Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1047

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 901, 902. 1928 . Gas mains eaten- 126 . R eport of any failure on the part of gas companies in the lions. District of Columbia to ma ke reasonable extensions of their gas mains whenever they shall be necessary for maintaining street lamps for the public safety and comfort . (Statutes at Large, volume 27, page 544.) Vol .27,p .544. Miscellaneous. MISCELLANEOUS Ac ts of Philippine 127 . Acts of the Philippine Legislature . (Statutes at Large, vol- L pst, pr1348. ume 32, part 1 M page 712 ; Statut es at La rge, vol ume 39, part 1, page U.S. Code, p.1630 . 551 ; title 48, sect ion 1054, United States C ode .) Acts, etc., of Porto

128 . Ac ts and resolutions of the Legislature of Po rto Rico . Ri co esi p. 1348Le '

( Statutes at Large, volume 31, page 83 ; Statutes at Large, volume u . S. Code, p . 1622. 39, part 1, page 961 ; title 48, section 826, United States Code .) Committees on It s- SEC. 2. Every executive department and independent establish- pendituresof the House and Senate .

ment of the Government shall, upon request of the Committee on Departments, etc ., to furni sh in form ation re- Expenditures in the Executive Departments of the Mouse of Repre- quested by sentatives, or of any seven members thereof, or upon request of the Comm itte e on Exp endi ture s in the Exe cuti ve D epar tmen ts of the Senate, or any five members thereof, furnish any information requested of it relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of said committee . Int ernal revenu e re-

SE C. 3 . Section 3220, Revised Statutes (title 26, section 149, page fund s.,sec.3220,p.61s. 737, United States Code), as amended, is amended to read as follows Erroneously collected t REFIINDMENTS ; TAXES AND PENALTIES . -Th e Commissioner of be refunded . penal ties, etc ., to Interna l Revenu e, subje ct to re gulation s prescr ibed by the Secr etary U.lS 3Code,2p. 737, of the Treasury, is authorized to remit, refund, and pay back all amended .

taxes erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, all penalties Post, pp . 1035, 1613 . collected without authority, and all taxes that appear to be unjustly assessed or excessive in amount, or in any manner wrongfully col- men payragainst 'uog d lected ; also to repay to any collector or deputy collector the full lectors. amount of su ch sums of money as may be recovered against him in any cour t, for a ny inter nal-reven ue taxes collect ed by hi m, with the cost and expense of suit ; also all damages and cost recovered against any assessor, as sistant assessor , collector, depu ty collector, ag ent, or inspector, in any suit brought against him by reason of anything done Report of refunds in in the due performance of his official duty, and shall make report to e xcess of $500, to c on- grass . Congress, by internal-revenue districts and alphabetically arranged of all refunds in excess of $500, at the beginning of each regular session of Congress of all transactions under this section ." Approved, May 29, 1928 . May 29, 1928 .

[H. R . 11981 .]

CHAP. 902 .-An Act To authorize officers of the Medical Corps to account [Public, No. 612 .] certain servi ce in comput ing their ri ghts for reti rement, and for other pu rposes . Army.

Be it enacted by the Senate and Ho use of Representatives of the Officers of Medical L nited States of America in Congress assembled, That in computing Corps credited for ac- tive services in Medical length of service for purposes of retirement in the case of an officer Reserve Corps, etc., in of the Medical Corps of the Army, active duty performed as a mem- co mputi ng r ight for re- tirement, etc . ber of the Medical Reserve Corps or as a contract surgeon, acting assistant surgeon, or contract physician, under a general contract obligating him to serve full time and to take station and change station as ordered, shall be credited to the same extent as service u nder a R egul ar A rmy comm issi on . Approved, May 29, 1928 .