Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/997

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SIXTYANINTH CONGRESS. Snseqll. Cn. 27. 1927. 957 expenses of medical and other examinations, and includin not to exceed $2,200 for compensation of one actuary, to be fixed! by the ‘”°"‘”'°°"

 of Pensions with theapproval of the Secretary of the

Interior, and actual necessary trave and; other expenses of three members of the-Board of Actuaries, $76,000.


The ifollowmg" sums are ap ropriatedeout of the ecial fund iarinihgidigxiiom M in the Treasury of*thoiUnitedP States created by the ipctef June WL"' °‘m‘ 17kigl§;,§ designated "·the rec1amation·=fund,"- to be gv jnugdg { . — ’ . · , -; V » I . tion, $10,000;.and-othe1‘ip<;¤onal services ¤mC¤°Z°?,’§‘}¤.’°%i°¤'§'i? °”° in the District of Columbia in accordance with ‘€v _Classitication **"“· p·“*°· Act q£r1923,?’ $142,000; for odice expenses in the District of Columbia, $28,6I)0;»in‘·a1l,!$1“?~§i,0l)0; i c y _ e ’ _ v " · Mmdmm tmew ¤ For ex·penaes,e1geept·me1nbershil;> fees, of attendanee upon meet- nga ° ingso! an professional societies required in connection with ohoial work of the burea;‘ ·‘ ~ V e Mm V For al1¤expendituree“nutho ` by the Actof June 17 · 1902 me (Thirtyceoorrd Statutes, page »888),and Actsamendatory-tliereof '°‘ or sup lementary thereto, known as the reclamation law, andfall etlm- underwhich expenditures from said’ fund are authorized, Ohm I I , including nottto exceed $160,000 for personal services and $25,000 ` for other expenses in the oiiice of the Chief Engineer, $25,000 for telegraph, tp ephone,Jand¥;other communication service, $8,000 for photographing and phogzgrapluc prints, for per- sonshserviees; and $10s000‘ or oth expenses in the field legal otlices · examination of estimates for appropriations inthe Held; refunds of overcoi1eetio¤s¥¤*and’·idepc~sits for other purposes; `ncitfto exceed $20,000 fpr·lithographing,jengraving,printing, and bindingi;’_pur· chase of we; purchase of rubber boots or onieial use by emp oyees• maintenance and operation of horse-drawn and motor-propelled passenger-car1·yinge’vehielesT;not‘toiexceed`$50,000”for purchase of mm H mm horse-drawn and motor-propelled passen '·earrying_vehxcles; pack- Oiempngiésig ° in , crating, and transportation (ixicluggig dr:gage)"o‘f‘ " nal ‘ eilgects ofemployees upon permanent- change of ` tion, - Iations to be-prescribed bythe Secretamof the1Interxor;' payment of damages caused, to the owners of lan or other rivate property r,,P"““'°° ‘° "'°"°" of any kind lsyreason of the operations of the lfiiited Srtates, its omcers or émp eyees, in the suxfgg, construction ’opel*ation,;ortmai11- tenance of irrigation works, ` "which may cont iromised by agreement between the c1aimai1t·and‘the Secretary of ghefliiterior, or sueh oilieerssas he may designate; payment fonodicial teleplhone serviceiine Held hereafter incurred in ··of,’oiHcial‘ telep ones installed ixrprivate houses when authorized iunder re' flations estab- liehed¤by·the»Seeretary‘of thelnteriort ,P·ro*videJ;"Eizt no _art· of;P.{mi°°‘{°"°,, mm, saidappropriations may be used fordnaiutenance of time garters b•°°¤“°'*°”· for thef Buu1;eéag1mof11g.etp1aur;it;§pn'outside p;rC·;olh1;mbia Mmm mud ex tor `< oe-oi eiciteng1neei"i`r: rmzidé} pi rz i tthe °° “¤°°·

 or the?Interio1*_in his administration ol?] the liureauiof mmrmpl N"

Reclamation is to contract 'for inedibal attention and servl iee`~fo1· necessary ay deduetionsagreed to bylthe empleyeea"thereiforr,lPro_vzded Hiwr, That any mone s ,,,2;d‘},§,‘§‘,§’$,{.‘;,,é;‘}j whic may have or m§%_l§e‘herea§Eterp'advinoed, fgr ¤P€!‘¤*i¤¤,;·¤H<¥`¥¥i¤**1*°¤§¥¥%°¢i df ¤¤%i*;iIé, IFC? l°1‘ **113* diYiSl<>¤ Pf ¤ project shall be cdvéred into the ma*ti6n_ifund and shall be avail- able jor'expenditure*‘for the purposes fo1·‘which_advanee€l in like

 as ifsaid funds hadbeen specifically appropriated for said

pbrposesz Provided fufthér, That nopart o any sum provided for