Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/380

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340 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. CH. 195. 1926. V°“’·*’¥‘·*°‘°·“’°° Governments of the States and Austria on August 24, 1921, and between the Governments of the United States and Hun ary on August 29, 1921,_and/pr the treaties of St. Germain-en-gay; and Triano respectively, including the, expenses which under t terms ofs. agreement of August 10, 1922, and the a reement of November 26,,1924, are chargeable in part to the United States; A¤>¤¤v•=¤¤¤¤·¤- and the expenses of an agency of the United States to perform all necessary services in connection with the prgparation of claims and the presentation thereof before said mix and tripartite com- missions, including salaries of an agent and necessary counsel and other? assistants and employees, rent in the District of Columbia ,,*Z§]°f,{f,Y°°°° ‘"°" contingent expenses, traveling e enses and Her diem in lieu of subsistence (and the Secretary ofxgtate may a ow (per diem in lieu of subsistence for foreign travel at not to excec $8), and such other expenses in the United States and elsewhere as the President may deem proper, $140,000. ‘ omrmun Am: armour. cmms coiumssiox, nxrrsn smrns Ann unxxoo C _Cmm° For the expenses of the settlement and adjustment of claims by the V°“"¥’9’m·"’°°· eitizenssof each country against the other under a convention con- ` cluded Slaipteznber 8, 1923, and of citizens of the United States against exioo under a convention concluded September 10, 1923, between the United States and Mexico, including the expenses which., under the terms of the two conventions, are chargeable in part to the

  • ¤°°°'Y°‘¥’°“'°- United States, the ex uses of the two commissions, and the expenses

of an agency of the United States to- perform all necessary services in connection with the preparation of the claims and the resentin thereof before the said commissions, as well as defending Sie United States in cases presented under the general conventioneby Mexico, including salaries of an- agent and necessary counsel and other assistantsand employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, rent, law-books and books ofreference, printing and binding, con- m§;}°ggf*>¤°° ““°"‘ tingent egxanses, traveling and subsistence expenses (and the Sec- ' rotary of tate may allow r diem in lieu of subsistence for foreign trave at not to exceed $8§Gand such other expenses in the United States and elsewhere as the President may deem proper, $850,000. INTENATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE yr run mom . “g·¤,*g;**_Bu°f*•** 8*~•“°· For the annual contribution of the United States to the Interna- — tional Statistical Bureau at The Hague for the year 1927, as author- V°’· °· P- *12- ized lyaapublio resolution approved April 28, 1924, $2,000, to be expen under the direction of the Secretary of State. , nrrnnxxrxoxu. nsumms commission ~I* _*`“*’°" _ For_ the share of the States of the expenses of the Interna- Btzrgfhe or United tional Ijisheries Commission, establirdied under the treaty between V.,,_,,,°;?w· the United States and Great Britain, concluded- Much 2, 1923, including salaries of two members and other employees of the com- mission, traveling and subsistence expenses (and the Secretary of State H13] allow r diem in lieu of su sistence for foreign travel at not towexqeed $8l)?p*urchasing ofrbooks, periodicals, furniture, and 80Il8Dt•l§_£.},lB$l}l'll!11BDiiB, contingent expenses, rent in the District of Columbia, and such! other exdpenses m the United States and else- where as the President may oem proper, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State, $28,500.