Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1587

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INDEX. 2999 Seminole I ndians, Okla.-·Continued. PHG- Senate—·Continued. _ Pue- suits of, in Court of Claims, may be deficiency appropriation for designated brought singly or separately on services to committees ........ 841 one or more claims- ............ 568 for pages- ........................ 841 Semmcl, Louisa (undow), for impeachment trial of George W. pension increased ................... 1722 English ............ _ .......... 84 1 Senate, for motor vehicles for mails, etc .... - 841 appropgigtion for compensation og 46 Flfor kigflegnslnntd) resiijaurantgi -6 ..... 841 nators .................. 5 7, 11 'nanci er , ac as 's ursing for mileage .................... 537, 1146 omcer, on death, etc., of Secre- for segzretary to the Vice Presidergté,7 1 47 E Setary of-? .... ...... 6 .... :6; 762 e c ....................... , 1 ve nators, rom mance ommi for Chaplain .................. 537, 1147 tee of to serve on Joint Taxa- for Secretary, Assistant Henry M. tion Committee- .............. 127 ROR, <>1¤¥`k¤, GW ---—---—--- 537, 1147 four Senators to be appointed on Sesqui- for Chief Clerk; duties as reading Qsnisnrnni of American Inde- ¢161'1i ---·-·----·--·-·----- 537, 1147 pendence and Thomas Jefferson for superintendent, etc., of document Centennial Commission ________ 327 mom --~—--·—-——----—--··~ 538r 1147 joint meeting of and the House of for clerks and messengers to com- Repreeenteftivee February 22 mdtdes -----—---·--··-··· ·· 538· 1147 1927 to receive Presidents preparation of Senate Manual- 539, 1148 address on proposed George for clerical assistance to Senators not Weehine-een bieentenniei eeie_ girmsn g gcimmittsss spsciggg ,,,,8 brsiion ______________________ 1987 y provi e or ..-...---. , . . _ authority as clerks of commit- 1`°°°nv°“";,§, 1;% i1;;é1°nZ€d tm N°v 1986 rss, ...................-.- ssa, 1148 , °m F · ——----~---·---· for additional clerks to Senators- 539, 1148 ¤¤1¤·¤€S of 0H'10*'=‘·¤`¤ and €mlZ1°Y€°·$ Of, pay continued for one month, of for D¢<>€mb¢1‘ to be Pwd D€¤€m· clerk to Senator or Represents- ber 19, 1925 —·---—-----—-·—·—- 1 tive dying during his term; D°°°mb°1` 2d» 1926 ----·---·-······ 923 standing committees excepted- 1148 three Senators to serve on Vermont _ for Sergeant at Arms and Door- Sesqulcentenmal Commission-- 652 k9€P€!', 9·$S1S1>9·¤li$, Etc --·---- _ 539, 1149 three Senators, members of the Seven- for police force, Senate Oflice Buxlgio 1149 tigtli Qoéigress, tgt? appeinted 1118 -—-----·----~----··-·-- . on om eommi on arri- for Postmaster, etc -..------.-.- 540, 1149 mars Ggggrgphic Code sySwm__ 1455 for foreman, etc., folding room--- 540, 1149 Swain Manual, for contingent expenses; stationsgyio 11,,9 appropriation for preparing .,-..-- 539, 1148 atc ·-—--·--—--·---·——···-- » · Sgnaie O gg Building, f°1` Pdstagc ¤¢emr¤ -····· , ······· 5411 1149 approigiation for olice force -----. 540, 1149 for motor vehicles for mails, etc-- 540, 1149 for kitchens anfrestaurants _____ 540, 1150 fc? 8“t·0m°b11° for Vice P1`°S1' for elevator conductors -.--...-. 546, 1155 111*111* ---—-—— 1 ---·——- 1 ··---· M01 1149 for care, etc., of grounds- .------ 546, 1155 f01‘ f01d1¤g m8t¢l'l8·lS; folding .... 540, 1149 for maintenance _______________ 546, 1156 fm-` f1181v,6t° -·-- --3 ----—--—----- 540v 1150 for furniture, equipment, etc _______ 546 f°!` f¤!‘mW!'6» NP”·“`¤» 61**-- ---·-- 5*111 1150 deficiency appropriation for subway for packing boxes -----------.-- 540, 1150 ears, repairs, ere ______________ 848 for rent of document warehouse-- 540, 1150 for furniture, carpets, sin, for new for miscellaneous items ----..-.. 540, 1150 suites _______________________ 843 for inquiries and investigations--- 540, 1150 for eernets _______________________ 848 for reporting d¢b¤t¤¤ -—--—----—— 5401 1150 for an additional three-room guite__ 1250 for kitchens and_ restaurants ----- 540, 1150 Smaiors, d°d°1°“?Y dpprdpmtldd f°1` °°mp°°s8` appropriation for compensation -.-- 537, 1146 151011 of S€D8tOI'S, 1925 .... .. ..... 161 for mileage 537 1146 for 1926 ‘‘‘’' ' ‘‘'‘‘‘'‘‘’‘`'‘ i` 161 for clerical-assistance-td-11731;- their- 1 for compensation of the Vice Pres1— men of eemmittee; epeeiiieeiiy dedtv 192*7% 1926 ········ r ····· 161 provided for-- ---- ; .----.-- 539, 1148 M W¤d°W 0* Mem M°C°¤m°k-—-— 162 for additional sinks at s1 520 a for widow of M- La Fouetw- yBai."_______—___·_----1-_ for widow of Selden P- Spence? -·-·— 162 deficiency appropriation for compensa- for widow of Samuel M. Ralston --.- 162 tion 1925 1926 _____ 161 far W1d°w of Edwm F- Ladd ···· ···· 162 for compensatiom foririerappropria- for daughter of Albert B. Cummins-- 1250 time eveiiebie ___ ____________ 841 for widow of Bert M. Fernald .---.. 1250 S J. h ` for inquiries and investi%ations .-..-- 162 6””e· . 2, ni 1596 for automobile for Vice resident- - - {gg S;;“,;‘;’,, ·,;,,;,L;,· ·,§,· ·,; ············ for stationery ...... - .............. ·‘ _ _ » ·_ ·» for folding, etc.; reaggropriation .--. 162 €Xc1¤SiV°_ Tight Of; to 1S_S¤€ Sam? 1161* for compensation of nators; former mlts, **9-, H1 d€§18¤%,t€dk ¤d1¤¤ @3 appropriations available .------ 841 1`€§€l`V9·t10¤S m 1*9** Or --———· for Honorable Daniel W. Steck, pay Seneca _I ndzan School, Wyandotte, Qkla., as Senator _______________ __ _ _ 841 deficiency appropriation for repairs, etc- 855 for Edwin A. Halsey, Acting As- amount authorized for repairs, new sistant Docrkecper .......-.... 841 buildings, etc., at ---..-.--.-.- 252