Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1683

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mnmx. sclmviii Oldroyd Collection of Lincoln Relics, Pan- Ordnance Department, Army -C0ntinued. Pam oommisdon designated, with authority appropriation for airplanobombs, ara w 7 to purchase .................. 531 munition foramau arms, etc;. 274, 1125 amountauthorixed for ............. 531 for amallrarms and machine, gun Or appropriation!or--o---· 845 f pi-act&é6;-i ..... 1 ..... .. 274,1125 wer, sa. , -27 oramm ormuitary submarine cable in Saint Louis River lutes ......... -7.,- .... 1 .... 274, 1125 ma xw 7_D¤1¤th, Minn., 304 for ¤£cnufacture.o£ arms at arsenagag M25 "°"*°·" im ..;.,;"*·7...,···'··".§Q‘iQ.§Q"`Y.l"`LQ *0* `'``` M" mi me paymen a _ ~ mm y aupp -1 .... o-, ..... Sweden for losses toowners of, for puroha•e,setc.,fortroops .... ,, ,275, 1125 fromoollidon with United Statea for automatic machine rifles ..... . 275, 1125 ship "Lake Saint Clair" .... --- 651 for purchase, manufacture, etc., of Olympia, Wwh., tanks, and armored, motor ve- imgxmvement of, harbor authorized .... 1015 Moles- -- ,,-_, ,_,,.,........ 275, 1125 Olyp _ nt, Pa., 7 ` for Field Artillery armament..--- 275, 1125 limit of cod increased, public building for proving groumk.--*. ........ 275, 1126 _ at ........................... 872 for Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., public buildingauthorization for .,.... 632 bridge .....,. .-;----·.-.»..-- 275, 1126 title of site forpostoincs at, may be ao- for machines- .... 7 ...... ·.. 275, 1126 cepted, with rights 1+ forrepairstoarse¤als,ete. ...... 276, 1126 me A'°"°°z:a;, ··················· *°°° "‘.*,?§.f..‘i",‘“i°F°,.1m.m“"°"°*,"‘€J’z':‘·.*f°" 276 gency _ . · 7 -- appropriation for support, etc., of In- for gauges, j%,ete.,formani1faotu1¤ dum at ................... 474, 953 of armsand armament ..... 276, 1126 Omaha Army Depot, Nebr., for seaeoast cannon.--;;--..,.--- 276, 1126 sale of, no longer needed for military 1417 "§orammuni1ionm};;; .... ·._;-- purposes .................. .--. orammunition, , practice; , 7 Omaha Indians Nebr. f alterin tc. seamast artil- deiiciency appropriation for per capita or lery--E’.-?....;-;·.-2 ....... 276, 1127 Iyeymevt to ...-.......-...-- · 174 for snmummen, ece., for seaeoast < ‘ °"£‘§5‘g, ,i."&.w· .,4 W nam mm »m¤¤~i¤¤··*·* "°— lm by como Bm., xm, .,.1--- no M ·*,,*~·=¤,,¤,;¤·,,·; **=_-y mg ,,2, mlm, . _ . . "' ’' ""1 7 Q Oziizrizrlnial rcvenuex on to,- 91 fc"` °°“°“t A P*·“‘m* l Operating Force, P io Buildings, , C*°?ur;‘;··<···¤r·**··‘T··*·:.27»7¤i1l27 apgropriation for pay of ........ ,- 153, 1044 fOr ammumtwn, , eto.6 {or seaeoast 7, _ __ de cie¤oy7appropriation7f0r .... 189, 193, 886 0811119114 P¤·¤$¤1·&.—, 8118L-.·»·- 277, 1127 for assistant custodiansand janitors- 193 for altering, ete., seaeoast artilliexg, Operating {Supplies, Public Buildings, , Panama Carnahan-- ....... ;= 77, 1127 ¤ppr¤pc¤;¤¤¤ for .f¤¢1» 1is¥¤¢¤.:w¤¤;¤g3 1044 for cgilién pe1;:¤¤us•,·o£1¤e or H2? defiéiency-•;1;1;r?>i>}i}~§<;¤;1$;;::;;::--- ’ 189, mwmT-IZ[Zl}Z·i 277:1127 Opsum cu=·(ma1w Nngeaf m' 887 1259 b·*¤¤°°=‘,¤*O;,PP*¤i>*1%*i¤¤¤.¤¤v¤¥vd‘1i¤}“ , ‘PP’i’Pg““°“ in ·¤éé,•·g¤··w¤¤g~1gg3 ,03, ;°?¤ne.`}??YY.`}`Zt.E.'i;`L..-.'”.'·.°.,°°Zi.° zen

