Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1284

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2696 INDEX. Chesapeake and Delaware Inland Water- Plle l Chicago, Ill.—C0ntinued. · Pue- way, i additional buildings, marine hospital plans for improvement of, modiied---- 1016 [ _ at, authorized ............ ---_. 632 Chesapeake Bay, bridge authorized across lake Michi- bridge authorized across, from Balti- an, opgosite Chicgc River, by mare County to Kent County, 00 gcguth ark and neoln Park 7 -- ........................ 11 mmissioners- .............. - pre1imiharyexamination,ete.,of,wat4zr- may bridge Calumet River, at One way fro.:} '1`angier Sound, Md., uudmhundrled ax;} fxtwtreet-B .... E 976 to bem e ..... - ............. 1017 b ` ' gaut ori; or troit, ranc project for improving waterway from of Federal Reserve Bank of .... 253 Ch Delano; Rivezvto, modified---- 1016 granted till govertnhment negserslgcnary esapeakeB ridge on ny, rigts pu 'cgroun ,e .,in may bridg:yChesapeake my between Fort Dearborn addition .... ---- 390 iialitimore and Kent Counties, 1100 Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Rail- .... - ..................... way mapaay, acquisition authorised by Maryland, lease extended of, in Range Livestock etc., after eompletion ......... - 1100· Experiment Station in Mon- Chesnutt, Jane (widow), _ tana ........ ---r .... 1--_- -_--1 711 pension moreaauil ...........,....... 1548 time extended for bndgig Mississippi Chess, Susan H. (widow), River, between nt Paul and pension increased- ................. - 1924 _ Minneapolis, Minn., by- --.-.-- 136 Chester, Mary E. (widow), Chick, L., pension increased --------.---------- 1858 pension increased ..-.....-....-..- -- 1588 Chestnut Street NW., D. C., Chickarnauga and Chattanooga Military highwav croaing of, over tracks of Park, _ _ Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, - appropriation for eontinumg estab- to be forever closed upon crea- lishment of ..-.-..... 1 ...- 289, 1139 tion of the Fern Street viaduct- 1354 memorials allowed Spanish War Chestnut Tree Bark Diaeaae, veterans who were encamped sppropriatio(;nds£<;r inveqtigating nevgm 985 sd finE---H]--_.& ............ 289, lm meth contre , etc ----.- , e o o , au one .............. Che ont, J ' (widow), Chickas Ind' ns, Choctaw and, pgrzzion--i f --------------.--.--- 1940 apprnrilpliiiatiotir for per caggta payments Cheu·ing_Tobacoo, _ _ _ to, from trust fun .-..---. _475, 954 provisions relating to, m Revenue het- 88 Chickasaw (see also Five °"‘”°""‘6‘1’£ "“"°"°‘ """‘“‘ ”°""‘°" .ppmp$1i‘$f.°°i..- °§Lz...t. of sit. appropriation for maintenance, etc.,72 952 grigthin coal and asphalt arezao 941 0 .-.---.......-.--- - -.--.. 4 , .... - .............. . ..... , Cheyenne {nd Arapahoe Indians, Mont., for tribal school;) -.---- ig .--.... :23, gi . m-th , or governor, a rney, e - . --... , appropriatiogltor ---.-.-.--- - ----. 473, 952 for common schools .--...-.--. -- 471, 951 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indiana, Okla., for equalization of allotments, etc., appropriation for support, ete -.-.-. 474, 954 _ from tribal funds- 1 ........... 954 Cheyenne Indians, suit of, in Court of Claims, may be time extended for filing separate suits brought singly or separately on in Court of Claims by,rssiding in one or more claims- ...-..--.-. 568 tYyoming, Montana, and Okla- 764 Ch; ipinhtélyoiiitéh Choctaws --.------..-- 568 oma ..-.... - ............... ic , ., Che enne River Agency, S. Dak. of °°“"t it- jr --—·—-·-··-—-——· 409 agpropdrztion for support, ethz., of Ing.,4 954 Uma ggncu (unaew), 1581 ` ns at -..--...-.-..-----. , _ -—-·--—---·-—------ Cheyenne Indian Reservation, S. Chwf J“°§;°“§£ gw, ,S“p'°m° Cm": °f uw per capita Ipayment from tribal funds :'§pr°p§°?§: f°r‘l ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 344* 1%% W ’¤·*·¤· 0* —--—-——·--—--—--- *389 c1~f`5}'1z-1q»»ee--,1»>»2,;, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Chicago and North Western Railway Com- sppmprgaticn for prmting md bind, _ P°”U» , _ , ing under --.---...-----.-- 255, 1107 b¤d8° ¤¤'°“ Fu R“'°1'· ln l for civilian personnel, ofliee of, War T¤w¤¤¥¤¤,f¤1» by» lee, 1009 De mm -------..- - .--- 214, 1124 Ch_ glundee ¤w¤¤h¤p» I -. by--- 6 contmi ownuzgggdot golumbia pun; wage ., s s m un er ro aprrdpriation for passport bureau- 331, 1179 lhiblic Buildings, etc., in place or post otliee, etc., repairs ...... 150, 1041 of .--.-.-....-------..-----.- 835 for Confetdgyrate Mound, Oakwoggg 1139 made 2) ufmber g) National Capital 375 ................. , ar etc. mmissi -...-.-. deficiency appropriation for marine hos- named on Board of Commtigsionem of ‘ pital building ....... .. --...... 870 the Soldiers’ Home -.......-.-. 499 for marine hospital buildings, repairs, Chief of Finance, Army,_ _ _ etc ---...---.-----...-.---... 873 appropriation for civilian personnel, for site for post office building; limit Oilice of, War Department-- 260, 1111 of cost increased; contracts au- named on Board of Commissioners of thorized ----..-.--..----..--- 873 the So1diers’ Home --.--------- 499