Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/801

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL ·UNION+-Aneusr 28, 1924. 2231 dispositions autres que celles men- sions other than those mentioned tiomees a l’alinea precedent; ·‘ » _ in the preceding paragraph. = o) la majorite absolue s’il s?agit s (c). bsolute majority if it is M»l¤r¤=r. `de`l’interp1·etation des disposi- .a question of interpreting the tions do la Convention et de son provisions of the Convention and Reglementghors le cas de dis- its Regulations, except the ease sentiment _a soumettre a l’arbi·- of disagreement to be submitted Am mc trage prevu‘a1’artic1e 10. ‘ acxibstibation contemplated by '°` '

   · el. I o.

2.-+Les Arrangements Exeut 2. Theltgreementsfixthe con- ¤¤¤¢¢¤¤¤¤ to be les conditions auxquelles est su- ditions to which the approval of °”°’ bordonnée Papprobation des pro- propositions concerning them is positions qui es eoncement. subyect. ‘ ` - Airrxcnne 21. Armour 21. N V he ‘ ot·ifieat·tor•` 0 t resolutions. Notiicatiom des resolutions., . f - . - » . The additions to and modifi- Notmemm of sp Les additions et les modifica- cations of the Convention. and.”°F,'; Swim CODM tions-ap rtees a la Convention Agreements areusanctioned by a mmm. et aux Xgrangements sont con- diplomatic declaration which-the sacrées par ime declaration diplo- Government of the Swiss Con- matique que le Gouvernement-de federation is changed withmak- a Confederation suisse est chang: mg up and transmitting, —at the d’etablir et de trsnsmettre it request of the International Bu- ' demands du Bureau international reau,>.to_the Governments of the aux Gouvernementsdes Pays con- contractmiicountries. - · tractauts. The ad tions to and modiji- ng; 1¤¤¤=¤¤¤<>¤¤¤ Les additions et les modiiica- cations of the Regulations are ` tions apportees aux Reglements established and communicated to sont constatees et not' ees,aux the_Adm1mstrations by the Inter- Administrations par le Bureau national Bureau. The same ap- " international. I1 en est de meme plies to the interpretations con- des intengrétations visees sous la templated under letter (o) of the lettre c) e‘1’artiole precedent. preceding Article, Anrronn 22. Anrxom 22. Execution. dee resolutions. Execution of the reeolutzbm. -Toute addition ou modiiica- No addition or modification ¤¤¤<=¤*•¢·*¤· tion- seoyte. n’est executoire que adopted is effective nmtil at least tiois mens, au moim, apres sa three months after. its notifica— notincation, ‘ t tion. Cnsrrrnn IV. Cmvrnu IV. DU nmmau INTERNATIONAL. 'rmm mrnnnauoxan nvnnau. ”{:•e•¤•uo¤s1·s¤. Anmonn 23. Aarrcnn 23. Attribution; General Atwibutiens. _ 1.-——Un 0Hice central fone- ». 1. A central Oiiice, function- mgggyggw ¤f·¤¤· taonnant a Berne sous la denomi- ing at Berne under the name of ` nation de Bureau international International Bureau of the de,l¥Union pnostale universelle, _et ‘ Universal Postal Union _ and place sous hautesurveillance placed under the supervision of de_ l’Administration des postes the Swiss Postal Administration, sunsses, sert d’organe de liaison, serves as an organ of liaison, in-