Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1630

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3042 INDEX. War Department—Continued. Pan. Wm- Deparrmenp-Continued, Paso. appropiiation for civil personnel, Miligg2 1133 deficiency appropriagpn fgrgxjfrmy .... 182, ureau .................... 1 19 6 883, 886 1259 for OHicers’ Reserve Corps, pay and I for Memorials te john ’Ada1ns and ’ allowances ................ 282, 1133 John Quincy Adams ~.......... 182 for Enlisted Reserve Corps, pay for restoration o Fort McHenry, Md- 183 f allowances, fetcfléga ---E--- 233, 1133 Eor Bagnidamege claims.6-h ...... 183 or expenses o qua rs an ., battl I · cmp, .................... 283,1133 °‘ §.e.'?e.`£f€L-i ..... f’.-`E-.°.‘i‘i‘I‘. 184 for Reserve Ofiicers’ Training Corps, for Volunteer Soldiers’ Home ....... 184, expenses of units of ........ 284, 1134 191, 879, 1260 for military supplies, etc., for other for judgments, United States courts, schools and colleges ........ 285, 1135 under .... - ............ 184, 880, 1255 for civilian training camps, equip- . for salvage judgments, United States ments, transportation, etc--- 285, 1135 district courts under .......... 184 for eizfpenses, promotion of rifle prgzéa 1136 for judigments, Court of Claimsé ice ...................... un er ...... - ,......... 185, 8 1 1256 no pay to officers, etc., using time ’ for increase of compensation ........ ’ 190, measuring devices on work of 193, 886, 1259 employees .......... - ...... 287, 1137 for arrears of pay, etc., Civil War--- 190, purchases from abroad admitted 193, 883, 886 free of duty ............... 287, 1137 for fortiiications--, ................ 190 for nonmilitary activities ........ 287, 1137 for Military Academy, , ........... 190 for Jennie Carroll .............. 287, 1137 for payment, loss of firearms, Colo- for Mabel H. Lazear- .......... 287, 1137 rado strike, 1914 .............. 190 got écihg Igrssigger ........... 287, for national c%mg?rggs---- ...... 190, 1260 or y e . es .............. --- o r rs increase o for national cemeteries ......... 287, 1138 r :Xg‘;e:satien_ ____ ________,__ 190 -for Antietam battle iield ........ 288, 1138 for Oregon and Washington volun- for disposition of remains of officers, teers ........................ 194 soldiers, and citizens ....... 288, 1138 for Vicksburg national military park- 194 for American cemeteries in Great for settling war contract claims of Britain and France- ........ 288, 1139 foreign governments ........... 876 for Ccinfederate cemeteries and buriéagg 1139 ger cggntingeniégrnigxpersllsesizifii ...... 876, p aces .................... , or jutant ner ’s ce ....... for burial of _Hot Springs Hospital for payment of checks drawn by mili- patiepcts in Little ock, Arlégg 1139 tary atticahé, (Santiago, lghile--- 876 ceme ry ....... - ......... - , amo ts c r e to attac ...... 876 for %gr1uments, etc., in Cuba aggg 1139 for Mcllzznnan goigaty, Texij ...... 877 `na .................... ‘ , for m mori ir 'nia are on for national military parks .... -- 289, 1139 Rganolge Island, C ..... 1--- 877 for survey of battle iields --..----.- 1140 for tablet to Roger Williams, in for national monuments -------. 290, 1141 Providence, R. I -------.---.-- 877 gor Vgta%bi1;1gtl?nLMuka cable, etc- ggg, for Re%gl1itlionaryN memorials at 877 ora ici ms ...-.-........ , · Whi ams . ..-- - -...... for surgical appliances --.-...--- 290, 1141 for buildings, etc.; from military post for trusses -----.--------.---.- 290, 1141 construction fund ..-.--------- 877 for Msdwl igiclv Surgical History géo 1141 for Harrisburg Real Estate Com- 878 e or ar -.----.....- , pany .---.-----...--.-...-... for· Washington’s birthplace -.-.- 290, 1141 for preservin , etc., historical fortifi- for California Débris Commission- 291, 1141 cations, San Juan, P. R- .-.-... 878 for roads, bridges, and trails, Alaska- for inspectiog of beilttle tiehlis, Appo- 878 mattox ourt ouse a ....... for· —AGoxi{ernment wharf, Juneau, 1142 for iiasgectignkof battle ’iields, Pea 878 as a----- .................. i , r - ..---.-----..-.--. for river and harbor work, preserva- for inspeiiion of Kenesaw Mountain, tion, maintenance, etc --.--. 291, 1142 " etc., battle fields in Georgia ..-. 878 ¤¤rv¤>; ef ¤<>¤“:her¤ arid ¤<>r‘¤hw¤¤g§1 1142 re- Moores Creek Military Peek, €!'¤ 8 W ° ° -—--—--——-·—-- y N. C -.........-.-..-..-....- 879 New Y°rk harbml d°p°°it° ··‘‘ 291* 1142 for judgments of United States courts for esaminations, surveys, etc., of under, in private Actsn _______ 880 sup,;§,m g?dT!g:·,?gSg·;'§{{e}' 3;,;,31 29* for judgments of United States tributades; amount increased courts under, Lever Act cases-- 880 and area gxfgndgd__ ___________ for d$·m8·§€Sy etcq suits IH sel- Muscle sheen, Dam Ne. 2, Ten- admrraltr ¤¤ sr ----- · ------ _ -- 881 f guage River-,_, -M .-...---.-. A 1142 for registration and selectgo&f<§1é 1259 or oo control, ississippi an ary service -----.- , , Sacramento Rivers .------.. 292, 1142 for Inland Waterways Corporation-- , 1254 for Volunteer Soldiers’ Home ---. 292, 1143 for Clyde L. West --..-.-.......... 1255 Board of Managers, etc., salar· for judgments, United States courts ies- ----------.-------.--. 294, 1144 commandeered lands, under -.-. 1255 for State or Territorial homes ---- 294, 1145 for Erinting and binding .--.-.----- 1259 for Panama Canal ..---... - -.... 294, 1145 for `brary, Surgeon General’s Oiiice- 1259 balances of designated appropria- for Panama Canal -..--.--.-------- 1259 tions covered into the reasury- 296 for Organized Reserves ..----..---- 1260