 i`··¥'¤q·;,’ ,,,3, "°“°‘°“§;%;?X€L°%%“i,1°“e§i"ét2:f%·  

ob•ervanoe..-..¤ -...-4--o. , P ·‘ .7 7.,, .. 7 7 , ·' restrictions on tradhagsetc. :..4.;. .... 96 f ’mP19Y°°°·*· ·r··‘ ·····~ stamp tax on, compounds, etc---_ ,.... 97 1, °r °° ?°?Yi°F*r·#v·····— ···· · reparations etc notamaeted 98 f°"m“·“‘1f¤°$¤’°°f¤Y¥¤¤· 190. 193.886.1gg 0,,;,1 Gum; ’ " _ ,_ f"‘,"` for ammunition-,.-.,.`.,---“,- 19*1,193, appropriation for investigating prob- f°r °rd¤*°°° md WPPu”#··*;i93 Q3; lemsiin production of; ...... 357,·}¤)8 f t { {7 _ M . » 190 Oraibi Waals Prqied,7Ariz,, . f°r *¤:**°‘m°‘°i ° °{tg8g¤ ¥r·***··., -194

 or maintenance, etc-, 463, 943 fg; Flu, ( on utglg wir tfdpuzc —--—·· 878

apprciprbtiorgt {Jr 71¤v;.epu¤; 41:58 ,,683  ;¢r1gbv,;11;:?¢g<1¤¤¢% ¢t¤ -··- r·-1-, · lease; ,...,,.......... -..-- , 7 7 ,.··5·=···r··v···r·· own 4 14* 1m,.¢m‘ it P za con, , . f<>rrsv¤i*¤ -... 1260 Or tor I ora lsu ’°h°b*¤If,¤*j,°¤¤u°t{1° 11, ¤4,*+1¤¤¥ 7m,,<~ . , , , : ‘ Tg . ,_ * M7 _ · ,. r?·f’v·••7’•‘?** 5 · ppro Hsu t ` mmm aww www OM We 7 ‘ 1 » O; M5a§$£:ig,0:;;,§£;€;’?;§_ ,1,- 517, 993 sppr<£:éstionforci pd in-¤onpg,;tii;i77,.1127 vl»GYG_ UM r V. v7·-` aggmprlation for rqcuring, etc..‘..- 602, 1285 7 ¢%1>!°¤¤»,¢1·¤·-·~¢-- ~—--- ··~-»--,277. 1127 d ciency appropgation ion. ..... .-_. .188, Ordnance Store, ¤¢c.,»4rmy, ’¤ » ·. 4;, 7- , -7 77 , · ·· 7_ 192,-1253,1W p appropriation ,for¤ drpbne Ordnanea ,Army,e _. , ` &l¤ID(l11l¤0¤hl`§656; et¤-..;.;»?!74, 1125 appropriation for current expenses- 274, 1125 for preserving, eto.-;..;;vl».;».-.·.¤ 275, 1125 employmmt of consulting env- 7 {01:Pl|!'OhIEl,<6t<!·9=‘CI'iQ\10.a--.I-<,·2»75,’]2I25 neers_autl;orised·,.---»..s-,- 274, 1125 =deiic1ency.ap{!op¤·iatiocr£for4-,--;l’,ii. 1260