Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1273

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1222 February 16, 1929 . [H.J. Res.304.] [Pub . Res ., No. 86.] Pulas ki Sesquicen- tennial Commission . Composition of. Filling vacancies . No Fed eral pay therefor. Cooperation for ob- servance in the United States, of 150th anni- vers ary of deat h of Brigadier General Cas- imir Pulaski. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHs . 229, 230, 257. 1929 . CHAP . 229 .-Joint Resolution Providing for the observance and commemo- ration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the death of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski, and establishing a commission to be known as the United States Pulaski Sesquicentennial Commission Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United St ates o f America in Cong ress ass embled, That there is hereby estab- li shed a c ommissio n to be known as the Uni ted Stat es Pulas ki Sesqu i- centennial Commission (hereinafter referred to as the commission) and to be composed of five commissioners as follows : One person to be appointed by the President of the United States, two Senators by the President of the Senate, and two Members of the House of Repre- sentatives by the Speaker of the House of Representatives . Any vacancy in the office of a commissioner shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment . The commissioners shall serve without compensation therefor from the United States . The c om- mission shall select a chairman from among its members . SEC. 2. The commission is authorized to arr an ge in cooperation with any organization or society without cost to the United States an appropriate observance and commemoration to take place in the month of October, 1929, of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the death of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski, and to partici- pat e, on behalf of the United States, in su ch manner as it deems advisable, in any other observance or celebration of such anniversary which may be held in the United States during the year 1929 . Approved, Febr uary 16, 1929 . February 16, 1929 .

[II.J. Res. 153.]

CHAP. 230.-Joint Resolution For the contribution of the United States [Pub. Res., No. 87.] in the pl ans of the org anizat ion of the Int ernati onal So ciety f or the Explor ation of the Arctic Regions by Means of the Airship . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, in compliance with the recommendation of the President contained in his message of Janu ary 4, 19 28, prin ted as Hous e Do cume nt N umbe red 133, Sev - entieth Congress, first session, an annual appropriation for five years of $300 is hereby authorized as the contribution of the United States in the plans of the organization of the International Society for the Exploration of the Arctic Regions by Means of the Airship for the establishment of geophysical observations in the inner Arctic regions . Approved, February 16, 1929 . International Society for Exploration of Arc- tic Regions by Airship. Annual contribution to, a uthorized . Post, p. 1652. Composition and au- thority . February 8, 1929.

[S . r1271 .) CHAP . 257 .-An Act To more effectively meet the obligations of the United [Publ ic, No. 7 70 .] States under the migratory bird treaty with Great Britain by lessening the dangers threatening migratory game birds from drainage and other causes, by the acqui- sition of areas of land and of water to furnish in perpetuity reservations for the adequate protection of such birds; and authorizing appropriations for the establishment of such areas, their maintenance and improvement, and for other purposes . servation Act

Be it enacted by the Senate and Ho use of Representatives of the Migrat ory sirs Con • United States of America in Congres s assembled, Tha t th is Act . sh all be k nown by the shor t title of " Migratory Bird Con servation Act." Migratory Bird Con- servation Commission, SEC. 2. Th at a commission to be known as the Migratory Bird cr eat ed .

C onserv ation Comm ission, con sisti ng of the S ecret ary of Agri cul- ture, as chairman, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of the Interior, and two Members of the Senate, to be selected by the President of the Senate, and two Members of the House of Repre- sentatives to be selected by the Speaker, is hereby created and