Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/126

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I . CH. 57. 1928 .

75 ing expenses, and such other expenses in the United States and elsewhere as the President may deem proper, $350,000 . INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES COMMI SSION For the share of the United States of the expenses of the Inter- national Fisheries Commission, established under the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded March 2, 192 3, inclu ding salaries of two member s and other e mployees of t he com- mission, traveling expenses, purchase of books, periodicals, furniture, and scientific instruments, contingent expenses, rent in the District of Columbia, and such other expenses in the United States and elsew here as the P resident may d eem proper, t o be disburse d under the direction of the Secretary of State, $36,500 . INTE RNATIO NAL STA TISTICA L INST ITU1l AT THE HA GUE International Static For the annual contribution of the United States to the Inter- tical Bureau. national Statistical Bureau at The Hague for the year 1 929, as authorized by public resolution approved April 28, 1924, $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State . INTERNATIONAL WATER COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND MEXICO Ri o Grande, Colo- For a s tudy i n coop erat ion with rep rese ntat ives of the Gove rnme nt rado River, etc. of Mexico regarding the equitable use of the waters of the lower with oMexico, e of s equy Rio Grande, of the lower Colorado, and of the Tia Juana Rivers, for table use of. the purpose of securing information on which to base a treaty with Post, p . 1106. the Government of Mexico relative to the use of the waters of these rivers for irrigation and other beneficial purposes, including salaries of commissioners and other employees, transportation, subsistence, printing and binding, and such other miscellaneous expenses, includ- ing necessary travel to and from points in the Republic of Mexico, as the President may deem proper, $35,000, to be immediately Provi so . available : Provided, That any moneys contributed by or received Meaieo of moneys from from the Republic of Mexico after the approval of this Act for th e purp ose of coopera ting o r assis ting in this work sh all be availa ble for expenditure in connection with this appropriation for the pur- poses for which contributed in like manner as if said sums had been specifically appropriated for said purposes . INTERNATIONAL ROAD CONGRESS International Road To pay the quota of the United Sta tes in the Pe rmanent Associ a- Con gresses . tion of International Road Congresses, as authorized by the public Vol. 44, p. 754. resolution app roved June 18, 1926, $3,000 . INTERNATIONAL MAP OF THE WORLD International map of For the share of the United States of the expenses of the central the world . bureau of the international map of the world for the calendar year Vol . 44, p. 384. 1928, $30 .


sition, Seville, Spain . For expenses of participation, as authorized by public resolution se Participation expen - ses . approved March 3, 1925, in an international exposition to be held at Post, p. 913. Seville, Spain, and for all purposes of the said resolution, including purchase of land, printing and binding, and traveling expenses, Use restricted . $200,000, this appropriation not to be available except for the pur- Vol.43,p. 1256. poses of participation in the exposition commencing April 27, 1927, proviso. or in that exposition postponed to any other date : Provided, That 30 Available until June 54835•-29-p-r 1

9 International Hali- but Fisheries Commis- sion . Share of expenses. Vol.43,p.1841.