Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1353

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1302 New authorizations . a Hospital, toward completion, $35,000 ; for officers' quarters, $180,600 ; for noncommissioned officers' quarters, $14,400 ; for bakery, $15,000 ; for fire house, $10,000 ; and for stables, $45,000 ; in all, Proviso.

$300,000 : Provided, That there is hereby authorized to be made avail- Forme r appropria- tion available .

able for the purposes of this Act $300,000 of the amount contained in Ante, P .

th e Firs t Defi ciency Act, fiscal year 192 8, approved December 22, 1927, for military posts ." Fort Jay, N. Y.

Fort Jay, New York : Hospital, $400,000 : Provided, That no new Proviso.

construction shall be built on that part of Governors Island west of a ti Construction restric- line running in a northwest and southeasterly direction across the island and paralleling the eastern face of the regimental barracks building at a distance of three hundred feet . Mitchel Field, N . Y . Mitchel Field, New York : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $216,000 ; officers' quarters, $660,000 ; hospital, $150,000 . Fort Monmouth, Fo rt Monm out h, New Je rse y : Nonco mmissi oned o fficer s' qua rters, N.J.

$100,000 ; officers' quarters, $25 0,00 0. Plattsburg Barracks, Plattsburg Barracks, New York : Barracks, $45,000 ; addition to N. Y.

hospital, $55,000. Raritan Arsenal . Raritan Arsenal, New Jersey : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, N.J. $42,000 ; hospital, $50, 000 . Fort Slocum, N. Y. Fort Slocu m, New York : Bar racks , $1 80,0 00 . Fort Wa dsworth, Fort Wadsworth, New York : Barracks, $50,000 ; noncommissioned N. Y.

officers' quarters, $30,000. Aberd een, Md .

Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland : Hospital, $60,000 . Carlisle Barracks,Pa .

Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania : Mess hall and kitchen, $110,000 . Fort Humpbreys,Va . Fort Humphreys, Virginia : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $274,000. La ngley Field, Va .

Langley Field, Virginia : Barracks, $764 ,160 ; noncommissioned off icers' quarters, $216,000 ; officers' quarters, $480,000 ; hospital, $175,000 ; construction of a sea wall and for necessary fill, $200,000 . Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Leonard Wood, which shall hereafter be known as Fort George MName changed to G . Meade, Maryland : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $50,000 ; Fort George G . Meade. nurses' quarters, $40,000 ; officers' Y arters, $210,000. Fort Monroe, Virginia : Officers quarters, $200,000. Fort Benning, Georgia : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $526,000 ; officers' quarters, $114 ,000 ; dispensary, $60,000. For t Br agg, No rth Caro lina : Noncom missio ned of ficers ' quar ters, $144,000 ; nurses' quart ers, $60,000 ; officers' quarters, $496 ,000 ; hospital, $100,000 . Maxwell Field, Alabama : Officer's quarters, $300,000 ; barracks, $178,000 ; noncommissioned officers' quarters, $188,150 ; quartermaster wa rehou se, $45, 000 ; quartermaster maintenance building, $15,000 ; garage, $40,000 ; fire station, $15,000 ; guardhouse, $20,000 ; post ex- change, $25,000 ; ordnance magazine, $15,000 ; hospital, $75,000 ; stables, $20,000 ; railroad spur, $5,000 ; telephone and telegraph system, $31,250 . Camp McClellan, Alabama : Hospital, $100,000. Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana : Noncommissioned officers quar- ters, $54,000 ; service club, $50,000 . Erie Ordnance Depot, Ohio : Hospital, $75,000. Selfridge Field, Michigan : Officers quarters, $465,000 ; construction of a sea wall, and for necessary fill, $230,400 . Fort Leavenworth, Kansas : H os pit al w ard , $75,000. Marshall Field, Kansas : Barracks, $125,000 ; noncommissioned officers' quarters, $144,000 ; officers' quarters, $300 ,000 . Fort Riley, Kansas : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $150,000 ; nurses' quarters, $50,000 . Fort Snelling, Minnesota : Officers' quarters, $54,500. Camp Normoyle, Texas : Barracks, $180,000 . Fort Monroe , Va . Fort Benning, Ga . Fort Bragg, N. C. Maxwell Field, Ala. Camp McCle llan, Ala . Fort Benjamin Har- rison, I nd . Erie Ordnance De- pot, Ohio. Selfridge Field, Mich . Fo rt Leavenw orth, Kans. Marshall Field, Kans. Fort Riley, Kans. Fort Snelling, Minn . Camp Normoyle, Tax. SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 316 . 1929 .