Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1456

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2868 mnnx. N ational Banks-—Continued. Peet National Cemeteries—Continued. Paso. time and savings deposits may be appropriation for disposition of remains received by .................. 1233 of oiiicers, enlisted men, citizens, interest rate not to exceed that al- etc.;removals ........ - .... 288, 1138 lowed banks under laws of the segregation of bodies in American State ............. - .......... 1233 cemeteries, Great Britian, and capital stock shares at $100 each; less France ,.....,_..._,_,____ 288, 1139 amounts allowed .............. 1233 for Confederate Mound, Chicago, rights, etc., to transferee ........... 1233 o Ill- - ; ..,..,.,_,_.,..____. 288, 1139 directors required to be citizens, and to for Confederate burial plats, care, have designated residence ...... 1233 etc ............ - ....... .. - - 288, 1139 minimum ownership of stock by, for burial of indigent ex-soldiers etc., specified- .................... 1233 in Hot Springs Hospital at Little office vacated if ownership ceases, etc- 1233 Rock, Ark ....... J ...."... 289, 1139 National Bison Range, Montana, for monuments, etc., in Cuba and appgpriation for maintenance ...... 519, 995 China __._____.____,______ 289, 1139 N atio Capital Park and Planning deficiency aplpropriation for headstones Commission, D. C., . for so diers’ graves ..... 190, 886, 1260 appropriation for expenses incidental to for expenses .......,.,..,.________ _ 190 development of .park and play- for Arlington Memorial Amphithea- _ group system- ............... 1330 ter, etc ,...........,........, 879 limitation on purchases of sites- -- 1330 acceptance of tablet commemorating additional from unobligated _ba1- designation of Memorial Day to ances of other appropriations-- - 1330 ‘ be installed in Arlington -..-.. 755 purposes designated for establishing--- 374 superintendents, eligible to provisions composition of; ex-oilicio members; ap- of Act for retirement of civil- pointive members. .....--.--.- 375 service emplo ees ..--......... 906 qualifications and terms of appointive National Conference ofy Commissioners on members ...- - --......-.-...-. 375 Uniform State Laws, no compensation for service on, but appropriation for aid to ...-....--. 424, 1304 expenses for subsistence and N ationa Currency, travel allowed---· .---..---.... 375 appropriation or expenses, redemption appointment of Congressional Mem- of, Treasurer’s Office ..-..-. 142, 1033 bers at the close of a Congress- 375 for expenses, Omce of Comptroller of Director of Public Buildings and the Currency ,..-..- · --...-- 142, 1033 Parks, etc., to be executive and National Defense Act, 1916, Amendments, disbursing oilicer of ...-.--.... 375 Air Corps created ...-..--.-..-...... 780 details of plans, etc., to be prepared and retirement pay of ofhcers appointed at recommended by- ...-....-.... 375 over 45 years, if retired for disa- cooperation of departments, etc- .... 375 bility, to receive 75 per cent of provisions for cooperation with Mary- active pay at that time .---... 564 land and Virginia ..--..-..-.-. 375 supplies, etc., to National Guard ani- employment of technical experts, etc., mals fumished the Government- 673 by, authorized ...-...-........ 375 owned or hired by the State --..--. 673 not subject to Classification Act .-.. 375 help for care of, etc. ;for heavier-them abolishment of District Highway Com- air squadrons -...--.-...-.-.. 674 mission, and transfer of powers, assemblages of Natlonal Guard for in- etc., to ._,_........,_,,.,._.. 376 struction by detailed Army offi- authorig) of National Capital Park cers ..-. - ....--. - .-..- ' ......- 674 mmission transferred to ...-. 376 pay etc., while attendmg ...--.-... 674 approtpriatlons for, made available-- 376 attendance of selected members of Na- National apital Park Commission, tional Guard at Army service appropriation for expenses -..-...--.. 449 schools -.-.--.--..-...- - ..--- 674 de ciency appropriation for oilice per- at mihtary posts for training, etc -... 674 sonnel ............_,..,.,.,._ 170 · to receive pay, etc., of Army ....... 674 powers, etc., transferred to National accrued pay, etc., allowed prior to Capital Park and Planning Com- departure from post etc ..--... 675 mission ..... - -.-....-......-. 376 becoming sick in line of duty, to have appropriations made available ...-.. 376 pay ..-...-..-..-......--.... 675 National Cgfrital Public Buildings and pay of armory drill for less than 60 per P ic Parks Ogce (see Public cent thereof, validated- ....-..- 675 Buildings and ublic Parks of schools for adjutants general held in the National Capital, Oflice of). District of Columbia M’ay, 1924, National Cemeteries, and March, 1925, deemed au- appropriatlon for maintenance, etc- 287, 1138 thorized -........-....-..-... 675 or superintendents .-.--..-.-- 287, 1138 payments for, validated ..-....-.-.. 675 for Arlington Memorial Amphithea- Enlisted Reserve Corps; composition ter, etc.; cemeteries abroad- 287, 1138 0f.. ......---.--.-.....-...... 705 for repairstoroadways;restriction- 287,1138 periods of enlistment; with World roads limited to one approach-- 287, 1138 War service -......-....-.-... 705 for headstones for sol iers’ graves, persons eligible; age limitation ex- etc ..........--.-.....-.-. 287, 1138 tended for railway operation for Antietam battle field; superin- units --.-.-.---...-..-..--.-. 705 tendent .-...-..........--. 288, 1 138 continuance of service in time of war- 705