Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/940

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900 S1X'l‘Y—N INTH CONGRESS. I- Cas. 791-793. 1926. shall acquire the same by. momrggage foreclosure or otherwise, is hereby authorized and empow to exercxse the same as fully as y though conferred herein directly upon such corporation or person.

  • ““°'·“”“"“·~ Sm ,6,:The rig-ht,t,o alter, amend, or repeal thus Act is hereby

expmsslyereserv s Approved, July 3, 1926. ` .; »» _rr_ _ l_ _.,.............. . Iul 3, %. V ·A _

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__ __ »l*}U’i""'»L<k{* ~ J ` · . . "-X . * · . · , ;eBb=i¢»¤•nav¢ad—by.¢hcea9er¢4¤¢e.av¤i Home of Rapreaen.tat·iam of the ,,,§°"°“" P“"‘ S"' United State: n§EA:n¢rica»in Uoqsgrcaa aspen:-bZe¢i,¥,1That the Secretary wSg*·;°°yg°d· °*°-· gg of the Intenorjxs hereby authomzed to axd and assrst vnsrtors mthm mubsn mn the parks or national; monuments in emergencies and when “‘°“‘““°“""· no otbersouroe is ayai1•ble.for.the procurementeof food or supplies, byythsiysalc, ateost, of fo0d,or_supp11es.1n»quantities suihclent to _ enable, them toireach safel(v—a·p01nt where such stood or supphes can §Z$'Z`{§ssvsuab¤.;“ h04>u}‘ohaS¤d:~Provided,¤; hat the recegpts from suchysales shall be f¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤=¤¤Se¤- deposated as a refundlto t.he.appropm,atron: or ap§ro§r1at1ons current

 date of eoyermg rn of such de 0Slt an s all be avarlable

emma]. ;for,thegurchase.o£sim11a4·.iood orsupgiest ._ E,. _, __. __ -_ .,¤._,;,, .,,.,,%",°§.l’°,$¢ Sw.; . That the Secretary of the__ 61'1OP,;H1 hrs drscrstwn, 18

  • =‘<>‘¤°°d*°¤**¤¤¤· authorxzed to; pr0v1de,_0ut_o§ moneys appr0(§>r1aQd for the general

expense oi e SBY§lf#·}; national parks an » natmnal rnonuments

 attentrpn for employees of the .Nat1oua1_Park S6l'V1§£;lQQ8tB({

&tl,1S9lsi·ed,.S1t¤¤ti9¤$,eincludmg cha lmoy1ngy9fasuch.;em lpyees to d8·;ge¤°*¤¤*¤ °¤S¤¤°' hosp1tals`or other places.__where.medica1 aasxstance is ava5ab e, and ` ne e£nde¤¢1¤.¢e.remeve.¤hel.bediee ef deeeesed employees te the nearestiplace where they can be prepared for shnpment or for burial. · ;Appmxed,Ju1y 3, 1926. . g. A y »_, a. ———·-T? 7l9$·*···h¤ aa To amend 4009 or the a1=¢,ee1sedjsmu»m_ UEc itmmetedlby the Senate and House, ofvllepresentotivep of the §¤¤g*$;*¤:6® Kp. ggmtea of$A1neo•iva in —0ong:§va la.saa1r:.1bZed,fT5at sectnon 4009 m hmlémea. ' ` , no tee ‘ . tatutes is amen to rea use 0 Lows: _ p§Qz€§$ mm "“"' , 4009.;(a) Egreept asprovided in subdivision (`b),efo1· trans- M<;g;¤g‘¤;¤_;¤_g€1¤§fM·¤ gortanon of {hB»].I1&1B&<·]..) kietwjeen the grating or ‘ 1; . oraesor>p¤s¤e¤Si‘ onsan any. orengn coun ry * , ween. e m ee ‘_y_ gud its; or its naval or ;bI‘§)8d, mi A ~ ; Y!6011—>¤·By $110, POSSBSSIOR-·01` I1¤·V_,_ lQ!‘·; Wy ONES KW

 ether suclsiiaossessiolrn ornaval or nS;1.lita1§yhfog[<ies,t(§3eSPostmaste1·

° aralygmay, low int ecaseo ave _04t e ru V. tates com- pensation; n0t,in[e;cgss.ofe the amount of _the postage collectladpn ·F<>¤e1e¤ *¤¤*=· the ma11.tra.nspprtecl.0n;sug;h.yesse1, and m the,_case of. a forengn vem61,~_c0mpe¤§¤tmn not an pggcessiypf the seatransxt rates prescmbecl

 tune to; UI!18 bythe ,UI}1VBF$81 Postal Umon Cqnventwn. _ ,

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 ‘"· ‘   e.   e   me f etreeeeerfe z. weerxé e m .

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.iops`o1tits naval or mrlrtary »‘y. forces abroad. or betyveen any such

possession or naval or xmhtary forces and any other suchépossesslon