Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/503

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,SIXTY¤NINTH CONGRESS. sm 1. @1.217. cme 463 ¥¤U¤pi11§3Pl411*¤S .C¤lif0mia, $3,500; Morongo Reservation, Cali- ornxa ,500; Pale and Rincon Reservations, Calibornia, $2,000-; miscellar , · ,, _ Irrigation r &t¤ct, iivesrilew Mexico Pueblos, $10,000; Zuni Reservation, New Mexico, $7,500; Navajo and Hopi,.miscel.laneous €v¤iii»d}i`iiI1ae1»eim°·‘°1#1·liI: `ii£{°‘ii’¤°;1i”r°li°‘&.},`.“é“,t,°°'».»,"*»'£¢ M°°=v’$°°£i - r ns e— iepos as

Bai l?olace•·Wasl1,$10,000; Southern Ute Reservation;

ora 0, , ; . L - For necessary_,miscellaneous expenses incident to the general "’“{‘“’“”“°“ °" administration of Indian irrigation; projects y including salaries of E-§·°;;i¤i¤r •¤· not to exceed »-five supervising engineers,,»:ior pay of one chief ' ` irrigation engineer, one amistant chief. irrigation, engineer, one supearieritlerggnt of irrigttigndcngmpetent upogwztlier rights, Tm B1 sm e pe one » accountan · or trave' g an inci ent ' * ‘· ‘ "‘ ofoilicials and employees of the Indian irrigation service, irigluding m sleeping-car fare and a per diem not exceeding $4 in lieu o subsistepocg lghsn actuallg7%0yed in the field and away from designa a quarters, · For cooperative stream with the United States Geolo `cal ,.€gi},°°‘§,‘i"‘*"° mm Survey $850· gl

 for iirigation on Indian reservations, not to exceed $155,000, $°:mb°'°°:°°'

reimbursable as provided in the Act of August 1, 1914 (Thirty- P;f’;·°‘ ‘ eighth Statutes at»Large, pa 582) : Provide , That no part of this Use sesame, appropriation shall expengzd on angsirrigation system or reclama- tionl afor which ehggblic fun are or may be otherwise mod I , mo avaxédlt;. Provltded rfurt d;81’l`li;t,the1fk:irego;rghamounll·:? apppg- ria orsuc . ses ~8V8»18 em cangeaym e giscretion of the gcreta of the Interior for the necessary expend- YY itures for damages by floods and other unforeseen exE1encies:,P1·o- “""“°°"· ended, however, That the. amountso interchanged sh not exceed in the aggregate 10 per centum ofall the amounts so appro nated. For operationand maintenance of the pumping plants mgujlgiw ¤·¤¤m· tipn system foxé tgie irrigation tri; tléelllangs of t I;d1Pima‘Indiar;s in mr1ma ni- t e vicinity to acatou on" ` a iver i `an rva ion j Arizona, $15,000, reimburzsable as grovided insection 2 of the Act of Aggust 24, 1912 (Thirtyeseventh tatutes at Large, page 522); or continuing the construction of the necessary canals and G,§*'°,{Q*{_§ y,•°°,$,ng{ structures to cariilthe natural dow of the Gila River to the Indian County 1¤¤d¤.etc· lanx of tllipglilacgver Reservation to public privtaht: Re t an in ' . untyw `zona, reim ursa easprovi in ¤°Ym°¤· Indian Appropriation ,,Act approved Mayo 18, 1916, $150,000, of V°‘·°°·¤·*°°~ which amount not to exceed $5,000 shall be available gfor by pnrenase or condemnation proceedings lands needed for necessary r1 te of way in connection with the econstruction of the proyect. s %0or construction of the Coolidge Damn across the Canyon of the ,,_§,,'j“_,ff,{‘°° R°°°"*‘ Gila River near-San Carlos, Arizona, as authorized by the Act of m0¤¤5¢_¤;M_:s¤¤g¤u: June-7,1924 (Forty-third atlbarge, gages`4 5_·and {76) mg?. andsunder the terms and conditions of, and reim _ provided _,$,,;_";,·_*;,}Z‘• in, said unexpendedégglancelof the for-rtlxa P~¢»»-M4- purpose r' year., is reap ropm e ava -· able for the fisgal year 1927: Provided Efhat no part of the money ,0, ,,,,,,0,,, herein reappropriated shall bwavailablerin the Bscal years ·1926 or ¤¢¤*¤**¤¥· 1927 for relocation of the railroad right of gwayl e · V . For continuing the-eonstruction of the necessary and .,·$${f,’,¥fi° Ri"' R°°` laterals for the utilization of water from the pumping plant on ,y§,’g$:,“*““ *"*¤““°° g §olora;loA;i1xier rigsegrvatigrig gaizona, as Esrovided in v¤¤.i¤.p.m. ct’o `¤4,e1 Ov `rty·si ’ tatutes·at¢· rge age 273), $5,000; and»for-maintaining and operating the pumpinglplant,