Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1178

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 102. 1929 . Tides, currents, and so forth : For continuing researches in physical hydrography, relating to harbors and bars, and for tidal and cur- rent observations on the coasts of the United States, or other coasts under the jurisdiction of the United States, $27,000 . Coast Pilot : For compilation of the Coast Pilot, including the employment of such pilots and nautical experts, and stenographic help in the field and office as may be necessary for the same, $6,500 . Magnetic work : For continuing magnetic and seismological obser- vations and to establish meridian lines in connection therewith in all parts of the United States ; making magnetic and seismological observations in other regions under the jurisdiction of the United St at es ; purchase of additional magnetic and seismological instru- me nts ; lease of sites where necessary and the erection of temporary magnetic and seismological buildings ; and including the employ- ment in the field and office of such magnetic and seismological observers and stenographic services as may be necessary, $47,380 . Federal, boundary, and State surveys : For continuing the lines of exact levels between the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts ; deter- mining geogra phic positions by triangulation and traverse for the control of Federal, State, boundary, county, city, and other surveys and engineering works in all parts of the United States ; determin- ing field astronomic positions and the variation of latitude, including the main tena nce and oper atio n of the lat itud e ob serv ator y at Uki ah, California, not exceeding $2,500 ; establishing lines of exact levels, dete rmin ing geog raph ic p osit ions by tria ngul atio n an d tr aver se, and making astronomic observations in Alaska ; and continuing gravity observations in the United States and for making such observations in regions under the jurisdiction of the United States and also on islanci's and coasts adjacent thereto, $88,600 . For executing precise triangulation and leveling in regions subject to earthquakes, $10,000 ; For special surveys that may be required by the Bureau of Light- houses or other proper authority, and contingent expenses incident thereto, $3,000 ; For objects not hereinbefore named that may be deemed urgent, including the preparation or purchase of plans and specifications of vessels and the employment of such hull draftsmen in the field and office as may be necessary for the same ; the reimbursement, under rules prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce, of officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for food, clothing, medicines, and other supplies furnished for the temporary relief of distressed persons in remote localities and to shipwrecked persons temporarily pro- vided for by them, not to exceed a total of $550 ; actual necessary expenses of officers of the field force temporarily ordered to the office in the District of Columbia for consultation with the director, and not exceeding $1,000 for the expenses of the attendance of representa- tives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey who may be designated as delegates from the United States at the meetings of the International Research Council or of its branches and of the International Hydrographic Bureau, $4,200 . Vessels : For repairs of vessels, including traveling expenses of persons inspecting the repairs, and exclusive of engineer's supplies and other ship chandlery, $78,000 . For all necessary employees to man and equip the vessels, includ- ing professional seamen serving as mates on vessels of the survey, to execute the work of the survey herein provided for and authorized by law, $653,000 . Pay, commissioned officers : For pay and allowances prescribed by law for commissioned officers on sea duty and other duty, holding relative rank with officers of f the Nav y, i nclu ding one dir ecto r, w ith Coast Pilot . 1127 Physical hydrogra- phy . Magne tic and seis- mological in vestiga- tions, etc . Federal, State, etc ., surveys . Determining lines of exact levels . Uk iah Observat ory . Alaska observations . Earthquake regions. Special surveys . Mis cellaneous . Relieving ship . wrecked persons, etc. A ttend ing Inte rna- tional Research Coun- cil, etc. Vessels . Rep airs, etc . Equipment em. ployees . Pay, etc ., comm ix stone d officers,