Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1553

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INDEX. 2965 Quartcrmaster Corps, Army—Continued. Pnse- Quartermaster General ’s Ofiee, War De- P¤¤¢- appropriation for rent, District of Co- partment, lumbia ................... 265, 1116 appropriation for civilian personnel- 266, 1117 not available if space provided in technical experts, etc ......... 266, 1117 Government owned buildings 265, 1116 Queen Insurance Company of America, for Fort Monroe, Va .... - ....... 265, 1116 redemption of lost certificate of indebt- for post hospitals, construction, etc.; edness of ..................... 1486 restriction-- ............... 266, 1117 Queer, Catharine (widow), for civilian personnel, Quartermaster pension increased- - -- ..............- 1854 General’s Omoo ....-.....-. 266, 1117 Quicksilver Deposits, etc., for supplies, etc., to units of Reserve provisions for leasing of, to grantee of OHicers’ Training Corps .... 284, 1134 private land claim, when right for supplies, etc., to other schools and thereof not conveyed by the colleges -..........-....-.- 285, 1135 grant, etc .......-............ 710 for rifle ranges, etc ...--.--..--. 286, 1139 Quigley, orcas (widow), for national cemeteries- -.-...-.. 287, 1138 pension increased ......-........-..- 1516 for headstones for so1diers’, etc., Quigley, Eliza G. (widow), graves -.....-.........--.. 287, 1138 pension .-.-...,-_.-..-..-...-..--.. 1572 for Antietam battle Held ....-... 288, 1138 Quileute Indians, Wash., for disposition of remains of officers, lands adjoining, Makah Reservation, enlisted men, etc .--.-. - -... 288, 1138 Wash., set aside for Makah and- 614 American cemeteries in Great Quinaielt Agency, Wash., Britain and France- ........ 288, 1139 appropriation for support, etc., of deficiency app{opriation for Hot Springs Indians at ................. 475, 954 Ark., ospital --........-..--- 182 Quinaielt Indian Reservation, Wash., for Waiter Reed Hospital, Washing- deficiency appropriation for water sup- ton, D, C ____________________ 182 ply for Tahola on -......-..... 855 for additional land, Camps Custer, amount authorized from funds of In- Dix, and Grant ,.,----.-..,-,- 182 dians of, for constructing water for subsistence- ......... 190, 193, 877, 883 supply at Tahola ............. 303 for regular sup lies ..-... 190, 193, 883, 886 payment authorized from tribal funds ’ for clothing amllequipage- 190, 193, 883, 886 of Indians of,_ for road from for transportation, etc ....... 190, 883, 886 _ Tabola to Moclxps ............ 135 for incidental expenses- ..-...... 190, 1259 Quincy, Ill-, _ _ _ _ _ for inland and port storage facilities 190 may bridge Mississippi River ....-...- 1055 for general appropriations .......... 190, Quincy, Mass., 193, 883, $86, 1259 deficiency appropriation for memorial for supplies, services, and transpor- t9·bl€tSt0 01111 and John Quinn? tation ........ 190, 193, 883, 886, 1259 _ Adams at._ ................... 182 rm- barracks and qumm-iso, ssa, ssc, 1259 Quinlan, Cgcclw (widow), for water and sewer systems at mili- pension increased ................... 1670 taiéy posts- .-........-.......- 190 Quinn,_Ann (widow), for roa s, walks, wharves, and drain- pension increased ................... 1625 age, .-...-.....-....--- 190, 194, 883 Quinn,_Anna F. (wuiow), for sites for military rigsts ............ 190 pension increased ................... 1551 for Reserve 0ii’icers’ raining Corps, Qwvm,_Jvhn (8071), — gupplies_ _____________________ 190 pension- - - -..... . .--.-.-.....-....-, 1 719 for headstones for soldiers’ graves- 190, 886 Q‘¤¢mn»_S¤*‘¤h C- (widow), for national cemeteries ............. 190 pension .-......................--.. 1571 fordispositionof remains of officers, etc. 190 Qu”mr_W¤}¢¢" D-, for ferry boat; reappropriation from pension,-, ·-....................-.. 1592 Army transportation, 1926 _____ 877 Ouinn,_William E., for Camp Knox, Ky., water supply; QBUSIOD .-......... T ................ 1820 {gg pygpyigfjgn _______________ 877 O’wL1lf61;, Rqbccml B, (widow), for roadg, Fort Canby, Wash ....... 877 P¢¤S10¤ lncwnsed .....-.-...--...-.- 1905 for erection of memorial to Virginia Dare -.......-...--.....-...- 877 R_ for Scott field, Ill., purchase of right of way- .....-...-..--..-.--.. 878 R Street NW., D. C., for shooting galleries -.........-.-- 883 appropriations for pavin Thirty-fifth for horses for Cavalry -..-.-...-... 886 to Thirty-seventhgStreets; from for replacing regular supplies of the Ipasoline-tax fund ...-.....-... 1306 Army .......-......-.-.-.-.- 886 Rabbes, enry, field clerks to be appointed warrant pension- ---..------.-.....-.------- 1591 oiiicers -..-.--...-----.-..... 328 Raber, Isabelle B. (widow), service credit counted ......-.....- 328 pension ..--...-.--..--....---.--.- - 1574 transfer to Bureau of Standards from Rabies, incidental expenses, sum for re- appropriation for suppressing, by de search work ....,,---,,,...,,- 877 stroying certain predatory ani- Ouartermaster General, Army, mals ----..---.-----..--..- 519, 995 named on Board of Commissioners of Rackham, Harriet D. (widow), the Soldiers’ Home- -...-..-..- 499 pension --.-..-----..--.-.-----.---. 1898