Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1732

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Gmmvi INDEX;. lliuis and Herbcrs Igsspreeqmmi `- · Biker 81\dHd'fb01‘| In•?¢0¤e·»•s’ ` nts-4-C0 td.5 has ""°"T.‘.?1*‘?.2“£‘£»’$,‘1'°I1'$»;*f»°“ 1..0; "°¤% M °"""“ °‘°" ‘*"£" ig}? M ‘· r 4; {_ 4 ]· Q" 4 --.L.ZL..---Q.:---..-;.LL»t`· · » 5 ect¤.é?;m.Le;;;;;&t’-:;--1291, 1142 gain- YG!'jM1011.;..Q-;--Q-- ` BUFVUY4 B0 ‘ ` 4 5 ---,.-;-1..-.-...;------ = termldukete --,1-;..- 5’--.;£ -29131142 5-;---; .... --5-----.;-- 1014 pmrenting- !m•1¤uadepZ•tts,i1`ew . -» ¤ ·> Monistow:(nN. Y .... - .... - t;----- 10141 f 1;~5¥0rk-barber,-is---’;---..;§v2`01,41142 San Joaq cgzer and =S1:oekt0u im; 0 ¥· Steals · · · r;;-I;';'-Q. ...., -- ‘ 4;- ebamqlléf 2.: 5, -~1»--5---‘»-----‘£-: 1142 4 veu·,%ali£- .... -4 ,.... 1014

o1·>¤oor!e¤n¤o!;4---1---%;;1·;,-- *1142 » San Pab1
»Ba;—» and Maze island 410144

- 0l'— =‘ hl “ ul'- Etral 4 ...... ,.-- ......... ` . ` **¥•yl§;•:B:.§;;;{4-t-;--1--::-1.;:. 5* Init €R1Vé;•?O¤1if1L4;- .......... 5 4 Lu IS *1*2;-2-.... 4 ‘· --4; .....- ----1 .... 4 limftetweoatyaand area·1ncreaned‘, San—!¥a;1o1bee,Ca1it-- ......... -·--· 1014 5— »» -o£ survey 4o£¤<*Denneue•`River » * Cres0entCity, Calif---·--; ........- 1014 · 4 andttibutiries- ..... -----Q .-.. ·—~D1 Umptgxs Harbor and River, Oreg--: 10 4 dei1c.1¤ney· nlfer1nq1ease;of Cops 4y50reg-----_----5-;-_--- .... 1014 4 com 44 ..-.. 1;.---;—---..- 190 Ol p1I,%aah-----------—:--- -..- 1015 ·· for-pay1%;eSi1¤s·!01*·eoB1s1e¤`dam- » 44 Wgpw ‘·»WaJt11-;-~-;‘-5;--- ....-. -4-- 1015 __ ages 4VQ|B1§ in----5-;,-...0-· .... 5 879 ‘- ’Grays-Iiarbor, Wash---------- .... 1015

 for- Eyment·<vo· Guest and·»g‘Lahes 5 Tolovana   Alaska---4 ...- 4 ..-.. 1 015

¤ 1 ntnetlng Ce ;--1--- 879 Ka_11u1u!Ha1· ,5Hawa11---1 -.-..- —- 1015 Work- 011* 5=Rlv•r,» · 5 Green Ba Harbor, Wis-- .-..... --- 1015 » Cena-ig-15:-1-;a.§--.*33;--4-- ~ 1011 _ Harbor geeen, Mich.; harbor et mm wa v 4 5 _ =· _ —-.,----_,.5-·.-=---’---1,- .-.. 5 _ ¥4Ba§’N4r§‘-?:-i;&;%.*--§---- Red·¥?:r,*I1at; $-11;, Okla., and 1015 ` · ,f v --·-- ` °x·~>••-·a------....,a-...-..Q'..- Hudsoui Rivet ehamrelvat ‘Weehaw— Yasoo River and tributaries, Miss-- 1015

 lien etc., N. 53-»15;~5-415-101.1--·-1.1- 1011 Pearl Harbor, Mins; and Le-------- 1015

gassaie itivéeri N. JR-ji;-T-1; -..- · games River, ego']---E-it-ES- 1015 BQ? “ Q5 L-.--4..---1. ·— 4 r, an Gill g ec u- Baltnn `·—»MdL¤;·;?------;1 -.-. ---- 1011 ~ - ` tariee. ----.------.-- -· ------.- 1015 iiyrpémltdiiillver, Va-’---‘-----;-- 1011 Cape Cod Canal purchase authorised; ewpore N Va _,_-------.---- » - 1011 » termed eontraet modined----- 1015

