Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1263

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 227. 1929 . Proviso . C ost of producing rice, $409,000 : Provided, That of this amount $150,000 may be used staples .

in asc ertainin g the co st of pr oduction of the principa l staple agri- Distributi

cultural products . ng ac- quired information of Marketi ng and distrib uting farm pr oducts : For acquiring and farm products, market- diffusing among the people of the United States useful information ing, etc . on subjects connected with the marketing, handling, utilization, grading, transportation, an d distributing of farm and nonmanufac- tured food products and the purchasing of farm supplies, including Promoting elassifiea'- tion standards .

the demonstration and promotion of the use of uniform standards . of classification of Americ an farm products throughout the world, Cotton and by-prod- including scientific and technical research i nto Ame rica n-gr own ucts research . Ante, p . 426. cotton and its by-products and their present and potential uses including new and additional commercial and scientific uses for cot ton and its by-p rodu cts, and for col lect ing and disseminating information on the adjustment of production to probable dema nd for the different farm and animal products, independently and in cooperation with other branches of the department, State agencies, Cost of retail market- purcha sing an d cons uming o rganiza tions, and pe rsons e ngaged in ing of meat, etc . the marketing, handling, utilization, grading, transportation, and distrib uting of farm an d food p roducts, and for investi gation o f the economic costs of retail marketing of meat and meat products, Forms rviso. of wool and $774,900 : Provided, That practical forms of the grades recommended mohair grad es to be or promulgated by the Secretary for wool and mohair may be sold sold' under such ru les an d regul ations as he may pre scribe, and the receipts therefrom deposited in the Treasury to the credit of miscel- laneous receipts . General agric ultural Crop and livestock estimates : For collecting, compiling, abstract- and livestock informa- tion .

ing, ana lyzi ng, summ ariz ing, int erpr etin g, and publishing data Collecting, etc., data . rela ting to agri cult ure, inc ludi ng c rop and livestock estimates, acreage, yield, grades, staples o f cotton , stocks , and va lue of f arm crops, and numbers, grades, and value of livestock and livestock products on farms, in cooperation with the Extension Service and Provisos. Dis seminating i nfor- other Federal, State, and local agencies, $845,000 : Provided, That mation of world supply $113, 000 shall be available for collecting and disseminating to and need of American agricultural products, American producers, importers, exporters, and other interested e tc' persons information relative to the world supply of and need for America n agric ultural produ cts, ma rketin g methods, conditions, prices, and other factors, a knowledge of which is necessary to the advantageous disposition of such products in forei gn count ries, independently and in cooperation with other branches of the Govern- ment, State agencies, purchasing and con suming organizations, and persons engaged in the transportation, marketing, and distribution of farm and food products, including the purchase of such books intended cotton acre- and periodicals as may be necessary in c onnection with this work age planting excluded . Provid ed f urthe r, That no part of the funds herein appropriated .shall be available for any expense incident to ascertaining, collating, or publishing a report stating the intentions of farmers as to the acreage to be planted in cotton . u ctP .er ish abl ef arm pro d- Market inspection of farm products : For enabling the Secretary C ertif ying cond ition s of Agricul ture, in dependen tly and in coope ration w ith othe r branch es of shipments thereof, at central markets, of the Government, State agencies, purchasing and c onsumi ng organizations, boards of trade, chambers of commerce, or other associations of business men or trade organizations, and persons or corporations engaged in the production, transportation, marketing, and distribution of farm and food products, whether operating in . one or more jurisdictions, to investigate and certify to shippers and other interested parties the class, quality, and/or condition of cotton, tobacco, and fruits, vegetables, poultry, butter, hay, and other perish- able farm products when offered for interstate shipment or when re ceived a t such importa nt cent ral ma rkets a s the S ecreta ry of I