Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1442

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2854 1N1>Ex. Michigan Avenue NE., D. C.-—·C0ntinued. Pete- `Mileage, Civilian Pose. viaduct etc.; on completion of, highway provisions of Subsistence Act of 1926, M ch ggtde forever,cl0sed---- 1352 Egan to laws specifically i i an ' . . g ra 0 4 ............... 689 plags for igiprovigig, harbor m0d15ed-- 1014 _Mileage, Marine Corps, ` Michigan Eastern J icial District, · appropriation for oflicers without deficiency apgropriation for judgment troops _....... - ..._.___..,, 611, 397 o ,fp)r nds taken for temporary 881 expenses only, if on Governmeng 7 use Arm ......... --, .... V. , vessels .................... 11, 89 additional digtrict gidge authorlnedfor- 1380 Miles, Eunice M. (widow), Miclcle, Maria L. (widow), ` ’ ' pension increased ................... 1582 pension increased ....... - ........... 1934 Males, Frances C. (widow), I»Iiddaugh,_Sarah (widow), Mpension increased ..... - ........ . .... 1823 pension increased .............. , .... 1643 iles River, Md., Middle Rliro grande Comenxmcy· Dutnbt, · examination, etc., cf, to be 10 7 . ea:. — _ ‘ ...,,_................. 1 , rgconnaissance,dire0t6d with, on lands Mae, Sarah ia, (widow) of Cochiti Indians etc., as to 3 pcgdou iuc,.c”cd___._’ _______ ___ _____ 1653 irrigation thereof etc-, ..... -.;-- 1098 Ma Sh _ distribution of expenditures ...... ·-r- 1098 » m€’· b """‘“”· t t 1499 designation of engineer to represent _ }m “”°¥“°'¥ ° ········· · •··•·•··· · departmentin preparingdpllansn 1098 Mlhlafv 4¤¤{i¢m!/ M d;pi%burseg1$1? from Indian ds- -- 1098_ 0·PP!0D;'l1f·!:¤;)<i;1iD i01‘ 0 Ipsgu (gf proigsgers, ' e iv r i . V s G mE` q °

r ’ eganiination, etc., of, to_be 1020 10 mlelxf-; -----------· o ---- ggg.

....... - ...... · .......... ¤80V Y ---·-~---------·--- , Middleton, AEM (widow), 1 1902 P fo subshgprzczamtgowmw ........ gg, ‘ ‘ __________ o _________ r pay e .............. Mgszzgguawriltfmc Bridge Corporation, for civilian employees ......- ,-- 280; 1130 bridge authorized across Big Sandy disbursement and accounting as tltoivigr fromwCa`t1ettsburg, Ky., 213 usme fun&.1 .... J .ii.Kt.£(;E-£ 280, 1130 enova, ·. a--; ......... q e an g _s ruc- acquisition of, authorized after com- tors_iri lanéuages and tactics 280, 1131 pletion, by West Virginia, Ken- for maintenance; designated egéo 1131 t k t .................... 213 nses .................... Midshipmgs, for lgicard of Visitors-, ......... 280; 1131 approppliation oa mHeagt¢;rifrom1`}heiri for pxpnstructing designated builéigo 1131 n n n ‘ ava ...................... , A(::;1c?:rr1i1;e?&c--f ...... € ....... 5 95 surpigde material, tools, etc., to be entrance to aval Academy , not ex- fumished for construction, in- cluded candidates, whose twcn- struction, etc .............. 280, 1131 tieth anniversary of birth in leaves of absence to construction Ariril 1 of the calendar year of ,1248 P empl0yees-;l;i%Eé&-;;i£li--%- 82181, 1131 en rance ..................... ure pe ou - restriction on admissions subsequent to _ vertising .... Z ............. 281, 1131 M C Janugryz 13, 1926. .... , ..... 604, 1287 deiicxenicy appropriation for main- 190 , 'eit ' . ‘ » enance ___,, -- .__,__,,__,____ iierigiggftt __________ ’ _______________ 1 519 admission authorised of_two Siamese Mimin, Bella (widow), subjects to, conditions, etc ..... 914 Mpengiou increasedq ___________,_____ 1564 amount mautliorizeldtc for constructing 391 ’ az` P 0 cers ua rs ..... - ....,... 1 girnvtgirtgn :it1'1ut,¤liibpi:i;:;>d to trlegulate, 2361 appointm§e;;i(t;of(%1`h0mas G. Peyton cor- 1488 ,_,__, rec ....................... Migratory Bird? es A por . civilian instructors in departments of proclamation prescribing additional reg- modern_languages and tactics to ulations for protecting ......... 2579 be furmshed quarters, etc ..... 1094 Ga B d; 2605, 2609, 2614 departmestbpft econgpgilpg, lgégprnment, 703 M` ator me ir etc. ` an ’sorye s n ...... itgprogriation for enfoizcing law pro- a pointment of professor for ..... 703 tecting .......... - .......... 520, 995 of English and history changed to Milam, Dudley, alias Dudley Milem, department of English. ........ 703 nsion ............................ 1931 present head- transferred to depart- Millzham, M attic J. (widow), _ment of economics, etc ........ 703 pgnsioih increased ......,............ 1967 longevigy play nottallowlexd cggicers Maw or ime a or ava emy apprgprilitrigh for officers, etc-- ..... 259, 1110 after August 24, 1912 .... . ..-- 257 limitation if on Government vessel number of cadets increased forty-, 704 not charging transportation fare 259 appointment of sons of 0 oers, sol- deliciency appropriation for officers diers, sailors, and marines who M_ eitc .... N .... Ec 190, 193, 883, 886, 1259 were killed, etc., during World 704 ileoge rm a . ar ......................... provisions uior '/gihcers, under Pay equal division among sons of odi- 111 Adjustmengu Act caf #92% .... 1 -E 680 cepgi and sops of waarant oiiicers, 704 o ex nses ow or rave so ers sai ors an man es--- yrllagia and outside continental permanent prolfessor at, to be prolinoted limits ............... - ........ 680 to colonelcy ..............,,__ 328