 Vw;--1 -----..-... 1011 amoun%auth0rlzed4te1·p11rehase; pay-
N~.1G-:----~--- .--.. 1011 5 * ment0fb0nda‘0£eom;;I:111y .-... 1016

~ Nensaand ’1‘re11t1tiver•, N. O- ...-. 1011 modlneation of reject for proving wagebwsypleaufort 40 Cape Fear _ ~1u1and wagarwayfrom Delawam

 River, Iéag-------;,-1 .--.....   Rlxeikgz Chesapeake Bay, Del. mm

T L•...·..-----·L.· ’ All ---..-..-..a-..-,-..`---....- ‘ Waeeamaw River:8. C -..------- ..- 1012 pre1lm1na1·yexamlnatl0ns,au1·vey•,et0., - `?1‘pa¤¤“““w£‘a;;:1&;:5i;i::;i:i:::41 13}% 1 .,01...4 "‘ "'21.K"$k1g;;2s&‘z1;;;‘;;.: ‘°‘“ waterway, Jacksonville to jliami, } 4 - ‘blddon-;· .-..- 1--..-4----‘--._--- 1016 _ - --.. -.---.4..-..-, l no supplemental xepozgtsg ,1016 0 ` `1012 ·we1·x {ummm man me pm-4 ` 5 1·.~°“*‘“=&.' ·--··-K ·—»—— ·—--— :2:2 —————·—·—L— 1::2 yah _ w`. •:-i_-h-••·••¤• _, V gm on r' V0 L.'-.1;;`. 4 Illttlai ` dwBayou; La-- -.--.-... 1012 5 Delaware l\1Pv?~,_1’0r hanue1 4 Bayou Bonfouea, La------ ........ 1012 ·· Philadelphia to like sen ..-.-...- 1017 Mississippi River,`Ca1ro to Head of — waterway from Cumberland Bound M<?PI»t|1§.§.----v-1---i6ai;-ii-»-\ 1012 ‘ Gaiand F1a.,to the Mlss1ss1pp1 1019 5 ver 1 5 0. · 12---- .--.-.-. ; ..-.-. ---- ‘ ilverl-------’--1-J 1012 5 GheatLakes,f0rsblp0hanne1s .-.. 5-- 1020 Louisiana and Texas Iatraeoasul r Colorado- River troutvork adjacent f {steamy, N•vr§)rleans,¥La.,to 1012 4 4 5 project, Aria. 1021 ‘ 5 · a ’La;[•4·.a#§j-1.•-• ' d ;...aa--...;;•..-......- ..... Sabin N••haa~W•¤t•rwa ‘·51‘e#--.511 1013 4 ~ · · 1 ‘ 0.1»£»¤em»u·1:E;1:-5-1 ..,, 1013 ·. ‘“’°°°°§,’i,‘;' “,,," ,,”“¤§f“°°-,p-,1,”*°’fm-*;§§"’i,§ V Mississippi River,} 1111.-;--- 1013 of Classincation" Act Mi¤•§l¤iv11£¤;§&f[5W*Q: M*¤•¤$¤*1 1013 . 4mu1m¤1¤ena¤e¤,vauea1a1--- 1021 am Klan. eaxiizaii 1013 f¤¤¤¤ *¤g_;¤¤r¤*¤ fg= g·;¤§§)·* r>¢=»5 ml Missourtklver, from m0uthtoQu1n- · °° Nwpmu Q -P y°°F" mae Bs¤aaaesze¤01sy,10n- 1013 ·y1¤¤y¤¤¤¤t¤ ¤M¤.5•¤ r•imb¤¤¤¤m¤¤t_f¤r Mm cm: and sem enough at - -$¤¤¤¤ i¤¤¤¤¤¢ i¤· wwe m1¤,·m ---. - --.---.-..-.-- - 1013 wl i¤¤r¤¤y¤ W be <>w¤d Ohio River, 0pe¤·w0rk channel medi- by G9¤¤1'¤1 A°°°\¤¤1F1¤¢ 0111%-- 1021 Y Ebd-;—;-’.QL.i-.L-.i .-...-.-. 1;.- expe11s<;>sbyciv1lianomplot{!ee;iinpi:t;{§r(;l- nQn. ' bony 4 5 a-- -.-.---- 4 5 ng, portlng e . ouse D?1lu hguparlor, M1}1¤.a¤d Wis --.- 1013 ~ `eiieets when mairing permanent Sheba , Wh;-, -.------ - ------- 1013 change of station, may be paid Illinois §v•r,»Ill -.--- - -----..-.--. 1013 from funds for .--....-.....-.. 1021