Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/190

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Fdr incidental and continingnt expenses, including new machinery and repaigsi net wastageiixr meltmg and refining department, and %[ , ggss 0831 ,e of sweeps arising from the treatment of bullion, "i`“°` 5, IY? *’ M , ·,·=i,· `%=» *w§e.>~.,--+=·_ ~t· ···= Z- i`»"7Y~~ ¢· = · »· ‘snA?1é1·Ln;was¤1mermN,asex¥<0rh<m f · " ‘>·— l¤,‘ ` ~Y` `·j!i'.}l;" $,,.L ‘ UZ (Qi fY`,Lf!..Y· ’ "` if  :'·;"Z $4* “°"“"· w““ ·· » Salaries :·.·For· oo¤¥ensatlon· oat oilieers>axid· employees, $19,680: .· For incidemtalfan contingent expenses, $5,000. · * ‘·‘‘ P“”"° ‘““"‘“"”‘ ` »‘PUB-LIG¤ BUILDINGS ,e§,?g’$,'§,‘§f‘ ·*"“’ ~ ’ onion surmmsxaterranourracr A A A J S·=¤·"*·*¤¤ mu; snmesz For uiesupewigmg Amhiéééi and other e£¤e¤¤1`¤m- izllimd aim Wm ices in the District of Columbia‘in#•ccordance with ‘PThe Classifi- cation Act of 1923," $274,440. A

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°“‘““‘f· mq "°" · and so forth: For ven— 0ECB,¤¥·¢ 'v° · { ,. . , ,,,,’2§‘“‘*°’°”"· P‘· · :Philad¤el·phia;·£E’ennaylv•nia, Uni ·St•tee.Mint: Forznew roof covering on<east"south,_and west wings,·$25,000i> · rx · ,,§,,‘}”,,,‘,,,,,I",,,‘}"* M°" ¢· Oustomhouse: 2Fer new>?tloor· ‘at;i:fourth· story level through court room, remodeling in other portions of the om M building and all necessary changes and regialirs, $55,000. ¤¤%Q·¤`i¤mu°1%p."°° Remodeling and so forth, 1publie;buil gs: ~ For remodeling, enlargg, and extending comp eted and occupied public buildings, inclu T g any { y and incidental additions to or changes in mechanical thereof, so as to provideor make available additional;-space in einergentcases, nottu exceed anraggregateozf $20,(I)0:at_any N iv · V ·»,V- N ·· i - · M“’°° "°’¥"““’· I l uauixm nosrrrans A L C°"m°· ***1 Carville, Louisiana, Marine Hospital Numbered 66: For improv- inglexisting facili1xies,@&,500. _, _ . Y op N" °'*°°°’·‘·°· ew Or eans, Louisiana, Marine Hospital Numbered 14: For V imgrovigg existmg facilities, $8,000. N" Y°"‘·N·`*· ew ork, New York, Marine Hospital Numbered 21: For imgroving existing facilities, $5 700. ’“""*“°*’°°·"'“'· an Franeiseo,l(§alifornia, Marine Hospital Numbered 19: For repairs to gutters and downspouts, $,000. » e F i