Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/502

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462 SIXTYTNINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cn. 277. 1926.

_ ing: Provided That said sum shall be expended under conditions to

mmm _m__ be prescribed bythe Secretary of the Interior for its repament to my “ the United States on or before J une 30, 1932: Provided furt , That not to exceed $15:,000 of the amount herein appropriated shall be expended on anyone reservation or for the benefit of an one tribe of Indians, and that no part of this appropriation shall ge used for “““°"°· the purchase of tribal herds: Provided further That the Secretary of —t e Interior ishereby authorized, in his discretion and under such rules rand regulations as he may prescribe, to make advances from this appropriation to Indians aving irrigable allotments to assist them m the development and cultivation thereof and to old, disabled, or indigent>Ind1an allottees, for their support, to remain a charge and lienragainst their lands until paid. m*;·Y¤¤,¤,¤* *,0%}; For reimbursing Indians for livestock whichrmay be hereafter Melia destroyed on account of being infected with dourine or other con-

 diseases, and for expenses in connection with the work of

eradicating and preventing such diseases, to be explended under such rules ainéloorieigulations as the Secretary of the terior may pre- W¤¢¤r¤¤vvhr· nnvnmrauwr or warm sU1>rn‘r ‘“°‘°“‘”* ¤"'·‘§,¥ For improving sp·rm` gs drilling wells and otherwise developing , tc., b - 9 7 i¤?e‘:¤i=¤~rir¤tdii>i¤¤- and conserving water for the use of Indian stock, including the pur- chase construction,»and installation ofpumfing machinery, tanks, troughs, and other necessary equipment, an for necessary investi- gations and surve s, for the ot increasing the available graz- ing range `on lan on Indianreservations, $5,000, to be P,,,,,,_ reimbursed under such rules anderegulations as the Secretary of the 0¤¤¤1¤¤¤- Interior may prescribe: Promkiad hat` the necessity exists on ap; Indianreservation so far as the Indians themselves are concern . P¤p¤s¤ Minn vii- ` For operation and ma·intena,nce»of.pumping plants for distribution ]°g°°° ofawater supply for Papa ' Indian vi lages in southern Arizona, N....,....,m. ““%J}°$’m"°“u$‘g°iiEh5§?i.?ia§i?¤°€°e as ap 1 f * ta N · W ,,,,_,;, _ _, _ aw r y- or _ avao

£r*¤¤¤¤ and Hop1 Indians on the Hopi Reservation and dbs Navagg, Pueblo

°° ° ' Benito, San Juan, and Western Navajo subdivisions of t Navajo Reservation in Arizona and New Mexico, $40,000, reimbursable out of mypmes of said Indians now or hereafter available. · N?§,°§’,*f’ L“"”‘“ "“d· `· For the sinking of wells on Pueblo Indian land, New »¤*¤¤¤*·¤•¤¤· Mexieo,‘to provide water for domestieand stock purposes, and for

 tanks, troufghs, pipe lines, and other necessary structures

for utilization o such water, $2,500. ‘ “_¤f*¢¤¤°¤ ¤¤¤ ¤¤*¤· ' * maroarxou nm onamnon = t,u°g',$§,lf°§:i,Y}",}"°lp,'§Z For the construction, ’repair,_ ‘ and maintenance of irrigation ’°°°°°¤ "=•°"•°*°°*· and for gzgrschase orrental of irrigation tools andapphances, watarirights, ditc ‘ “_ gand lands necessary for irrigation purposes for

 and allotments; for operation of irrigation

systems or a purtenances thereto when no other funds are applicable or available ¥or the iupose; for drainage and protection- of rrigable lands from damage by oods or loss of waterrights, upon the Indian irrigation projects named below, in not toexceed the following ,r,·;,s¤{·*¤¤¤¤ *° dk Tfrrigation district one: Colville Reseryation Washmgton, $13,000; _I1‘rigation‘ district l’t*wo: Walker River {Reservation Nevada, $4,500;*’,Westerh‘Shoshone Reservation, Idaho and Nevada, $1,500; Shiv*ii¢€·;U*¤h»v$§°°¢ 0 " T v ‘. "Irrigat1on‘distr1ct four:iAk Chin Reservation, Arizona, $4,000; Chiu Chui pumping plants, Arizona, $6,000; Coachella Valley •