 9 ·°“ P #—-—- appropgatminux maintenance, etc., oim °°f r°y°m°°’ fmm 1347 , _· ‘g¤· ...... .----. ..... ,951 He ,*;,,,*,,**5;;,;;,; *··· ,,,_,.,, ······· 1 347 1••d4¤»I¤g•d•. — 7 mzgnguofmuumngrumnago} appmpnatiogt for advertising ¤P¤¤l¤¤480 940 Indjnnnipuaitted my by Con- ~ -----·——·—-· - ··—---~ • ‘ zrw ...·... - ...... .. ........ 1347 In:£an·Matron•,f“ _ 461 942 fozgpcrary witbdnawala not in- 1347 pprqp It -1.- .... 9..,-.....;--- , - ..... 9 --.2;.-.:13---; ..... mr n Haney, rmua. me -~ 1>¤>¤1>¤9¢¤¤ ¤•vi¤s7 <>r¤=•¤ speci- 7 ¤1?Q¤¤111¤¤¤¢;& m.¤¤J’1m ’ 1 .. ¤·»¤·¤=¤=¤r¤»¤¤°1$:,·g_:¤·¤¤»•·»

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gvggbhg for 4,,;;,,., ,g,m,;¤, md donotparmitfortvvo yearn";- 1347 , ; ¤¤1¤¤¤1»,r¤1wn¤m¤¤u·¤¢»d. .... soo 1¤·¤9¤·¤¤=¤>=4••¤i*¤¤»di¤¤¤v•ry¤¢d•- zman zmpunz, Ang.,-, ` » ,,,§’°’*"_f,‘f§‘°§‘,‘;},.·,,·,~,,*‘··‘·_ ········ }§§§ ‘P¥’$°"°}*‘*°“ ____ f“'“‘ ____ 7_*°°’·“°°___; ;_°*°;-,2 951 as1§_ctiono{1l.nd,if ¤u1-v¤y¤aIfIZZZZ ms 1~1am‘1?qzn;•, _ " " . ’ ““"“"°’°°· ···· . ········ r# ···· lm i;m9p;¤·9¤¤:¤1 pw, 458. 999 · _ p1.¢¤r.¤°““”¤”1'H?¥&1‘¥.'}‘EIL.;;t1a&;; mg- .,1,.-...1'i‘é'.;. f01',.l¤PPO!*»0€¤·»°f» .9 7 ..1*;*9-?.f?.t1*‘:-§“.3.,°"“‘, 7..-1-.°‘*‘°‘:,;*»;1:1; E2? ·¤*¤¤¤¤·»----—. ----—--·—----— 488. 947 umunmn m·apu1•~1»¤¢¤ ¤¤ my be d*•°9¤“¤*··%*c9¥l ·•¤*¤>¤i• ****428 947 nunnroeru-m1¤;pnrp3¤¤,w1¢u , _ um , .99. -.----- , mmm gb.; ·..w·] 7 7 { ¤uu¤¤s¤§¤u:£m•¤.,»B»u.-- xg; IMM 1;;,,,, D§f" °° *°°° ···· 89* O1' ,...-;-.,-..'-..Q.. , ;. pmumjulr cumin. ¤b¢¤¤¤¤¢ qmp19y¤¤99¢.1x¤f¤¤d-9 468. 948 main-- ..... ’°t`$" °t’ W b° 1017 Inadnntlupnsqhkomuakaq --.. 469,948 {,4,-,,,, g,,,,.·* ,,p;4_, - ’ "` '```'` _ ‘ ~ -1* s _; ~ preliminary examination etc., of, con- appropriation,£or’axp¤¤a¤s,_ opening 9t0·· non ohannal w{th88a1¤tJohn¤ o¤¤·y..---·..;--;.;1z.-.;;.-1-i. 457, 938 = Rivgrnit Sanford, to be mado.-.. 1019 for aurvoyini, a1Iot% ‘|¤·•bveralty Indian 8ch••la, ° J ; 7 — - gt•.,of1¤d•in; ,_ - . appropniationforrsplscingpropnrtydo- for tnnber pxosorvatlonyotc-- .--. 461, 941 - mtroyod by dn, ctc.; Hmlhtion- 459

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