Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/477

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. C¤.’276. 1926. 437 POLICEMENAND FIREMEN’S RELIEF FUND ,,e{’,•£g;{**¤· °*°·· ”· To pay the relief and other allowances as authorized by law, a P""‘”°“”"°”*· sum not to exceed $450,000 is appropriated from the policemen and .5l'8i16h’B relief fund. U · FIRE DEPARTMENT ras mamma:. ssnanims For the pay of oliicers and members of the {ire department, in ““"'°'·°“‘°"·°*°· accordance. w th the Act entitled"§‘4l,nt‘:Act_._to ix the salaries of V°‘·“·°·"’°· oilicersand members qt the Métropolitanpolice force, the United States _ark,p1o1ice·jforce,·, and theirs department or the District of Oolunil£a," 825,4?$0. _ _` J V é§`3or$peggs3nai services in accordance: with the Classification Act of P¤¤¤¤¤l wow- · J Miscellaneous.

repairs and improvements ,to engine houses and grounds, b¤1§§i§§,{"* "°°‘i ‘°

Q Flor prepairsto apparatus and motorivehicles and other motor- B°P°*¤"°¤P¤°¤*¤*- driven apparatus, an for new agaijatus newlimotor vehicles, new gppliances, employment of mech ,`_ie§,b}ieipers, and laborers inthe e-department,repairfslio¥,‘and’£or°, Hepurchase eraswq supy A plies, materials,`equipmen , and ,800: Providéey t e‘ ¤,,°I.'Q‘{°,,;,¤,,,, ,, ,,,. commissionersare authofized, in their discrbtionyto build ortcon- ¥’°*’”“°P· struct, in whole or in part, firefighting apparatus in the t'ire·depart- ment repair shop. a.·“ ‘, ‘ _ 1 i mm For repair and improvement of `iire boat, $2,500. H I t‘1"‘;°i”’°t°" For hose, $22,000. · “ as °°°’ °°'° °` For fuel,`$35,000. . _ _ 2 , · com t For contingent expenses, horseshoeinggafurniture, fixtures, oil, mn °"°°”°°' medical and stable sulpplies, harness, blac _ ithing, gas and electric Iigéiting, {ia and ’ha yardsyand othernecessary items, $30,000. Q ‘ ‘ _ _ _ I t or g improves toilet and bathing acilities”in‘hoi1ses_:of T°“°“‘°“"‘°‘·°°°· the fire. department including necessari altera,tions,$20000.‘. i For traveling other bf, committee tcibb ap _irited, ¤.§°§hiK'$°°&`”i.ZJ;Z°§?1` by the Commissioners of the· ‘of“`Columbia‘ to I report u n the installation of a hi%14pressure water system in' the cong·esta§0high—va1ue section of the `of Columb @$3,000.- ‘ I Fermanent improvements: ‘ " *` · 0 " *”‘ ”‘,` ments; =°°·m°'°v°` For one aerial hook and ladder truck, motor driven, $15§500; 5 N"' °”°'°‘“’ $1For thréeg pumping engines, triple combination, motor driven, 1,000ea ; ” c e , I ‘ For three combination ‘chexnical`and hose wagons, motor driven, at $8,000 each; " ` [° ‘ " 2 v_ ` ’ a ` For one `automobile for the chief engineer, $3,500. * "* Q For repairs, alterations, and additions to the fire department·Shf)‘°°°‘”· °”°·· "°"“” regairshop, $11,935; I · V 1 ° q ` "_ p' or house site, furniture, and furnishin for an engine eompwg ,,§`{°'°°”‘*’°°Y"°"’°· to be located in the vicinity of Sixteenth g§treet and __ iney Brant :!I;¤<¤¤¤¤- noaa Noahwem ;¤¢1uamg~use manor uecessarg instalments for °*‘~¤*·““· receiving alarms: and connecting, said house wit ‘ Hrealarmthead- quiu·ters,1$§JT§'>25,‘-tto‘be.axgilm gm1%1§d%a§§ly"andh;o remain aévgli Pr iw abeunti 11928: ·r_ 'e,‘:a`i e urc·se`i*`iceo ie P,{’°g,, site Shan m¤yexéeea» me nm vane `assessmgntg last Eaaé more =¤¤- °° ”°°“’° °" purchase thereof plus 25 'per centunr thereof. ‘ —·