Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1614

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3026 mnnx. Tokyo, Japan, Paso- Toombs, Hannah E. (widow), Pam appropriation for ground rent of pension increased ................... 1689 embassy ,__..._,...._..... 332, 1181 Toot, Amanda (widow), for additional land and construction pension increased ................... 1569 of buildings for Foreign Service Topographic Surveys, establishments at ...,,,.... 332, 1181 appropriation for, including lands in Tolbert, Mary E. (widow), national forests ............. 486, 961 pension increased ........... - ....... 1696 restriction on cooperative work Tolbert, Susan (widow), with States, etc ............. 486, 962 pension increased ................... 1854 deficiency appropriation for, in coopera- Tolbcrt, Susan A. (widow), tion with States, etc ........... 175 pension ............. . ............. . 1855 Top penish-S imcoe Indian I rrigation . Tole, Francis, System, Wash., T peéiskgi ........... . ............... 1823 appropriation for maintenance, etc.,6 946 0 e o, hio, o ___.......,___________,__ 4 7, preliminary examination, etc., of har- Torback, Francis S., bor, to be made, for construction pension increased ___________________ 1777 of breakwater, etc .....,...... 1020 Torbez, Olive A. (widow), Tolowiw River, Alaska, pension increased ................_,_ 1899 T iiripifoiiement of, authorized .......... 1015 Tgrpedoes, exe., Navy, UW! , YS-, a ro riation for urchase and manu- appropriation for Indian school atw - 471, 950 pp pfacturg of"? ______________ 603, 1285 deficiencyil appropriation for Indian 2 7 Toulouse, _[_ Hq SG 00 at ------··--V--- - -, -- — I 5 reimbursement etc. to .............. 1476 limit of cost increased, public building S 2 Town, Mary M_ iwidoip), 317 --.----. » ----~---·-------- 7 ension ..... - ...... .. ............. -- 1523 public building authorization for ..... 632 Togyn Sites, Alaska, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington ti-acts in, gccupigd by native Indians Nofioaai C€m6t<’Tt!» V¤·» or Eskimos, to be deeded to competitive designs for completion of, claimants _____ _ _______________ 629 etc., to be secured ............. 914 Tgwngry Prudence M_ (widow), EIDOUDYJ 8.l1thO1`1ZCd for ..... , .· ...... pgnsign inc[·gg,ggd_ _ ______ _ __________ subject to_ approval of designated Townsend, [mac, b b C%mn11ss1ons ................. 915 pension ____________________________ 1537 Tvm {Q 96 ivan T wnsend Lettie E. widow bridge authorized across, near Alice- 0pBl·,SiOn’incy€aSed_( _____ ___________ 1319 '1i1€, Ala ....... - .......... --- 214 Toxins, cfg, b€t\°€CYl ChOCt8V Bild ArI3.I'€DgO appropriation for regulating pl-opagg- C0¤¤tl€S- -—·------——--------— 216 tion, sale, etc., of .... - ...... 148, 1039 C°°h”m,°» A1? —-——-—————————-—---- 897 Toxins, etc., Animal, Mar Ga¤¤oav¤11a»A1a ----- - ------ 217. 894 appropriation mr regulating propaga- gggciagkxgi Ma --------------- 216, gg? T M mm, sue, em., ¤r ............ sor, 984

  • `. ·. ‘ ·--—··-·-···-····-··· 0 , `m

P¤<=ko¤av¤11o, Ala ·----------------- 898 d/esignated Liberty bonds to be returned survey of tributaries of, to be made,- 1015 to ___________________________ 1345 Tombigbee River, Miss., Tmchoma · preliminary examination, etc., of, to be 8 m ifiation for mvention of 8 i_

            • 1** -—---————————————---——-— wm pp pdemic P {iris 1039

Tamlioaaa Mah I- <wid~w>· for mw;a{5I{‘a£ ‘;2;";.;,;a;." rn- ’ pension increased ................... 1560 Iéiimé ’ " g 471 951 Tomlinson, Jennie (widow), ,,, '‘```‘`'’‘°'`` pension increased ___________________ 1691 1 rack §cale and TestjCar Depot, Master, Toinpkinsy Carlos, deficiency appropriation for acquiring military record corrected ............ 1794 ata foa etc -——----—-- - ---·---· 853 Tongass National Forest, Alaska, Tractor 8, M0!0'» _ proclamation modifying area of ....... 2578 €X0€Pi?€d from tax _ OH automobdo rightggunds Treaty with Russia not 01135518 and b0d16S- .......--.-- 93 ecte ..................... 2578 Trac Nellie J. (widow Tongue River Agency, Mont., pggrigion i¤ereased_ __{’ _______________ 1950 appropriation for auppom ata, of Ia- Trade Commission, Federal, qlaus 8-ty -----·--—· _ ——-· 4 73» 474- 953 appropriation for expenses of ...... 310, 1075 Tongue River Indian Reservation, Mont., . Y Trade Conferences, etc., amount authorized for expenses of de1e— 8 ro nation for attendance of FOP ates from coming to Washing- pp P · · gon ’ 746 eign Service omcers at- ....... 1181 Timkawa Agéiigii; 6,`i}£, ```'`` Trade Exhibition, International, _ appropriation fol support, Eta, Oi IH_ sum authorized for maintaining, etc., dians at 474 954 at New Orleans, La ........... 1095 Tonnage Duties, ’ Trade Mark _ Registration Bureau, I mer- proclamation suspending discriminat- nfmpnal, - ing, on vessels of Finland ...,._ 2607 appropriation for quota for, Habana, Tonncmacher, Anna C. (widow), Cuba ....... - ..... . ....... 339, 1189 pension ............................ 1542 Trade Marks and Trade Names, Tooheg, Laura J. (widow), Pan American convention for protect- pension increased ,..............._._ 1957 ing, etc ______________________ 2494